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  • Nov 18, 2005, 09:58 AM
    Skin lightner for African/African American/Black people??
    Ok I am fairly new on this site and I am having a hard time figuring out what race is everyone. I am not trying to racist or anything. What works on other races doesn't work on black people and vice versa... With that being said...

    Hi, Im Amina. I was a mid brown color. Before going to college I hardly went outside (overprotective mother needed to know where her children were at all time :rolleyes: ). So I did not know anything about sunscreen lotion. Now I am 4 shade darker than my usual color. Though I love my dark skin it just feels weird looking at pictures of my lighter skin vs now. I was wondering if anyone know of a product that works. I just want my mid brown skin color back.
  • Nov 20, 2005, 02:38 AM
    Ethnic skin lightening
    I have no personal knowledge of this but I read some encouraging testimonials from African-American customers of Godiva in Could be worth a try. Check the website.
  • Nov 20, 2005, 12:56 PM
    I personally don't think Godiva works. I bought the whole system, 2 large bottles each of their lotion, 2 bars of their soap,2 of their whitening cream, deodorant, lip gloss. The works & it never had ANY effect. It is a waste of good money.
  • Nov 22, 2005, 11:46 AM

    Originally Posted by dimples
    I personally dont think Godiva works. I bought the whole system, 2 large bottles each of their lotion, 2 bars of their soap,2 of their whitening cream, deodorant, lip gloss. The works & it never had ANY effect. It is a waste of good money.

    Is there anything that did work that you would recommend?
  • Nov 23, 2005, 05:50 AM
    Skin Lightening
    How much money did Michael Jackson spend on getting a lighter skin color? Not to mention the funny nose.
    If these skin products really worked, someone would know definitely that they do and what the product name is.
    These manufacturers' want to sell their product, and if one buys it, just one time, with many, many people "dooped" into buying them, just one time, they have made a lot of money... which is their purpose.
    You might consider seeing a Dermotologist, and getting a Professional opinion on what to do. I do wish you the very best of luck.
  • Nov 23, 2005, 06:07 AM

    Originally Posted by fredg
    How much money did Michael Jackson spend on getting a lighter skin color? not to mention the funny nose

    :eek: Oh Fred, MJ didn't use any lightening products he has a skin condition *cough* ;)
  • Nov 23, 2005, 07:13 AM

    Originally Posted by Amina
    Is there anything that did work that you would recommend?

    Right now, I am on the glutathione regimen but before, Etta's bleaching powder did work for me but that is too messy & time consuming
  • Nov 30, 2005, 06:01 PM

    Originally Posted by dimples
    Right now, I am on the glutathione regimen but before, Etta's bleaching powder did work for me but that is too messy & time consuming

    So what is this glutathione regimen?
  • Nov 30, 2005, 06:23 PM
    Skin Lighter for African Americans
    Amina, I would like to say I really agree with your comment about what works on some Black may not work on other Blacks. However, a few years ago I used a Tone Skin (Esoteria Cream/ night and day) product that may be purchased in Walgreens, RiteAid, or Walmart etc. The only advice I would say about using the product is you have to reduce the usage of the cream as you retrive the complexion you desire, which means you would need to reduce using the product to 1 once a week to every other week to once a month.
    In regards to Ethnicity, I am Black. However, I perfer to be considered as an (Afro-West Indian American). See pics @ BLACKPEOPLEMEET.COM
    And search for CHAYOTE23
  • Dec 1, 2005, 03:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Amina
    So what is this glutathione regimen?

    I am currently taking 2000-3000mg glutathione per day with 2000mg Vitamin C. I think it is fairly okay though if you want extreme lightening, I do not think it will do the work. 2-3 shades lighter only
  • Dec 1, 2005, 08:20 AM

    Originally Posted by dimples
    I am currently taking 2000-3000mg glutathione per day with 2000mg Vitamin C. I think it is fairly okay though if you want extreme lightening, I do not think it will do the work. 2-3 shades lighter only

    2-3 shades lighter would be great :D (don't want to be too light ;) ). Now is this permanent or do I have to keep taking it to keep the light complexion? Did you change your eating habit, water intake, or anything else? How soon did you see results? (I hope this isn't too much questioning :( )
  • Dec 1, 2005, 01:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Amina
    2-3 shades lighter would be great :D (don't want to be too light ;) ). Now is this permanent or do I have to keep taking it to keep the light complexion? Did you change your eating habit, water intake, or anything else? How soon did you see results? (I hope this isn't too much questioning :( )

    So far, I did not change any old habits(except added some pills & tablets with meals) & I saw changes in less than a month. I don't know yet if I will go back to my original color once I stopped. But I was thinking of taking it for maintenance.
  • Dec 1, 2005, 03:05 PM
    Pale White Skin
    Dimples, are you selling any glutathione pills? Where can I get them at if you're not selling any. I still haven't seen results from using soaps and that's all I can get my hands on so if you have any good news for me.. that would be great!
  • Dec 1, 2005, 03:10 PM
    Nope. I am not selling glutathione. I got mine from but I think you shoud check out other posts as well since there was a mention of a cheaper site to buy your glutathione from. :)
  • Dec 1, 2005, 04:57 PM
    Amina, Interesting response, but I would like to know if glutathione is healthy or has there been research on this product :confused: with African Americans or African American Doctors.
  • Dec 2, 2005, 12:13 AM
    Its healthy... its an anti-oxidant that when taken in high dosage, you will get whiter skin as the side effect... but no harsh side effects other than skin whitening... and of course healthier body, basically, you have to take it as directed because when you would take less, your skin condition will improve but you ma not achieve the desired whitening...

    I got my supplies from
  • Dec 2, 2005, 06:42 PM
    I hope this is the right place to post this...
    Hi All! I just wanted to say hello because I just found this sight. I belong to a few other online groups and you can alwys find some new info!

    Anyway, I have just now placed an order for monobenzone (benoquin). I have seen it's effects on other boards, with documented photo proof. I will be taking pictures of various parts of my body from the beginning to the end of my journey. I will not be using it alone. One of the people that has used it an achieved great results has posted a "recipe" of sorts, mixing it with water and lotion.

    Feel free to ask me any questions if I do not answer them when I post my results.

    Oh, just to let you know, I have tried the Hypercreme Extratone B (on my body)and it did nothing for me. I used the Godiva fruit acid on my face and it did seem to help. I used that with the TCA/crystals blend. I am mixed race, so I am naturally a light caramel color. However, I live in Los Angeles and tan very easily (my father is VERY dark). I would just like to be my natural color from top to bottom.
  • Dec 2, 2005, 09:15 PM
    Wow really?
    :eek: I heard that monobenzone/benoquin completely depigments the skin meaning it make the skin totally white is that what you want? Cause this girl in this picture did that and now look at her... kind of unnatural don't you think? :rolleyes: but hey if that's just my opinion..

    Pic 1

  • Dec 2, 2005, 09:46 PM
    She's on one of the boards that I am on. So is another person that has used the same product, but did it in a mix and he has a more pink tone to his skin. I do not want exactly to be white, but I have considered that possibility. It is possible to use a self-tanner to go up a few shades from that, which is easier than going down a few shades. Right now I look like a patchwork Raggedy Anne of brown and I'd rather just be one color, no matter what it is.
  • Dec 3, 2005, 02:40 PM
    Ultra Glow
    It is this cream called ULTRA GLOW. The women of color really used this a lot back in the 50's and 60's because "light skinned" was the thing to be back then. Remember what ever you do to your face, you must do it to your neck and your ears too. It would look strange with a light complextioned face and dark neck and ears. This stuff really does work.

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