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  • Oct 29, 2007, 09:47 PM
    how do i get a ghost into my house?
    my life has been boring for about 5-7 years now... I want to know how 2 get a ghost into my house so I won't b so darn bored! =l I litrily put myself to sleep and I'm a 13 yr old kid that is looking for something 2 do instead of showing of my mustles like most people do around my age and start fights which normaly go on for a few more years and someone ends up dying so yea. Reply if u know how 2 get ghost into my house :)
  • Oct 29, 2007, 10:39 PM
    1# its not proven if ghosts even exist
    2# it is a bad idea to mess with ghosts like that, they isn't playthings
    3# getting a ghost into your house would prob involve incredible effort, knowledge, possibly involving someone dying, and you don't want that.
    4# there are plenty of things you can do with your time
    Such as
    Learn an instrument
    Take up art
    Take up woodworking/carving
    Listen to/collect musik
    Take up electronics/mechanics
    Take courses in stuff
  • Oct 29, 2007, 10:43 PM
    Boho ho! I don't really bother about that crap... its a life experience seeing/having a ghost in your house... something that will never leave your mind no matter what! Going 2 some other country like asia and going 2 mount everest mite leave your mind if you lost memory or some crap but seeing a ghost... its a life long thing!
  • Oct 29, 2007, 10:48 PM
    Your 13. I'm guessing you don't really have a good understanding of what you are talking about.
    Do something productive with your life please! Instead of trying to manipulate dead people/spirits as if they are playthings, it is disresepctful, and potentionally very dangerous.
    I've seen a ghost before and it wasn't that spectacular, I barely remember whether what happened was even real.
  • Oct 29, 2007, 11:32 PM
    Ghosts/spirits can harm people and make life miserable for some.

    You could try the paranormal threads here,many asking for help on making ghost/s leave.
    Maybe that will give you some idea,why it is not a good idea to want to make a ghost live in your home.They are unpredictable and as such unseen beings and you can never be sure if they are evil or not.
  • Oct 30, 2007, 02:08 AM

    Originally Posted by InuYasha193
    my life has been boring for about 5-7 years now...i wanna know how 2 get a ghost into my house so i wont b so darn bored! =l i litrily put myself to sleep and im a 13 yr old kid that is looking for something 2 do instead of showing of my mustles like most ppl do around my age and start fights which normaly go on for a few more years and someone ends up dying so yea. reply if u know how 2 get ghost into my house :)

    Why do you think that life is so boring for you, please? Also, why do you think that having a ghost in your house is going to make things any less boring for you?
  • Oct 30, 2007, 01:41 PM
    Maybe when you grow up you can be one of the ghost busters and for now you can study about it to help you over your boredom.

    how to become a ghost buster - Google Search
  • Oct 31, 2007, 10:15 AM

    Originally Posted by InuYasha193
    my life has been boring for about 5-7 years now...i wanna know how 2 get a ghost into my house so i wont b so darn bored! =l i litrily put myself to sleep and im a 13 yr old kid that is looking for something 2 do instead of showing of my mustles like most ppl do around my age and start fights which normaly go on for a few more years and someone ends up dying so yea. reply if u know how 2 get ghost into my house :)

    From my knowledge, you can't "make a ghost live in your house." However, if the subject interests you I would research and when you become of age, feel free to investigate hauntings and other paranormal activities on your own.
    Being 13 is an akward age, and although it may be boring - give it a while - it will livin' up for you. :)
  • Oct 31, 2007, 10:39 AM
    Sigh... I'm 24 years old kid, and I have spirits and lost souls that follow me incessantly. It may seem like fun to you, but the reality of it is that they're more than just clumsy clouds that knock stuff over. The live in a world that is nothing like ours, they don't follow the same rules that we do and you had better believe that they're extremely powerful. More powerful than you could ever understand, regardless of how much you've read or heard. It scares me that you would willingly open your doors to that kind of evil and destruction. Yes, there are some spirits that are nice, but more often than not, the ones that you would attract would be nothing but pure evil in it's most raw form. I would strongly reconsider your desire for a spirit to reside in your home, at least until you're much older. If you are bored, get involved in school, get a gym membership, learn a second language... you can find lots of things to occupy your time. Maybe talk to your parents about all this, I'm sure they would be concerned both for your safety and your mental health.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 02:13 PM
    *sighs* the thing is... my life isn't boring, I do stuff that is intresting and I do like destructive things and evil not evil evil but evil, my friends and I do chaos around school all day so I don't really give a what you people say! Your starting 2 piss me off and I really really really really want an answer 2 my question! Not some stupid people doing spam every time I post something! :mad:
  • Oct 31, 2007, 02:26 PM
    Go watch bleach or something then
  • Oct 31, 2007, 02:28 PM
    It's not spam that we're giving you... It's our honest opinions as ADULTS!! Jesus Christ child, if you don't want to get a 'stupid answer', don't ask a stupid question! There is a difference between liking to do destructive things and wanting to bring pure evil into your life. I don't think you understand that once you turn it on, YOU CANNOT TURN IT OFF!! You have no control over them, and you have no way of knowing whether you get a good one or a bad one. I'm speaking from experience, okay? I'm followed where ever I go, some are good and some are demons straight from the depths of hell. Believe me when I tell you that this is not something you want to toy with. Peoples lives are constantly in danger because of what I see, close friends have died because if what I carry with me. Please, don't be upset at what people respond to you with, we're all human and entitled to our own opinions.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 02:30 PM
    Ghosts don't exist. They are made up by people who are bored. So just tell people that you feel cold spots in your house and things fly off the shelves and you will be just as truthful as the millions of other people who claim to have seen ghosts. If that gets boring you can always take blurry pictures of black trash bags in the woods and be a bigfoot investigator.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 02:52 PM
    Greg Quinn
    You could rent BeetleJuice... poltergeist, and those are just a few ways to get ghosts into your home.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 03:03 PM

    Originally Posted by InuYasha193
    my life has been boring for about 5-7 years now...i wanna know how 2 get a ghost into my house so i wont b so darn bored! =l i litrily put myself to sleep and im a 13 yr old kid that is looking for something 2 do instead of showing of my mustles like most ppl do around my age and start fights which normaly go on for a few more years and someone ends up dying so yea. reply if u know how 2 get ghost into my house :)

    If you are bored learn how to play guitar or something. Messing with the spirit world is nothing to "play" with. You have no idea what kind of evil wants in. But believe in the Lord and prayer will keep them out. I know this sound crazy right now. But one day it won't
  • Nov 1, 2007, 12:27 AM
    Ghosts inhabit abandoned places,dark,dirty places..
    If you wish to find a ghost you can look all you want but unless it wishes to appear to you they will not be seen.

    Some have said that ouija boards bring ghosts, I am not sure if that really happens or if it happens I am not sure if the ghost will stay.Those that stay may or may not harm you.
    Some that have experienced these things find it hard to make the ghosts leave.

    Just thought I would like to say that ghosts are not the souls of the dead, they are entirely different beings and as they are invisible, once you bring them into your life, you will have little control over it. They have been known to possess people and really hurt the person and their families in the process.
    Whatever you do, remember the above points.
  • Nov 1, 2007, 12:33 AM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Ghosts inhabit abandoned places,dark,dirty places..
    If you wish to find a ghost you can look all you want but unless it wishes to appear to you they will not be seen.

    Some have said that ouija boards bring ghosts, I am not sure if that really happens or if it happens I am not sure if the ghost will stay.Those that stay may or may not harm you.
    Some that have experienced these things find it hard to make the ghosts leave.

    Just thought I would like to say that ghosts are not the souls of the dead, they are entirely different beings and as they are invisible, once you bring them into your life, you will have little control over it. They have been known to posess people and really hurt the person and their families in the process.
    Whatever you do, remember the above points.

    I would take heed in what you read above if I were you.
  • Nov 1, 2007, 02:32 AM

    Originally Posted by Clough
    That's nice, Inuyasha193. You say that your life isn't boring in your post above. However, you say the following in your original post.

    What makes you think that having a ghost in your house will make it any more exciting then it is now? I really don't think that we have anybody on this site who is an expert at getting ghosts. You might want to do a search as to how to find a ghost by using a search engine. You might also find putting the word incantation in the search to be helpful to you.

    Uhh its something called lying... ever tried it?
  • Nov 1, 2007, 02:33 AM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Ghosts inhabit abandoned places,dark,dirty places..
    If you wish to find a ghost you can look all you want but unless it wishes to appear to you they will not be seen.

    Some have said that ouija boards bring ghosts, I am not sure if that really happens or if it happens I am not sure if the ghost will stay.Those that stay may or may not harm you.
    Some that have experienced these things find it hard to make the ghosts leave.

    Just thought I would like to say that ghosts are not the souls of the dead, they are entirely different beings and as they are invisible, once you bring them into your life, you will have little control over it. They have been known to posess people and really hurt the person and their families in the process.
    Whatever you do, remember the above points.

    Ty for telling me, warning me and giving me advice I will b aware of all that and my question is answered
  • Nov 1, 2007, 02:38 AM

    Originally Posted by InuYasha193
    uhh its something called lieing...ever tried it?

    No, I don't lie. It's no fun to me.

    So, what is truly your purpose on this site, please?

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