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  • Sep 12, 2007, 07:29 PM
    My parents won't give me privacy.
    My parents won't give me any privacy. My mom walks in on me in the bathroom, opens the curtains when she's looking for soap in there when I am in there, etc.
    Also, when I tell her I need privacy, she thinks I'm hiding something like I'm masterbating or something. She doesn't understand that the reason I want privacy is because I don't want to be supervised all the time. I don't want someone walking on me while I'm naked.
  • Sep 12, 2007, 07:35 PM
    Ask her if she trusts you. And then explain that its embaresing to be walked in on naked.
  • Sep 12, 2007, 07:38 PM
    Homegirl 50
    How old are you?
    Have you told your mom in a calm manner that you don't like her walking in on you while you're naked? Maybe you should try it.
    That is just something that never was a problem with us. A closed door meant privacy. If my daughter was in the bathroom, I would not go in unless I knocked or if her bedroom door was closed, I would knock.
  • Sep 12, 2007, 07:43 PM
    I can understand you wanting your privicy everyone needs there own space. Are you a only girl and the youngest? Does mom still see you as her little girl?
    I can only say try sitting down with her and tell her how you feel and put it to her as if she was in your shoe's did she have her mom do it to her and how did it make her feel if so? I think that's what I would say to my mom if I was in your situation but all in a carlm manner not like your having a go.
  • Sep 12, 2007, 07:51 PM

    Originally Posted by Lez
    i can understand you wanting your privicy everyone needs there own space. are you a only girl and the youngest? does mom still see you as her little girl?
    i can only say try sitting down with her and tell her how you feel and put it to her as if she was in your shoe's did she have her mom do it to her and how did it make her feel if so? i think thats what i would say to my mom if i was in your situation but all in a carlm manner not like your having a go.

    I'm a dude! LOL. But yeah she still sees me as her little boy. I don't feel comftable having a talk with her about a subject like that though.
  • Sep 12, 2007, 08:00 PM
    Homegirl 50
    Then talk to your dad and then he can tell her. You said in another post you have an older brother, talk to him and he can tell your mom.
  • Sep 12, 2007, 08:04 PM
    Opppss sorry about that I think I must have been thinking too much about me being in the same situation as I'm still mom's little girl and I'm nearly 28 but I do have me privacy lol.
    Do you not have a close relationship with your mom? What about your dad can you talk to him and say how your feeling maybe he could have a word with you mom. But would say its better for you to sit down with her as you can explain it more things like this makes your bond with you mom stonger I used to be the same wouldn't talk about anything with her but started bit by bit and now I can speak openly about anything with her. Hope you get things sorted and sorry again :) x
  • Sep 13, 2007, 10:24 AM
    Why not try telling her you are mastubating? Lol, that probably sounds crazy, but turn it into a joke with her, and maybe she might get the hint... if that sounds completely insane to you, then I agree with everyone; just tell her straight out that you need your privacy
  • Sep 13, 2007, 10:28 AM

    Originally Posted by xxhopingtearsxx
    My parents wont give me any privacy. My mom walks in on me in the bathroom, opens the curtains when she's looking for soap in there when I am in there, etc.
    Also, when I tell her I need privacy, she thinks I'm hiding something like I'm masterbating or something. She doesn't understand that the reason I want privacy is because I don't want to be supervised all the time. I don't want someone walking on me while I'm naked.

    Oh my god I know exactly what you mean about
    Like when I am changing in my room my rents walk right it and there's even a sign on my door that says "KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING"
    So don't worry I know what you mean..
  • Sep 13, 2007, 10:37 AM
    Hello Out There

    Originally Posted by xxhopingtearsxx
    My parents wont give me any privacy. My mom walks in on me in the bathroom, opens the curtains when she's looking for soap in there when I am in there, etc.
    Also, when I tell her I need privacy, she thinks I'm hiding something like I'm masterbating or something. She doesn't understand that the reason I want privacy is because I don't want to be supervised all the time. I don't want someone walking on me while I'm naked.

    Yes I must agree with you. I had that same problem with my mom when I was a teenager. Only bad part is it only gets worse. I am now 22 years old and she still pulls that with me. (except the shore thing). Now with her is the darn questions when are you getting married when are you having kids, are you having kids, and so on and so on. Best way to deal with it id say is to just ask her what she wants and why does she keep bothering you. Just be honest. No offense but I don't think it going to go away any time soon. Sorry.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 11:31 AM
    I totally agree with you, my mother is controlling and she is like that. She feels privacy only belongs to the ones paying the bills and that includes her and my dad. To me I think privacy belongs to everyone even if you are a yound child. Everyone wants and needs at some point in time to be alone, even if it is doing something constructive or just getting their thoughts together.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 11:33 AM
    You need to sit down and have a one on one conversation with your mother and let her know that you deserve as much privacy as she does. You deserve to me treated the same in return.
  • Sep 13, 2007, 05:48 PM
    Lock the door.
  • Sep 14, 2007, 02:16 PM
    I agree with all the other ones : talk it out with her , if not with her with someone else like your dad that can go and tell your mom later on

    Well it might sound crazy but she might be fearing that if she lets go off what's going on she might lose you or something
  • Sep 14, 2007, 02:26 PM

    Originally Posted by kayakinggirl
    lock the door.

    Wrong it'll just mαke her αngry αnd more suspicious..

    Look your not α little boy αnymore αnd well your growing "mαn pαrts" so your mom cαn't be looking αt you nαked.. hell I'd die if I sαw my kid nαked by the time she's older... so tell her nicely becαuse being meαn or defensive won't get your αnywhere. You cαn sαy: "mom cαn i tαlk to you for α sec... you know when you wαlked in the bαthroom the other dαy-- well i don't like it when you do thαt feels α little wierd αnd creepy i'm older now αnd i don't wαnt you to see me nαked it's embrαssing.." end of discussion if she's α grown αdult she'll tαke it αnd knock before going in the bαthroom--lock your bαthroom.. your in the bαthroom tαking α shower or in the toilet.. no one should see thαt-- unless you let them?. αnywho tell her to knock first before entering you bedroom tell her thαt to knock αnd give you 5 seconds before entering.. thαt'll give you enough time to put your pαnts or boxers on.. it's not long enough to hide your ciggαrette [k I know now α dαys it's α joint but lets sαy ciggs.] cover the smoke...

    Good luck to yα kiddo<3
  • Sep 14, 2007, 02:50 PM
    I have to disagree with the first statement-I have a teenaged boy and when he started locking the bathroom door, I was upset, but now I am used to it and would never think of interrupting him-and I am the most overprotective person I know. If you lock the door and have a discussion about why you are locking it, you don't even really have to say why, just "I need my privacy and I am not doing anything illegal". Get your father involved if you can, if not, maybe an uncle or family friend-just someone who can explain how you feel with out anger. Don't lock the bedroom door-unfortunately, it is a parents right to occasionally invade your privacy as long as you are being supported by them and living under their roof. I make it a point to always knock and wait until my child says that its OK to enter. I've walked in on some pretty embarrassing things.
  • Sep 14, 2007, 08:27 PM

    Originally Posted by kayakinggirl
    I have to disagree with the first statement-I have a teenaged boy and when he started locking the bathroom door, i was upset, but now I am used to it and would never think of interrupting him-and I am the most overprotective person I know. If you lock the door and have a discussion about why you are locking it, you don't even really have to say why, just "I need my privacy and I am not doing anything illegal". get your father involved if you can, if not, maybe an uncle or family friend-just someone who can explain how you feel with out anger. Don't lock the bedroom door-unfortunately, it is a parents right to occasionally invade your privacy as long as you are being supported by them and living under their roof. I make it a point to always knock and wait until my child says that its ok to enter. I've walked in on some pretty embarrassing things.

    Wow, I would ask what kind of embaressing things but that just seems too rude. Well, the awkward and probably the whole main reason of all of this is because I don't have my own room. In NEw Orleans, I didn't mind because I didn't really need the privacy. I had everything I needed right there. Only had one friend who is still my friend.. A computer, a bed, food, that's it. I.. I just don't know. Everything seems different here.

    I probably have not made any sense or sort of trailed off in that paragraph because of my extreme fatigue.
  • Nov 30, 2007, 11:01 AM
    Ok, That's totally wrong that your Rents will just walk in on you
    But if you think it's a good idea maybe talk to your Mom and Dad about how you feel
    About them coming in your Room.
    Cause Before I had my step-dad that came in my room while I was changing and just acted like nothing was wrong so I said "YOU ING PERVERT". And I'm not saying that you should say that to your rents, but all I'm saying is just talk to them and if they care enough they'll listen to you.
  • Dec 1, 2007, 01:15 AM
    Why don't u just lock your door? Lock your room door while you are in the bathroom. I'm sure she can't get through that way. Or else, you can just tell her that you are a guy and you can't stand being treated like a 5 year old. Talk it out! Wish you good luck! By the way, wots your age?
  • Dec 2, 2007, 02:28 PM
    Ask for a lock or buy yourself one

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