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  • Jan 21, 2008, 06:04 PM
    Jobs for felons
    I am trying to help a young fellow, who do to an addiction stole a car and now is a convicted felon. He is clean and is looking to get back into society.

    Where do we steer this young man?
  • Jan 21, 2008, 06:20 PM
    The 12 step programs are a great place to not only stay clean but network while getting on your feet. People will offer him jobs and all kinds of doors can open up in this venue.
  • Jan 21, 2008, 06:26 PM
    The same place anyone finds a job, they go out and apply and apply and apply. What type of experince, what did they have before. There are jobs but they have to get out and apply to dozens of places every day.
  • Jun 16, 2008, 09:12 AM
    You have posted this same site 9 times while explaining that you get paid for "on line services" and are featured on the site -

    I further note sometimes you are handicapped and other times you are a convicted felon.

    These posts should be pulled as they serve no one's interest but your own.
  • Jul 13, 2008, 03:51 PM
    Churches will often have programs for people of this matter (Not sure if you have to belong to the church or if they expect you to join after the help or not)
  • Jul 16, 2008, 06:58 AM
    I am having the same problem, I am a convicted felon for a DUI from 2005. I did my 4 months in jail, found a job at one restaurant , then another that didn't do background checks, I was making a lot of money, but my owners were quite the alcoholics and the environment in a whole was bad for me, he and I never got along, and though I was always at my shifts, day or night, walking biking, rainstorms, snowstorms, I was quite loyal , the man just hated me, he was always drunk and making up stories about me.

    He kept threatening me to fire me, and then one Sunday morning before I went to work, I get a call from my Supervisor, She says "the boys" the owners don't want you to come back in.
    Long story short, I had no problem gettnig unemployment since this resteraraunt had a rep with the labor board, and they had no reason to fire me, and in a way I was glad to be out.

    Well that was 7 months ago, I have applied more places than I can tell you. The felony is killing me. I have an excellent background in Customer Service, I have worked for insurance companies, cable, I was once a Lead Credit Collector.

    Now it's like being blacklisted.

    My unemployment runs out this week, I'm scared to death. I've been denied by grocery stores, retail stores, it's just unbelievable. Never mind the industries I was in before.

    I am from CT and my probation officer hooked me up with this place called AIC / It is a community renewal team, and they are trying to help me find a job, your friend may want to look into any such places like that in the community.

    Though I am still unemployed, it is helpful to know I have someone out there helping me. Says he won't quit till he finds me a job.

    It is very difficult and unfair in most cases, and unfortunately with today's job market, it's even worse, but you have to keep trying. Because there is nothing else to do.

    It's no wonder people go back to their old ways, no one wants to give you a break. People make mistakes, we do what we have to , to make up for them, better ourselves, and society won't give us a break...

    Tell your friend to see if there is any AIC ( Alternative Incarceration Center) or Community Renewal Team near him... They may be able to help... Good luck
  • Jul 17, 2008, 03:52 PM
    Getting work is a real problem with felons personal information so easy to access on the internet. I think he'll have to take labor in lawn care or restaurant work for awhile. I hope he is attending AA and NA meetings regularly, learning how to live clean and sober, and building up a network to help him through. In the meantime, he could take some classes that might help him find a better position down the road. Perhaps, if he's successful in the program, he can find work in a treatment center after a couple of years. Patience is needed. Good luck!
  • Jul 17, 2008, 08:59 PM

    Originally Posted by purplewings
    Getting work is a real problem with felons personal information so easy to access on the internet. I think he'll have to take labor in lawn care or restaurant work for awhile. I hope he is attending AA and NA meetings regularly, learning how to live clean and sober, and building up a network to help him through. In the meantime, he could take some classes that might help him find a better position down the road. Perhaps, if he's successful in the program, he can find work in a treatment center after a couple of years. Patience is needed. Good luck!

    Purplewing:: can't even imagine how you came up with that. You have no clue, so I am sure he will appreciate your blessings, god, are you going to be on every site I go on.. You have no clue what it is to deal with what we do.. so , go back to wherever, this person really needs help.. Purplewings, get off a place you Know nothing about , unless you can help this person, or do you want to turn it into all the other sites you enter.. You feed on this..

    Hey, she is so much sadder than you or I.. Believe me.. Please... I'm not a liar.. She feasts on people in need like you and I , trust me, I have been on a political board with her for two days and she is non-stop.. You have a life, and people on here will ty to f- with you, she is like a bad actress waiting to have a career, Please don't respond to her.. She is so two faced and I found that out in two days, and I am new like you,, s
  • Jul 17, 2008, 09:11 PM

    Originally Posted by reesetess
    Purplewing:: can't even imagine how you came up with that. You have no clue, so I am sure he will appreciate your blessings, god, are you gonna be on every site I go on.. You have no clue what it is to deal with what we do.. so , go back to wherever, this person really needs help.. Purplewings, get off a place you Know nothing about , unless you can help this person, or do you want to turn it into all the other sites you enter.. You feed on this..

    Hey, she is so much sadder than you or I.. Believe me.. Please... I'm not a liar.. She feasts on people in need like you and I , trust me, I have been on a political board with her for two days and she is non-stop.. You have a life, and people on here will ty to f- with you, she is like a bad actress waiting to have a career, Please don't respond to her.. She is so two faced and I found that out in two days, and I am new like you,.,, s

    You anger me , so much, you must be so bored giving your ill f'n advice to people who come here for help.. God, I don't like you.. at all... I have no doubt you are recovering from something, that would be a given, leave this person alone, unless you fess up, you have no idea what this person is feeling, does that matter. I totally apologize to anyone who has to read this crap, but Purplewing,I;m sorry to say , has no life.. what do you do , LOL< it's just a game to you because your bored, to others, it's nice when you find someone with true sincerity, and from your up and down post, I hope this person doesn't listen, I can't believe I have to fight with someone like you, to protect someone I don't know, from your foolish bullsht... Go back to politics.. you could make someone like you, from what I have read, you nothing but mean.. And want other people to feel as lonely and bad as you do...
  • Jul 18, 2008, 05:15 AM

    Originally Posted by reesetess
    You anger me , so much, you must be so bored giving your ill f'n advice to people who come here for help.. God, I don't like you.. at all ..... I have no doubt you are recovering from something, that would be a given, leave this person alone, unless you fess up, you have no idea what this person is feeling, does that matter. I totally apologize to anyone who has to read this crap, but Purplewing,I;m sorry to say , has no life.. what do you do , LOL< it's just a game to you because your bored, to others, it's nice when you find someone with true sincerity, and from your up and down post, I hope this person doesn't listen, I can't believe I have to fight with someone like you, to protect someone I don't know, from your foolish bullsht... Go back to politics.. you possibly could make someone like you, from what I have read, you nothing but mean.. And want other people to feel as lonely and bad as you do...

    I don't know what your problem is but this site doesn't belong to you and I answer where I think I can be of help. You can't stop me and if you ever write something like this with my name on it on a board again, I will report it as abuse.

    I've raised 4 sons and certainly do know what I'm talking about. It may not be helpful to someone with your problem - I think you have many of them - but it may help the person writing. If it doesn't, it certainly doesn't hurt them either. That person may not be as downright mean spirited as you seem to be.

    Have a great day!
  • Aug 20, 2008, 06:28 AM
    So you are convicted of a felony, so what. I will say up front that it depends on what kind of a felony conviction you have. If it is violent you will have a harder time. If you were convicted for something as harmless as marijuana. Explain it. You will find that far more people are sympathic to people who get busted for drugs than are not. Times are changing 12 step programs are a joke you have to surrender any thoughts that you are in control and turn your life over to a higher power. Not the way to get ahead. If you have a problem.. try moderation in all things. You know if you lie on an employment form the worst thing that can happen is that you will get fired if found out the best thing is you will get a chance to explain. If they are decent caring people it won't be a problem. If you get fired do it again. It usually takes a while for them to find out. Menial labor sucks and if you have done your time and finished up probation or supervised release or parole or whatever you call it. You have paid for your crime. Don't let anyone tell you they are better than you. Go out and take a job, be devious.. do what you have to.. life is too short
  • Aug 20, 2008, 06:31 AM

    Originally Posted by cajoler
    So you are convicted of a felony, so what. I will say up front that it depends on what kind of a felony conviction you have. If it is violent you will have a harder time. if you were convicted for something as harmless as marijuana. Explain it. You will find that far more people are sympathic to people who get busted for drugs than are not. times are changing 12 step programs are a joke you have to surrender any thoughts that you are in control and turn your life over to a higher power. Not the way to get ahead. If you have a problem..try moderation in all things. You know if you lie on an employment form the worst thing that can happen is that you will get fired if found out the best thing is you will get a chance to explain. If they are decent caring people it won't be a problem. If you get fired do it again. It usually takes a while for them to find out. Menial labor sucks and if you have done your time and finished up probation or supervised release or parole or whatever you call it. You have paid for your crime. Don't let anyone tell you they are better than you. Go out and take a job, be devious.. do what you have to is too short

    Totally incorrect and illegal advice - follow this advice, be found out and the felon now has a felony record AND a bad reference. Word gets around.

    Anyway, this thread should be closed.
  • Aug 20, 2008, 08:12 AM
    [QUOTE=Comments on this post
    cajoler disagrees: It is totally correct and I doubt if you have had the problem. You don't know what you are talking about and this thread does not need to be closed just because you don't like it..[/QUOTE]

    You are absolutely right - I have never been arrested or convicted or a crime. Got it right there. I even have a professional license and am employed!

    The thread is old and should be closed - nothing to do with liking or not liking it.
  • Aug 20, 2008, 05:59 PM

    Originally Posted by cajoler
    So you are convicted of a felony, so what. I will say up front that it depends on what kind of a felony conviction you have. If it is violent you will have a harder time. if you were convicted for something as harmless as marijuana. Explain it. You will find that far more people are sympathic to people who get busted for drugs than are not. times are changing 12 step programs are a joke you have to surrender any thoughts that you are in control and turn your life over to a higher power. Not the way to get ahead. If you have a problem..try moderation in all things. You know if you lie on an employment form the worst thing that can happen is that you will get fired if found out the best thing is you will get a chance to explain. If they are decent caring people it won't be a problem. If you get fired do it again. It usually takes a while for them to find out. Menial labor sucks and if you have done your time and finished up probation or supervised release or parole or whatever you call it. You have paid for your crime. Don't let anyone tell you they are better than you. Go out and take a job, be devious.. do what you have to is too short

    Being devious? Supervised release or parole or whatever you call it? Obviously YOU haven't the faintest clue of what you are talking about. AND most employers I've ever met are not so warm and fuzzy about hiring someone who was busted for drugs. What planet have you been hiding on? Times may be changing in your mind about these employers, but in the real world, most employers are squares and don't want anything to do with druggies.

    The less said about the conviction the better. You can tell the employer the facts period and then go on to tell the employer what you can do for their company. That's the most important part - what you can do for them to encourage them to hire you.

    Lying and deceit gets a person nowhere fast.
  • Aug 21, 2008, 07:02 AM
    Judy, Yes, that's what I ascertained also. His info is free but leads to other links are pay for info.

    Some of the info is helpful though, but it is mostly common sense info that would be helpful for anyone job hunting, not just felons.

    There is no magic formula for a felon getting a job except keep applying, keep applying and don't give up.

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