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  • Nov 2, 2007, 12:08 PM
    Brush lettering on a wall
    So, we decided that it was time for my son to get a new bed and since he shares a room with his sister, it would make sense to get bunk beds and give them more space. Well, that lead to... since we're taking everything out of the room lets shampoo the carpet... okay, let's paint too,. okay, so, I let my inner crafty side peek it's little head. I wanted to give them a cool room, that was neither girly or too boyish. I picked a "kingdom" theme. I had it all worked out in my head. Painted the walls a lime green with a dark blue ceiling called "majestic". I painted clouds and stars and actually bought commercial grade glow in the dark paint to paint the stars and outline the clouds. I put a castle mural on the wall and made the castle windows glow so at night it looks like the castle lights are still on. My son has dragon's and knights on his side and my daughter has fairies on hers. They have matching comforter sets his with dragons and hers with fairies.

    THEN, I decided I wanted to write a bible verse on the wall... wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be.

    I can't get the letters to come out dark or neat. My walls aren't really textured, just a kind of orange peel thing... with semi gloss paint. Tried sanding it down to get a smooth surface, repainting that section with a flat paint, nothing. I've bought alphabet stamps, stencils, used different brands of acrylic paint, tried it free hand with different brushes, nothing. Can't figure it out and it's driving me MAD!

    Any brush lettering folks out there who can tell me where I goofed would be greatly appreciated.
  • Nov 2, 2007, 04:36 PM
    Use a brand new sharpie marker freehand if possible. Allow to dry for a day. When you have completed your whole scene, you may consider painting over it all with Krylon Crystal Clear. It will seal it against many of the kid abuses including fingerprints.

    If you used our glow paint, please consider posting pictures at

    Danny Clark
    Glow Inc.
  • Nov 7, 2007, 11:04 AM
    Skylighter - Thanks for your response. The marker idea is a great one and I will try that. Once done, I will take pictures and post on glowforum. I found Glow Inc. online and I did in fact purchase my paint online at Glow in the Dark Paint . I bought a 1/2 oz. of each color. The aqua blue is my favorite, but the green glows substantially longer.
  • Nov 12, 2007, 04:59 PM

    Originally Posted by momincali
    So, we decided that it was time for my son to get a new bed and since he shares a room with his sister, it would make sense to get bunk beds and give them more space. Well, that lead to ...since we're taking everything out of the room lets shampoo the carpet...okay, let's paint too,...okay, so, I let my inner crafty side peek it's little head. I wanted to give them a cool room, that was neither girly or too boyish. I picked a "kingdom" theme. I had it all worked out in my head. Painted the walls a lime green with a dark blue ceiling called "majestic". I painted clouds and stars and actually bought commercial grade glow in the dark paint to paint the stars and outline the clouds. I put a castle mural on the wall and made the castle windows glow so at night it looks like the castle lights are still on. My son has dragon's and knights on his side and my daughter has fairies on hers. They have matching comforter sets his with dragons and hers with fairies.

    THEN, I decided I wanted to write a bible verse on the wall...wasn't as easy as I thought it was gonna be.

    I can't get the letters to come out dark or neat. My walls aren't really textured, just a kind of orange peel thing...with semi gloss paint. Tried sanding it down to get a smooth surface, repainting that section with a flat paint, nothing. I've bought alphabet stamps, stencils, used different brands of acrylic paint, tried it free hand with different brushes, nothing. Can't figure it out and it's driving me MAD!

    Any brush lettering folks out there who can tell me where I goofed would be greatly appreciated.

    Momincali, if I am understanding your question correctly, I have one suggestion. It may seem like double the work but works great. Have you ever tried a product called Gesso? It is available at local craft shops. The area that is not taking paint as well as it should or not as true to the color as it should, use whatever you choose to make the outline of your letters, whether, chalk, transfer paper, liner, (I like to use a round soap stone - available at local welding supply house - and they have holders for them - not expensive - sharpen them just like a pencil.) I like them because after the painting is finished and dry, if any marks are still showing, (I make the marks as light as possible), they just dust off or wipe off with a damp cloth. Paint in the area with (white) Gesso. Let it dry. Your surface will then take the paint beautifully! HAPPY PAINTING!

    Loved reading how creative you were in using the same theme but making both children happy with their new surrounding. I would love for you to take photos and then post them on the thread for all to see!

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