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  • Sep 23, 2007, 02:30 PM
    Uneven Ear Pressure and Voice Echo in Left Ear

    I have some kind of ear condition that I'm seeking answers for. I have to constantly sniff throughout the day to equalize the pressure in my ears. The left ear seems too "open" for lack of a better word and when I sniff it corrects the pressure temporarily. The condition also causes an echo of my voice in the left ear when I am talking which is pretty annoying. Also, there seems to be a hearing deficit in the left ear. I saw an ENT a year ago who diagnosed me with a deviated septum and performed a septoplasty on me. The conditioned did not seem to improve whatsoever. If anybody has any idea what the condition might be and what kind of specialist to see I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.
  • May 12, 2008, 02:48 PM

    Originally Posted by pelvictwist07

    I have some kind of ear condition that I'm seeking answers for. I have to constantly sniff throughout the day to equalize the pressure in my ears. The left ear seems too "open" for lack of a better word and when I sniff it corrects the pressure temporarily. The condition also causes an echo of my voice in the left ear when I am talking which is pretty annoying. Also, there seems to be a hearing deficit in the left ear. I saw an ENT a year ago who diagnosed me with a deviated septum and performed a septoplasty on me. The conditioned did not seem to improve whatsoever. If anybody has any idea what the condition might be and what kind of specialist to see I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

    Hi There,
    I was curious to know if you ever found out what was the problem and if it has gone away? I am experiencing the same thing you did but to make it worst I already have severe misxed hearing loss in my right ear (deaf). Please please get back to me to help guide me find some help with this issue.
  • Sep 3, 2008, 06:48 PM

    I have the same problem and have for the last 25 years. I have had tubes and it corrected the situation temporarily. Have you any answers to help?
  • Sep 3, 2008, 06:49 PM
    Is there anyone who offered any advice that works?
  • Sep 3, 2008, 07:06 PM
    So far no one could figure out what I have. I still have hearing loss in my right ear that they also can't figure out why. I had a CT scan and an MRI. ANd they ruled out tumors, nerve damage and inner ear damage.
  • Sep 5, 2008, 07:15 PM
    Ive had the same problems for years now, and its very irritating.When I sneeze or yawn both of my ears pop.Everything is really loud, and I will have to hold my nose and suck in at the same time to pop them back, except they are never equal sounding.I hear everything differently every time I pop them.I can't stand it when I can only pop back one ear and the other stays poped where everything sounds super loud.I have no idea how to fix the problem, but I know how I caused it.When I sneezed and held my nose at the same time to stop the sneeze as it was happening.Thats how I did it.ever since then I pop them contantly.When you find out a remedy pleeeeaaaase let me know.Thanks.
  • Sep 6, 2008, 06:14 AM
    Ooohhh, that could make sense! I always hold my sneezes! Maybe one day I held a strong one too much and it created this problem? My husband always tells me to stop holding them, so I must do it a lot.Thanks
  • Sep 6, 2008, 11:27 AM

    Originally Posted by t_crescenzi
    Ooohhh, that could make sense! I always hold my sneezes! Maybe one day I held a strong one to much and it created this problem? My husband always tells me to stop holding them, so I must do it alot.Thanks

    your more than welcome.Good luck and if you find a way to correct this problem please let me know.Thanks.
  • Sep 15, 2008, 06:45 PM
    There are at least two common conditions which can cause your symptoms. Eustachian tube dysfunction(ETD) and patulous eustachian tube(PET). ETD causes fullness, pressure sensation, clicking and popping, and problems with barometric pressure changes. PET causes autophony (hearing your own voice) and can be augmentin by sniffing, etc. Only a thourough ENT evaluation can sort this out. PET is not that common and a lot of ENTs have never seen it. Good luck
  • Apr 8, 2009, 11:14 AM
    For over three years I have heard my own voice as though I was in an echo chamber and when I breath it sounds like Darth Vadar. I have been to an ENT doctor and a few other specialists I even had an MRI. My PCP hos no idear what to do.

    Last week I contracted an infection in my sinus and throat. My throat was painful, head ached, I was running a low fever and my nose was running; my voice was a wisper and/or sounded like Howling Wolf when I tried to talk.

    But, here's the thing, my ears have cleared fro the first time in three years. I could finally hear myself normally. The ear problem disappeared for four or five days.

    Today, the sixth day of my illness, I am able to hear myself speak in a normal voice in a normal way. BUT... the Darth Vadar condition seems to be returning intermittently.

    Everyone has a clever diagnosis but no one offers any relief from this isidiously annoying echo which I hereby name the 'Vadar Syndrome'.
  • Nov 12, 2009, 11:14 AM
    I currently have vadar syndrome and I found it its due to my allergies. The sinus infection in my nose spread to my ears, my left ear has an echo and my right ear aches I have sinus fluid in my middle ear and I'm sure its causing the echo. My advice is to take anything that will relieve allergy sinus dripping or an antibiotic for sinus infections or a decongestant. Sudafed works so will allerx pack or zpack which are prescription drugs. Just go to the doctor they'll give you something for your sinus condition. Also get tested for allergies. I am four times the normal high allergic to almost everything. Allergy shots are one answer but if they offer you something more natural and earthy id take it rather than the shots.
  • Feb 6, 2010, 09:04 AM
    I have the same thing! My mother works for an ENT and has yet to figure out what it is. It's the most annoying thing and often times leads to a headache by the end of the day. I've been suffering with it for 6 years, and I'm only 23. If anyone has any tips on how to fix this it would be amazing so I don't have to spend the rest of my life listening to myself breath!
  • Feb 6, 2010, 12:08 PM
    I have rad that decongestants are not the answer, if anything you need to block yourself up a bit. I have also read that this problem occurs in pregnancy. Mine started at 6months pregnant, although I did get of a flight around the same tine it started with popped ears and sneezed violently holding my nose and it really hurt. I'm not sure which started it but I've had the baby now and it's still here. I'm a teacher and it really affects my ability to do my job, as well as making everyday life miserable. People often ask me why I am talking loudly but I can't tell how loud I am, I feel like darth vadar too! I have found that while I have been on maternity, lying down on that side helps but obviously we can't all lie down all day! Anyone got any other answers? My accupuncturist has tried his best but it has made no difference.
  • Feb 6, 2010, 12:08 PM
    I have rad that decongestants are not the answer, if anything you need to block yourself up a bit. I have also read that this problem occurs in pregnancy. Mine started at 6months pregnant, although I did get of a flight around the same tine it started with popped ears and sneezed violently holding my nose and it really hurt. I'm not sure which started it but I've had the baby now and it's still here. I'm a teacher and it really affects my ability to do my job, as well as making everyday life miserable. People often ask me why I am talking loudly but I can't tell how loud I am, I feel like darth vadar too! I have found that while I have been on maternity, lying down on that side helps but obviously we can't all lie down all day! Anyone got any other answers? My accupuncturist has tried his best but it has made no difference.
  • Feb 14, 2010, 12:47 PM
    I woke up Saturday with fullness in my right ear, Echo, and everything seems super loud. I can not pop my right ear and when I cover my left ear my right ear seems too be partially deaf.. Please help anyone.
  • Jun 1, 2010, 01:21 PM
    You all are definitely talking about PET... Patulous Eustachian Tube. If the echo goes away when you hold your head upside down that's a sure sign. I don't think it's as rare as people think. There aren't too many treatments available. The first thing to try are drops called Patulend that you can order online. They help build up the tissue so the tube will close normally again.
  • Jul 10, 2010, 06:09 PM
    I worked in food service for many years so I also hold in my sneezes. I have had the same problem with the echo in my ears of my own voice while speaking but for me it comes and goes. It seems to be more present when I am experiencing higher stress levels or when I am feeling under the weather. Sometimes blowing my nose will "un-pop" my ears and other times there is nothing that helps... I would love to find out what this is and how to stop it.
  • Jul 25, 2010, 07:09 PM
    Am so sory for you ,myears echo al the time any noise any wear the radio TV cars going by any thing with noise sends echo in my ears its very anoying I've been to earing aid clinic I av a earing aid but it picks noise up can any one help brenda .
  • Sep 11, 2010, 12:10 PM
    Yesterday I experienced the same type echo you have described for the first time. It is extremely annoying; especially when watching TV.. Certain sounds (mostly higher voices or high-pitched tones) echo almost as if I'm trying to listen to the same program on two separate TVs but they are milliseconds off each other. Very annoying. I was hoping it was just some water left in my ear from the shower, but it sounds like it may be more... By the way, when you contracted the sinus infection, were you put on an antibiotic?
  • Nov 12, 2010, 10:16 AM
    Recently I'm also having similar symptoms to all of you, one of my friend who had this problem told me that her dr gave her medicine and she's been taking it for almost 2 years now, she also said her Dr advised that she should reduce her salt intake and drink more water. So for the past few days I try to reduce the salt intake and drink MORE/alot of water and it seems help! :) hope it won't come back that echo in my ears and the Dart Vador's breathing :P

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