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  • Feb 3, 2008, 07:55 PM
    Why won't my boyfriend tell me he loves me?
    :confused: Hi, I have dating this guy for about two years. I don't tell him I love him because he does not say it to me. We get along great. I asked him a few times. if he loves me and He get's upset, and say's you can't put a time frame on love. I feel he loves me or I would not stay with him. He has been hurt in the past by his ex and his family, so I think he is just scared to really open up. What do you think?
  • Feb 3, 2008, 07:58 PM
    Sand Daddy
    You are a little vague on the details about the relationship other than the length. With that said, after 2 years I would pray this guy has some clue as to the extent of his emotions for you. It does take time for some, and some are more reserved than others, but reservations often do more harm than good. Relationships are tough enough without the emotional barriers.
  • Feb 3, 2008, 08:02 PM

    Originally Posted by daisy27
    :confused: Hi, I have dating this guy for about two years. I dont tell him i love him because he does not say it to me. We get along great. I asked him a few times.,if he loves me and He get's upset, and say's you can't put a time frame on love. I feel he loves me or i would not stay with him. He has been hurt in the past by his ex and his family, so i think he is just scared to really open up. What do you think?

    HE DOES NOT LIKE TALKING ABOUT HIS FEELINGS. HE WAS WITH A GIRL FOR THREE YEARS MARRIED HER THEN SHE CHEATED. He talks about our future together, wants to have a baby in the future, how can you grow in a realationship if he can't even tell me he loves me.
  • Feb 3, 2008, 08:56 PM
    Loving somebody and a time frame are two different things.
    People tell others they love them and it doesn't have anything to do with time.

    Many guys do have a (hard) IMPOSSIBLE time saying I love you.
    Many guys NEVER say I love you.
    You will have to go by his actions. They say actions speak louder than words.
    If he has been hurt in the past it could have left deep emotional scars.
  • Feb 3, 2008, 10:28 PM
    Simple Asian
    well... seem like you really want him to say ilove you to you... as in like really really...

    that the problem... you can't make pplz say that... even if you did... it doesn't have any mreaning unless that person say it without pplz pressuring it ^^

    as a guy I no that... and yeah even me... we have a hard time saying I love you to someone.. b.c it just a thing that we don't really do... we don't say it but we show it.. we show it by action... by the way we treat you and be there with you..

    he seem like he really like/love you and so do you..

    so why not just be easy on that ?>... give it some more time ^^
  • Feb 3, 2008, 11:04 PM
    Wait wait wait... just because a guy doesn't say he loves you doesn't mean he's cheating on you...

    ... WHAT?!

    Also, just because a guy doesn't TELL you he loves you doesn't mean he doesn't.

    1. he's been cheated on. That is a HUGE emotional hit to the guy... and maybe he has a bit of a hard time opening up. You pressuring him to drop the L-word won't help.

    2. does he treat you well? Do you trust him? If that's the case, why does he need to say it? As long as he acts upon it... there are PLENTY of guys out there that'll say the word and then not act upon it. Words are cheap.

    It's one thing if he tells you he loves you but doesn't act like it. If you truly feel like he likes you and he respects you... then don't pressure him. You may push him away just to hear that L-word.

    I've only dropped the L-word to one girl in my entire life... and that took about a year and a half... because I REALLY wanted to make sure it was love.

    Main point is, he'll open up when he wants to. If you can't handle simply not hearing the words from his mouth, perhaps you should find someone that'll just drop the L-word immediately.
  • Feb 3, 2008, 11:19 PM
    I think maybe he doesn't love you. Not saying it is better than lying to mke you happy.
  • Feb 3, 2008, 11:23 PM
    This is a possibility, but from my experience, that's not always the case. Remember, he's been cheated on by his wife. It may be a little hard to open up again like that.
  • Feb 3, 2008, 11:32 PM
    My concern is not that he doesn't say it, but that he gets upset when you ask him. My ex-boyfriend wouldn't tell me he loved me, so I would ask from time to time. Once, I asked, "Do you love me", he said of course I do. Then I said, then why don't you tell me, he said he just couldn't say it, but that I was on his mind from the start of the day until the end and that he always made time for me because he loved me. I was happy for about one year and a half, until the truth came up, I wanted to get married and he said, "I love you, but not enough to marry you." It's been about 8 years since and he is still single and now 49. I personally think that after 2 years, he should know what he feels and he should be honest with you and tell you what he really feels. Yes, it's true, men are not poets (most). However, it doesn't take much to tell you what he feels, after all, aren't you asking him!!
  • Feb 4, 2008, 12:24 AM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u
    Many guys NEVER say I love you.
    You will have to go by his actions. They say actions speak louder than words.

    I've been married 40 years to a man who has never said "I love you." It's just not something men in his family do. They go to work every day, they bring home a paycheck once a week, they don't hit the bars after work but come home to do yard work or to clean out the garage, they take out the garbage once a week without being reminded, they help with the baby on weekends, and they do errands or chores when asked. But never "I love you."
  • Feb 4, 2008, 05:38 PM
    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts. He once said that men show how they feel not say it. So on that note I believe he loves me because he is the most thoughtful caring person I have ever been with. He took on the role of dad two my kids. He does not have kids. He is the best thing that ever happened to them. He is kind, affectionate, and truly loves them. He always has a hug ready and is always telling them he loves them. I guess I was feeling insecure, but when I think of how great my life is now because of him, I know he loves me. Thanks again for your thoughts.
  • Feb 4, 2008, 05:47 PM
    It is best to keep a good thing you have than give it up and have nothing but a wish.

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