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  • Oct 21, 2003, 10:26 AM
    Windows XP Professional Question
    I have Windows XP Professional, and I was just wondering if there is a way where I can open up imesh, or winmx to download songs and then log out, but the songs will keep downloading while someone else s on the computer?
  • Oct 21, 2003, 10:45 PM
    Windows XP Professional Question
    Whiplash_89, hi, if you mean by logging out on 1 computer, you mean exiting the program and closing the program by clicking on the X sign at the right top of the program window screen, then NO. If you do this, you know you have, in effect, ended the program by disconnecting its internet connection.

    But if you mean logging out by minimizing, then of course, you or someone else can use the PC doing something else. IN this case, if you have a regular 56K internet connection such as NETZERO or AOL dial-up, then your internet connection is going to get disconnected if you do not monitor the progress of your music downloads, unless you use an 'always-on connection"program such as ''STAY ON".

    This is because the other person who is going to use the PC while you're downloading DEFINITELY ISN'T going to monitor the music downloading for you when he/she is busy with what he/she is doing. Now, whether the other person can work on the program he/she is trying to do, and not slow the PC down OR your music downloading process... is another matter... since that would have to depend on how much RAM you have, how many programs are opened at the same time, how many music you are downloading at the same time, and so forth. In general, the more things that are open at once, the slower your computer will be.

    And besides, you really have to monitor the music downloading progress anyway because WINMX, IMESH, or even LIMEWIRE may disconnect your music downloading process in midway, for example, especially WINMX. Now, I'm ONLY responding to your question, and therefore, I'm not recommending you use any particular P2P music programs because of the legality issue. So, I hope I have answer your question. :D ::)
  • Oct 22, 2003, 12:29 AM
    Windows XP Professional Question
    No... if a user logs out, and another logs in, you've basically restarted Windows. If your P@P software is shared(ie both users can access it), then you can ask that person to resume downloading after he has logged in.
  • Oct 22, 2003, 04:30 PM
    Re: Windows XP Professional Question
    elina I think you misunderstood my question, but thanks anyway for replying.

    My friend has windows xp home edition and he downloads music videos when he logs into his username. Then he logs off his username and his brother logs on with his own username, but the music that my friend started to download still continues to download in "account" or username even though his brother is logged on...

    Anyway I think daveslounge got the idea, all I know is that my friend can do it with home edition, and I wanted to do it too, but it looks like I will not be able to
  • Oct 22, 2003, 05:44 PM
    Windows XP Professional Question
    When you choose to log out, select the "swich user" option from the logout sub-box thing. Then your programs (including your downloader) will remain active, and continue to work while others are logged in.

    If you don't see the option, it has probably been disabled. Look for "enable fast user switching" somewhere in the control panel.

  • Oct 22, 2003, 09:57 PM
    Re: Windows XP Professional Question
    Whiplash.. my mistake. ;D.. thanks for telling me... yeah.. I must have been reading your article too fast or something.. and I was talking to someone, watching a little TV, eating, and reading my books on and off all at the same time which I usually have no trouble doing.. but.. hey my mistake.. and yes.. psi42 is right.. :D
  • Oct 24, 2003, 07:03 PM
    Re: Windows XP Professional Question
    Thanks guys

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