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  • Oct 28, 2007, 05:45 PM
    My son died and I saw his spirit figure
    My son died on christmas morning 12 yrs ago , this was very hard and I have many times asked him to let me feel his presences or see him, I have never , Until Saturday Oct 27 2007 , My daughter was sick and in her room sleeping , I was in the kitchen, One floor home and saw her come from her room to the living room , but when I went to see if she was on the couch , she was not , she was in her room sound asleep , this was about 10:30 in the morning , so I went and asked her , honey , were you in the living room? she said no mom , I'm sleeping , OK , I went back out and about an hour later, I saw this figure and much clearer and she was still sleeping and this figure was faint but clear , it was my son , he is as tall as his sister and this really shocked me and I'm still in shock, is this possible ?
    Is there anyone I can talk to get have many questions I have answered?
  • Oct 28, 2007, 06:55 PM
    Yes, it is possible. My Grandfather did appear to both my Mother (his daughter) and my Dad on separate days. Perhaps he was allowed to come back so that you know he is all right. I don't know a lot about this but I do believe it can happen. Hopefully someone will come who can answer your other questions.
  • Oct 29, 2007, 07:16 AM
    Robert Brenner
    Darlalisa,Yes... this is how it happens. My son came to me the third day after.
    When he comes, a cold breeze hits me, If there is a windchime it bongs, once, yet there is no wind. Relax with it, when he comes again, stop what you are doing, sit with him, talk to him, breath and release any doubt or fear. You will feel his energy and hear him, from your heart, not your ears.
    In light love and peace, Robert
  • Nov 5, 2007, 06:34 AM

    I believe you saw your son. And I believe you saw him because you wanted to see him. Our thoughts make our reality. Think about what Robert above said. Think about seeing your son and talking to him, I believe you will find this very comforting.
  • Feb 21, 2008, 05:21 PM

    Originally Posted by darlalisa
    my son died on christmas morning 12 yrs ago , this was very hard and i have many times asked him to let me feel his presences or see him, i have never , Until Saturday Oct 27 2007 , My daughter was sick and in her room sleeping , i was in the kitchen, One floor home and saw her come from her room to the living room , but when i went to see if she was on the couch , she was not , she was in her room sound asleep , this was about 10:30 in the morning , so i went and asked her , honey , were you in the living room?, she said no mom , i'm sleeping , ok , i went back out and about an hour later, i saw this figure and much clearer and she was still sleeping and this figure was faint but clear , it was my son , he is as tall as his sister and this really shocked me and i'm still in shock, is this possible ?
    is there anyone i can talk to get have many questions i have answered?

    Yes, this is possible and is very common. When the physical body dies, the soul either goes to the "Light" or wanders the Earth plane. However, your son may just have been back from the other side for a visit. If you feel he has not moved on, is lost and needs help crossing over, there's a great book that discusses lost souls: Unqiet Dead by Edith Fiore.
  • Feb 22, 2008, 11:04 PM

    Originally Posted by darlalisa
    is there anyone i can talk to get have many questions i have answered?

    First of all, I want to let you know that it is very possible for a person's spirit to return simply because the closeness of a family is entwined in Love forever, therefore, Love can allow for such reunions indefinitely. When a person passes on they are not really gone as it is only their physical body that ceases to function but they immediately step into their Spiritual Body and continue living but in a much higher vibration than we. That is why we cannot readily see them or hear them but they can see and hear us and are around us many times. We have to be in a state of calm collectiveness in order to be receptive to their visits.

    For more on talking to someone and having your questions answered, you may wish to visit the following GREAT website that deals with just such matters as appearances of deceased loved ones, etc. People can post there and receive answers!

    After-Death Communication - Prayer Wave
  • Feb 24, 2008, 12:07 PM

    Originally Posted by darlalisa
    is there anyone i can talk to get have many questions i have answered?

    Another place where others can relate to your experiences as well as you read about theirs and where you can contact those who know about these Afterdeath contacts/apparitions is at:

    Bill and Judy Guggenheim - after-death communications
  • Feb 24, 2008, 12:18 PM
    My father never really sees his sisters one day whilst he was sat at home he smelt his dead mother.A couple of days later he saw one of his sisters she looked really ill and she told him she had seen there dead mother. My father thought that his sister was really ill that is why he had smelt his mother and hisa sister had seen her but it turned out there other sister has cancer that is maybe the reasson she visited them both to tell them about her
  • Mar 20, 2008, 03:33 PM

    Originally Posted by darlalisa
    my son died on christmas morning 12 yrs ago , this was very hard and i have many times asked him to let me feel his presences or see him, i have never , Until Saturday Oct 27 2007 , My daughter was sick and in her room sleeping , i was in the kitchen, One floor home and saw her come from her room to the living room , but when i went to see if she was on the couch , she was not , she was in her room sound asleep , this was about 10:30 in the morning , so i went and asked her , honey , were you in the living room?, she said no mom , i'm sleeping , ok , i went back out and about an hour later, i saw this figure and much clearer and she was still sleeping and this figure was faint but clear , it was my son , he is as tall as his sister and this really shocked me and i'm still in shock, is this possible ?
    is there anyone i can talk to get have many questions i have answered?

    Yes he paid you a visit... it can happen
  • Sep 6, 2008, 01:51 PM
    In Sorrow
    Unfortunately this is not possible, I wish it were as I have been trying to contact my mother and father for so long now, and they have not appeared to me in no way shape or form.

    The Holy Bible clearly states that the Dead have no Conscious and no memory after death. They are asleep in their Gaves till the 2nd coming of Christ when he rises the dead. Just read Ecclesiastes 9 Verses 5 & 6. Also Job 14 verses 12, clearly states what happenes when we die. Also read this Site it explains it more What Happens When We die - Truth About Death.
  • Sep 8, 2009, 04:15 PM
    My son died tragically on this June 28th, 2009. He was 32 years old and died suddenly while on a business trip to Europe. His death has been a deeply shattering experience to those of us who love him. My daughter-in-law and my (then) 6 month old grand-daughter stayed with me and my husband and younger son for over a week after my beloved son's death. 3 days after his death, in pain that only a parent whose child has died can possibly comprehend (it's not like other deaths to lose a child; it's significantly more painful) I was rocking my grandchild, his daughter, in a quite room in the house, one my son habitually gravitated to when visiting his childhood home, when I saw his spirit - the color was grey. He looked sad and bewildered - almost as though he was being left out of this family event - he clearly wanted nothing more than to be included - to be with his wife and baby - to see his bother. With profoundly mixed feelings, but also with a deep sense of peace, I spoke with my son and told him he'd done nothing wrong, that is was an accident and that God would always do for him what he couldn't do for himself. I told him it was time to go to God. I experienced him moving into what seemed to be named the Godhead.. a presence of similar color and density as he was in those moments.. but more ephemeral - or diffuse than my son's appearance. At the moment my son was ready to merge with the Godhead, I grew fearful and afraid and called out to him.. "wait, not yet. " I did feel selfish, but could not bear to lose him (for what seemed then like a second time). I'm sure he moved into God's eternal love very soon after that.. in prayer I let him go. Even a mother's love cannot keep her child (and yes, they are our children, even as someone who turned 32 less than a month before his death) from God. God gives us life and God brings us back to him. Please don't contradict me with quotes from the Bible (or anywhere else)... what I experienced is simply true. Love is eternal as is his soul.
  • Dec 19, 2009, 11:45 PM
    Darlalisa I believe you had a visit from your darling son, to Junior on members comments The bible also states we move towards Eternal life and Heaven. Love between a mother and a child can overcome anything go ask your parents
  • Aug 28, 2010, 05:26 AM
    I lost my son to death last April 11, 2009. I believe in eternity. I believe in God and I believe that this world we live in is a magical kingdom with so much more to offer than we realize. We as humans have so much more to offer. We only have to open our minds to the possibilities. They are limitless. After "losing" my son I had to know more and so I deepened my knowledge of spirit. We are all blessed with divineness, perfect all. I have a blog you can go to from Facebook. Namaste, sherri Bridges Fox.
  • Aug 28, 2010, 05:44 AM

    Dear Darlalisa, anything is possible. I believe in God and I believe in the magical world that God created for us. We are eternal beings of light capable of so many things, we only have to believe in our hearts. You were given a beautiful gift of seeing your son. Many cannot and never will be able to "see" other than with their two eyes. The heart knows all. Follow your heart, instincts and feelings. They will never lie to you. We are all divine beings of Gods creation. Much love to you and your family. Namaste.
  • Aug 31, 2010, 09:17 AM

    Please stop answering old threads - in this case 2007 - and please don't post multiple answers on the same thread. You are basically answering yourself.

    Your advice is fine if the OP is Christian - please keep in mind that this is a Universal board and everyone is NOT a Christian. Advice is fine; I think preaching is offensive.
  • Sep 15, 2010, 09:28 AM
    I believe you! My son died last February in a terrible car crash. I have not seen him, but he and I were able to see these "white figures". I now believe they were angels. When my son died, I felt a comorting, reassurance that everything would be okay. I was awakened and told to get up and say what I wanted to say, but no one was there! I went into my living room and a chair was pulled up near the sofa... how did the chair get there? I talked as if my son was sitting there. Telling him how I loved him. After I finished I felt a strange sensation... a night or two later I was on the computer and heard a voice cry out, "mom" and then my husband and I heard noise in our den, but nobody was there. There were three distinct knocks on the wall... I prayed about it and then found a prayer card entitled "Safely Home in Heaven". I also heard from his girlfriend that had a purple flower growing in an odd place so I looked up towards heaven and asked where my purple flowers were. On Mother's Day there were purple flowers growing in the lawn outside my back door in the shape of a heart!! And I still get purple flowers!! I would like to see my son, but knowing he is in heaven and that I will see him again is really all I need... and keep those purple flowers coming. You could have a gift called Prophesy-look into it. I know my son and I both have it as I still get my purple flowers every time I have a tough day... Another thing for though: Jesus is always with us. When our loved ones die they to to Jesus so then why wouldn't they be with us always too?
  • Sep 15, 2010, 01:55 PM

    Did you read the other answers? If so you would realize that this is a very old thread and people have been asked NOT to continue answering.

    Or are you someone posting in more than one name?

    Again - fine - you have your religious beliefs. Others have OTHER religious beliefs, just as valid to them.
  • Dec 23, 2010, 01:26 AM
    Hello I just read "the TRUTH about Death" and there are many people who use Bible Quotes to support their
    Theories, They mean well but are using reference from almost 2000 years ago and what people knew then. WHen people communicate from beyond to their Family members here now . It as 99.9% with Love and Good Will and I have not know or heard of Any "Demons" who would wish such Love upon people especially the Bereaved. Also they use scripture that "they believe" supports their ideas. A lot of Wars have begun because of this and I
    Surely think that God did not have his word written for this purpose. Thanks and God Bless and yes you did see your son.
  • Jan 3, 2011, 12:12 AM
    I believe you saw your sons spirit. I lost my son and occasionally catch a glimpse of him in the house like you. We are an energy that occupies the body. Some people think Heaven is a place; but, places only exist for the physical. Heaven is a state of being and because we are energy a spirit is heavenly and can be anywhere. Accept these moments for the love and reassurance they are.
  • Mar 22, 2011, 01:12 PM
    Who are these spirits?
    What is their role in the Universe?
    What is their reason for communicating with the mortals? Such were the first questions demanding explanation. The spirits soon revealed that they were not apart from creation, but were instead the very souls of those who had lived on the earth or on other worlds. After having left their corporeal envelopes, they populate and fly through the space. There was no room for doubt when friends and relatives were recognized among them, furnishing proofs of their existence when interrogated. They came to demonstrate that death was only for their bodies, that their souls or spirits continue to live, that they are very near us, that they can see us very much like when they were alive. They kindly watch over those whom they loved and whose memories very much please them.
    Extract from the book: Spiritism Easily Explained by Allan Kardec

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