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  • Oct 19, 2007, 12:26 PM
    Requesting supervised visitation in NY State
    What will a judge look at to order supervised visits for my four month old daughter and her father? He has 2 dwi convictions (4 arrests) and a stay in rehab which he did not complete, he was kicked out due to failing a drug test.
    I'm worried about my daughter's safety with him and I'm scared.
  • Jul 12, 2010, 01:22 PM
    That should be plenty... he will have to folow a lot of instructions from the court, but just remember that it needs to stay focused on your child's safety and well being. Also, request no over nights since the child is so young. I am going through the same mess right now, but it's not regarding drugs, it's regarding a CPS case that was opened against him and my oldest who is not his child. Thus far I have an order of protection and he has supervised visitation. I also live in NY.
  • Jul 12, 2010, 02:43 PM

    It comes down to whether he's a danger to the child. It is entirely possible that wherever he lives is not set up to care for a child overnight.

    A Judge will evaluate all parties and issue an Order that is in the best interest of the child - as the Judge sees it.

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