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  • Sep 13, 2007, 03:34 PM
    I like him he likes me but he has a girlfriend!
    Try to read most of it...

    I am in 6th grade and like this boy named Aexander (alex... which is my name too... well alexandria but people call me alex too). Alex flirts with me so much its not even funny. And I flirt with him back. In lunch today I was a person apart from him in line and the person between was scott. Alex was talking to scott and I heard alex say "shes about as tall as her (as in me) and i said "huh? What about me?" and he said "I'm talking about my girlfriend" those words echoed in my mind...i have a girlfriend.....(why would he flirt with me if he has a girlfriend??) then he said "she goes to athena. She was supposed to go here but she didn't" i just said "oh... ". i've been trying to stay away from him scince lunch because we'll wind up flirting with eachother and since he has a girlfriend it would be wrong for him to like someone else. in H&C (home and careers.....the class after lunch)our teacher chooses where we sit (we sit where our name tags have been placed) but we dont sit in the same spot every class... alex came over to me (i was sitting down) and i said "your over there" which was totally across the room from me. he said "dang it I wanted to sit next to u" he paused for like a milla second "because your the only one I know in this class". he complaind and asked the teacher if he could switch but she said "no switching there there for a reason" (which there really wasnt)......all i could do was look at him during class. every so often when im not looking at him i could see him look at me through the corner of my eye. only once did we make eye contact and hen we did we stared at eachother and i smiled he half smiled. it was sort of awkward tho so we looked away at like 7 seconds. a couple other times we would make contact but it would be 4 a milla second then id look away and smile (im a chicken) the end of Home and Careers, he was getting his things together and i was on my way to the door. i had to walk by him to get out. i was walking by and he told me to wait outside because he has to tell me something. i thought he was going to like ask me to be his girlfriend but apperently not (thats when i remembered he had a gf.... i found out about them today so i dont know how strong there relationship is but idk) All he did was flirt with me then ask "what do you have next" and i said "science then math" and he said "ill see you when you go to math because social studies is right next to it".... all i said was "ok"... when he was going to social studies (after math for him) he came out of math and I was outside the door waiting to go in like everyone else in the class... I didn't know he had math though. He came out, he flirted with me (or messed around, same as flirting... he poked me and said poke... dont ask, were weird like that XD) I smiled and he smiled then we went to class. I told my friend aubrey what happened about him asking me about I need to wait for him after class and she said OOooOoooooOOOOoo... lol... then I told her what he said and she said that's stupid... I didn't see him in the halls after or when every one was leaving (D.E.A.R. is after math and it's the last class of the day and all we do is stay in the room that we are currently in and read).
    I am comfortable around him. Were friends aleready but we have feelings for each other (I know he likes me... trust me). Alex likes me for who I am and not just because I'm pretty. I guess ill wait for tomorrow. Please tell me what's happening sooo srry that its so long its just that I don't know what's going on... I need advice
  • Sep 13, 2007, 03:51 PM
    Homegirl 50
    You guys are what 12? How serious can this be. You two have discovered the opposite sex and you're all giddy. Get your education.
    But think about this. Could you really trust a guy that says he has a girlfriend but is flirting with you? What if you were the girlfriend?
    Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 03:56 PM

    Originally Posted by Homegirl 50
    Could you really trust a guy that says he has a gf but is flirting with you? What if you were the gf?
    Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.


    However not only is thαt true but I don't think your αt αge to dαte [i'm sure your pαrents wouldn't let you αnywho]
    Besides thαt I don't think you reαlly understαnd the meαning of hαving α relαtionship-- let αlone this little kid who cαn't even do his own lαundry yet he's going αround αll nilly willy.. seriously αt your αge right now is α whole bunch of crushes αnd "oo i don't like him αnymore i like wαit its fred".. you hαve so mαny hormones rushing through thαt body of yours! No reαl relαtionships would come out from this... let αlone from αny boy αt this αge.. they're pαnts "tent up" over commerciαls for godsαkes..

    Stick to crushes αnd for god-sαkes this boy hαs α "girlfriend"-- more like plαymαte or flαvour of the week... stαy αwαy.. He'll dump her soon enough..

    Like I sαid elementαry/highschool relαtionships don't lαst..

    hαve fun αnd be good in school [αnd stαy in school] xxoo
  • Sep 13, 2007, 09:41 PM
    Actually I had a girlfriend for 4 years from 3rd through 7th grade.. anyway. This kid is a playerr, and at like 12 that's not good, I'm sure the classes that he doesn't have you he flirts with someother girl. Not the best choice but since you like him and you say he likes you, just wait for him, if he does like you he'll ask you out.
  • Sep 14, 2007, 06:36 AM
    Homegirl 50
    What do 9-12 year olds do going out, eat lunch together in the cafeteria? There is no way I'd have let my daughter call herself dating at that age
  • Sep 14, 2007, 07:42 AM

    Originally Posted by JonLR92
    actually i had a girlfriend for 4 years from 3rd through 7th grade..anyway. this kid is a playerr, and at like 12 thats not good, im sure the classes that he doesnt have you he flirts with someother girl. not the best choice but since you like him and you say he likes you, just wait for him, if he does like you he'll ask you out.

    This kid is not called" player", she is a kid!

    I can't believe what you guys think at your age nowadays! Am I old?:eek:
  • Sep 14, 2007, 08:19 AM
    Homegirl 50
    How can a 12 year old be a player, what can he do? What we have here are 9-12 years olds that have just discovered the opposite sex and now they want to play grown folks games. They need to be playing with toys and learning, not worrying about gf/bf stuff.
    What parent in their right mind lets kids that young date?
  • Sep 14, 2007, 01:22 PM
    Trust me, little kids now a days know so many things, I have lots of little cousins that are from 8-12 and they know what I know, and that's not a good thing. I say he's a player because he will go from girl to girl just playing around with them, flirting with them, I knew a lot of kids at that age that did the same thing. They end up alone and sad. Remember this was only like 4 years ago for me so I know about this.
  • Sep 14, 2007, 01:51 PM
    Just sit and wait he might ask you out and he may not

    By the way : when I was in 6th grade my boyfriend dumb me and 2 min later he had another girlfriend
    Well he might be nice and he may not

    Just wait and see what he'll do
  • Sep 14, 2007, 02:07 PM
    By the way he might actually making the girlfriend thing up , just to make you jelous
    Trust me it happened to me once before

    He'll eventually ask you out
    Don't worry
  • Sep 14, 2007, 02:26 PM
    Homegirl 50
    I think it is a shame so many really young kids are in to this behavior. Parents are dropping the ball. How are young people having the opportunity to do these things?
    Off topic, I'm sorry.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 01:23 PM

    Originally Posted by Homegirl 50
    I think it is a shame so many really young kids are in to this behavior. Parents are dropping the ball. How are young people having the opportunity to do these things?
    Off topic, I'm sorry.

    Dating a guy isn't a shame !
  • Sep 15, 2007, 03:16 PM
    To think_pink... I thought he was making the girlfriend thing up too but I don't know... and to people saying he flirts with other people or he's a player... NO HE IS NOT!! Every time he sees me he flirts with me... his locker is all the way around the corner and down the hall from mine (which is far away) and every day he comes down to see me after his class... so I'm pretty sure he doesn't have time to flirt with other people... by the way on Friday everyone (my friends) kept saying to alex... "alex ask alex out" and stuff and he kept saying no to them (I would to because id be embarressed) but I don't know if he's saying no because he's embarressed or no because he doesn't want to...
  • Sep 15, 2007, 03:17 PM
    So don't think he's a player
  • Sep 15, 2007, 03:18 PM
    And my mom lets me have boyfriends and that's what I mean by "ask out" not ask out on a date but to be his girlfriend... its what the people say in my skools I don't know why either
  • Sep 15, 2007, 03:55 PM

    Originally Posted by Homegirl 50
    You guys are what 12? How serious can this be. You two have discovered the opposite sex and you're all giddy. Get your education.
    But think about this. Could you really trust a guy that says he has a gf but is flirting with you? What if you were the gf?
    Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

    Actually I am exceeding in all of my classes in my classes and I'm not flirting like verbally so I don't pay attention... I look at him for 5 seconds the look away... that doesn't distract me... so I do have education
    And what do you mean "what if u were the gf?" that makes no sense?
    And my mom lets me have boyfriends just not go out on a date (well maybe I could but with my mom there)... what I mean by "ask out" it means to ask to be there bf/gf... that's what we (people) say now
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:56 PM

    Originally Posted by alyxstarxx23
    actually i am exceeding in all of my classes in my classes and im not flirting like verbally so i dont pay attention... i look at him for 5 seconds the look away... that doesn't distract i do have education
    and what do u mean "what if u were the gf?" that makes no sense??
    and my mom lets me have boyfriends just not go out on a date (well maybe i could but with my mom there)... what i mean by "ask out" it means to ask to be there bf/gf... thats what we (people) say now

    Yeah I know what you mean by that when I was your age we called it that way 2 and I don't think there's anything wrong with that
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:58 PM

    Originally Posted by alyxstarxx23
    to think_pink...i thought he was making the gf thing up too but idk....and to people sayin he flirts with other people or hes a player..... NO HE IS NOT!!! every time he sees me he flirts with me....his locker is all the way around the corner and down the hall from mine (which is far away) and every day he comes down to see me after his class... so im pretty sure he doesnt have time to flirt with other people.... btw on friday everyone (my friends) kept saying to alex ..."alex ask alex out" and stuff and he kept saying no to them (i would to because id b embarressed) but idk if hes saying no because hes embarressed or no bc he doesnt want to....

    Omg he does that? Then what can I say? Sounds like he likes you :) and its just going to take time till he asks u :D
  • Sep 15, 2007, 07:07 PM

    Originally Posted by think_pink
    omg he does that?? then wat can i say ?? sounds like he likes you :) and its just gona take time till he asks u :D

    Thanks for the help :D
  • Sep 15, 2007, 07:10 PM
    Btw--i didn't mean literly after every class but like after 2 or 3 of his classes everyday but still, thanks

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