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  • Jan 16, 2008, 12:03 AM
    Toilet Flushing: tank drains, toilet doesn't flush, brand new toilet.
    I read the other postings, and most of the problems came in with old toilets. Mine is brand new (within a year old) and I just moved in to my new place. The condo has 2 identical toilets and the other flushes just fine. I have mimicked the settings of the working toilet and still can't get my toilet to flush properly.

    All the small holes are clear (no buildup), the jet in the bottom of the bowl is clear as well. The water level fills to just below the overflow tube, and when I flush the toilet, the bowl fills, the water level rises as it begins to swirl, but the trap door never opens to allow flushing.

    I have tinkered with everything from the cord length in the tank, to the water level in the tank, to taking almost all the water out of the bowl and trying various levels of water in the bowl while flushing.

    My landlord came over and in 5 minutes had it flushing just fine.. as he was leaving he said "its working fine, if you have a problem again, just hold the handle down a little longer because the water sometimes can't get out of the tank quite enough..." as soon as he left I had no more than 2 flushes that worked normal then it returned to its non-working state...

  • Jan 16, 2008, 09:25 AM
    Your flapper needs to be able to float on the water once th toilet is flushed. Flapper trap air inside themselves so floating is pretty easy. Try flushing the toilet with the lid off and see if the flapper sinks and seals the drain too soon. If so, continue to hold the flush handle down so the water can't fill the tank. Reach down and lift the flapper a few inches to allow any water inside to drain. If this does not give you the results you need try a new flapper, about $3.
  • Jan 16, 2008, 10:28 AM
    If the tank level is 1/2" under the top of the white overflow tube then the tank level's set OK. But here's one that you might check out. In my capacity as shop trouble shooter I began to run into a slew of complaints on our new construction that were just like yours. I knew they all couldn't be " bad toilets" so I went looking for the cause. I found that when installing the new bowl that the wax ring had been forced out into the discharge pipe and blocking the free flow of water. When the water hit it a backpressure was set up preventing the siphon that makes a good flush and the solids just swirled around while the water went slowly down. I had to set up meeting with our plumbers and show them the problem and how to fix it. When you set the bowl, put the wax seal down on the flat side to the closet flange. Then take your hands and bevel the wax seal outward so that when you set a bowl on it the wax is forced out instead of in blocking the flush. The customer complaints stopped and I had less work to do. Try molding the wax seal so it doesn't choke down on the flush. Good luck, Tom
  • Aug 17, 2010, 10:07 PM
    Speedball1, you are a certifiable genius -- and if you're not you should be... hehehe. I've had this problen for 2 months since moving into my new house and it has baffled me. Today, after 10 minutes of searching on the internet, I found your solution.

    I want to express my THANKS to you. You solved the mystery for me and for many others, I'm sure.
  • Aug 18, 2010, 05:54 AM

    [QUOTE][You solved the mystery for me /QUOTE]Hey Randor,
    That's why we're here. Glad your problem's solved. If we can ever be of service in the future we're as close as a click. Tom

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