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  • Jul 19, 2007, 11:25 AM
    Why fornication or adultry is a sin?
    Why God doesn't want us to have sexual intercourse before marriage? What are the
    Scientific reasons behind this. If having illegal children is the reason THEN if it is
    Controlled, still it'll be a sin. See sins have bad impacts on humans, so what bad
    Impacts besides STDs(Aids, herpers etc) we get because of illegal sex. Illegal children may destroy social system which is very much prominent in humans. But what if children are not born because of illegal sexual intercourse, Why is this still a sin? There must be some scientific explainations.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 11:28 AM
    <moved to Christianity from Adult Sexuality>
  • Jul 19, 2007, 11:41 AM
    Because common beliefs and religion says so... basically. According to most religions, you should not have sex unless you are wanting to produce offspring, and as for the adultery, most religions believe in monogamy.
    We are typically raised to believe polygamy is wrong, although, in my opinion, basic human instinct says otherwise..
  • Jul 19, 2007, 12:23 PM

    Originally Posted by alkalineangel
    because common beliefs and religion says so....basically. according to most religions, you should not have sex unless you are wanting to produce offspring, and as for the adultery, most religions believe in monogamy.
    we are typically raised to believe polygamy is wrong, although, in my opinion, basic human instinct says otherwise..

    Islam allows polyginy, which is why you are right alkalineangel to say that it is a basic human instinct for some to need more than one wife.

    The thing about adultery being forbidden in many religions (I will speak for Islam) is that it creates many inbalances in society as you may have noticed all men who committ adultery are not too eager to take the responsibility for the children and it is the poor girl who gets the raw end of the deal and bringing up a child is hard enough with two parents, imagine single parents suffering through all the "should have been best years" of the child.This in turn produces children with socially unstable qualities and they either rebel or withdraw into a shell and their potential as a human being is not reached.

    And about children not being born of adultery,almost everyone who has a relationship outside marriage do not want to have children,but how many teenage pregnancies have been there?Or for that matter how many adult unwanted pregnancies have been recorded and all are not aborted but some babies are disposed off in ways so crude, some even survive and live in hardship and some fortunate kids find good homes.

    Adultery even if it does not produce children leads to disintergration of family due to unfaithfulness from either husband or wife and the whole society is based on strong human beings and humans to be strong their families need to be strong together.
    Who's to say who can cheat or not...

    Diseases which are spread due to adultery also effects the third party if the unfaithful has another relationship during this same time and the disease spreads and some are more effected than others.
    Hence Islam forbids such things before it even begins...

    Sometimes men or women are in great stress when they are not in secure relationships and a good marriage provides such balance and the faith the couple has in each other tends to effect the whole output of the man or woman as a social being.

    :) I know this is not scientific proof... maybe someone else could fill up that part!
  • Jul 19, 2007, 12:32 PM
    You can hardly use scientific reason for moral "laws" and "codes." Biological or hormonal urges would say that fornification and adultery are natural, because a person is merely responding to stimuli. Like the phrase, "just do it" or "whatever feesl good, do it." If a person responds like that in every case, does it lessen the value of their action? How would a person then distinguish between responding out of love or responding out of some biological/chemical urge?
  • Jul 19, 2007, 12:55 PM
    I agree it would be hard to tell the difference and I'm not saying that we should do things more naturally, but Im arguing that scientifically, it is the way that we are made. Just like all other mammals of this earth. It is only the religion aspect that has changed it for us as a society. There are families in this world that function perfectly normal with multiple partners, it is when it is hidden that it becomes detrimental. As for fornication, there is nothing that says that mature people who have sexual relations will not function properly because they are not married... people do it every day, and even when children are produced, get by just fine... now when the youth get involved things change, but it isn't the act that causes problems there, it's the age and level of maturity.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 01:01 PM
    "there is nothing that says that mature people who have sexual relations will not function properly because they are not married...people do it every day, and even when children are produced, get by just when the youth get involved things change, but it isnt the act that causes problems there, its the age and level of maturity.[/QUOTE]

    Well if the adults are doing it, why would the youth stay away from, they look to adults for example or to show the right way.
    This is where religion comes in and shows direction for the adults to lead their children to the righteous path!

    And who's to say who is mature and who is not... scientifically there's no proof if a person is mature or not unless there is something seriously wrong either in mental or physical development which would show up on graphs of brain scans etc..

  • Jul 19, 2007, 01:21 PM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Well if the adults are doing it, why would the youth stay away from, they look to adults for example or to show the right way.
    This is where religion comes in and shows direction for the adults to lead their children to the righteous path!

    The adults should teach their children the difference between childhood activities and adult activities simple as that. I am not an advocate of waiting for marriage. I think it is a silly rule. . Marriage does not matter when it comes to raising a child, what matters is that there are two parents. Marriage is simply a way for two people to signify their love for each other.


    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    And whos to say who is mature and who is not...scientifically theres no proof if a person is mature or not unless there is something seriously wrong either in mental or physical development which would show up on graphs of brain scans etc..


    I agree, but its blantantly obvious when a someone has a child and can not care for themselves. If you are not an adult (18 years old by law) it will be very difficult for you to properly care for a child, as most youth can not hold a job, rent an apartment, drive a car, etc... Or when a person is not mature enough to understand how a relationship should function. That is the point I'm trying to make.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 01:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Idrees
    Why God doesn't want us to have sexual intercourse before marriage? What are the
    scientific reasons behind this. If having illegal children is the reason THEN if it is
    controlled, still it'll be a sin. See sins have bad impacts on humans, so what bad
    impacts besides STDs(Aids, herpers etc) we get because of illegal sex. Illegal children may destroy social system which is very much prominent in humans. But what if children are not born because of illegal sexual intercourse, Why is this still a sin? There must be some scientific explainations.

    You will not find God explaining the 'science' behind his herems. However, if you ask a sociologist or family psychologist about the negative impact of pre-marital fornication, you will then receive answers with a scientific base.

    There are some things that are wrong in and of themselves, and other things that are wrong because they are forbidden, either by God or by legislation. There are usually good and valid reasons for all classes of prohibitions. Wisadom lies understanding as broadly as possible what these consequences are.

    It is the act that God forbids, not the consequences. It is the consequences that draws the attention of sociologists and psycghologists who have to deal with the loss of self esteem, etc.

  • Jul 19, 2007, 06:57 PM

    Originally Posted by Idrees
    Why God doesn't want us to have sexual intercourse before marriage? What are the
    scientific reasons behind this. If having illegal children is the reason THEN if it is
    controlled, still it'll be a sin. See sins have bad impacts on humans, so what bad
    impacts besides STDs(Aids, herpers etc) we get because of illegal sex. Illegal children may destroy social system which is very much prominent in humans. But what if children are not born because of illegal sexual intercourse, Why is this still a sin? There must be some scientific explainations.

    I don't know that I can answer why God calls sex outside of marriage a sin. However, he DOES. I can tell you this... we see it as just being a physical act and God sees it as physical and spiritual. We don't understand what happens to us spiritually but HE does. If it were good for us, He would allow it. That is my take.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 07:07 PM
    I don't know if this day and age all christians believe this. The bible and god may have said that but clearly christians don't mind making love before they get married because we are loving people. I know we arnt to have condoms either but I think we should be permitted to
  • Jul 19, 2007, 08:01 PM
    Ancient man has always put a premium on clearly defining bloodlines for inheritance and distribution of family assets, so you can see why he thought ideas like homosexuality, and adultry to be against the interests of the tribe. Modern man has the advantage of birth control, and with the advent of the new freedoms, women are no longer considered property, nor are they subordinate to the will of a man, so they can choose who they please, as life partners, or night partner if they want to. As we get these new freedoms the down side is what about the children, as many are abandoned by men, who don't want the responsibility, which reeks havoc with the social system, as far as support, both physical, economic, and mental, but also destroys the nessesary support systems for young humans, to be nurtured and taught to be healthy and whole, adults. Government can pass out food stamps and living vouchers, but they cannot replace the loving family environment, and we all suffer for that by having to deal with more and more maladjusted, half raised misguided youngsters, who have to be locked up and put away. Damn I never mentioned the bible at all HMMMMM!! Well if there is no one to make you go then the church is pretty helpless.
  • Jul 20, 2007, 02:25 AM

    Originally Posted by alkalineangel
    the adults should teach their children the difference between childhood activities and adult activities simple as that. marriage is simply a way for two people to signify their love for eachother.

    I agree, but its blantantly obvious when a someone has a child and can not care for themselves. if you are not an adult (18 years old by law) it will be very difficult for you to properly care for a child, as most youth can not hold a job, rent an appartment, drive a car, etc... Or when a person is not mature enough to understand how a relationship should function. that is the point im trying to make.


    Children needs to see moral parents for them to follow moral values as it is very confusing for children for example with smoking or drinking parents to tell them its wrong when they are practically advertising for their kids!I agree there are very morally good children from such families but this is an exception to the rule.All, even psychiatrists agree that for children to grow up healthy they need a healthy environment.

    One thing I have noticed about good marriages is that there are times when the love fades,but the respect they have for each other and the written marriage contract sometimes help keep the bond going and this in turn makes each partner take responsibility for their part in keeping a marriage together as they have a written promise and Iguess the Creator of the worlds know us humans better than we do and He has deemed it a sin and we must keep away from the Almighty's displeasure.

    I really haven't figured out the difference between an 18 year old and a 17 year old to say that one is mature than the other to take responsibility of marriage.:confused: :)
    About youth not holding jobs, I have seen 40 -50 year olds who hardly can hold a job or even earn enough to feed themselves.
    I guess that adultery cannot be defined only for kids and not for adults for it the children who grow up to be adults and one practising it will mean that the children will follow in their footsteps until they find out otherwise or learn from mistakes!!

  • Jul 20, 2007, 04:26 AM
    Science can't explain God's laws.
  • Jul 20, 2007, 05:09 AM

    Originally Posted by Marily
    Science can't explain God's laws.

    Common sense and the need for ancient man to survive in an orderly way does. Today the same holds true, and science has gone a long way in providing the meat and potatoes of our behavior, and how the world works.
  • Jul 20, 2007, 05:20 AM
    Unless you intend of breaking God's law what does a single or married christian want to do with condoms?
  • Jul 20, 2007, 05:42 AM
    Marily I would disagree because science can explain gods laws. You know how we christians kept saying the earth is flat and then science came and explained that no the gods earth is not flat? Science helps prove things about gods work that we have had wrong
  • Jul 20, 2007, 06:15 AM

    Unless you intend of breaking God's law what does a single or married christian want to do with condoms?
    The same thing all healthy humans do with them, prevent unwanted pregnancy and STD's.
  • Jul 20, 2007, 06:19 AM
    The reason multiple partners is bad is because we have made it out to be. If it was not looked down upon, then there would be no issue. Marriage is not as sacred a thing as people make it out to be. Two people can live together raise a family and never be married. Marriage itself is nothing more than a label. I am not saying it is for me personally, but there are families with more that 2 adults who function just fine in this world. Their children are raised fine, and rarely are affected. Children will grow to be who they will be. Yes learning by example is part of it, but knowing who and what to expose your child to is the difference. I think raising free thinkers with open minds is the key. Religion is a personal issue. I will not raise a child to be afraid of religious laws, I will raise my child with faith and love, and will educate him in the idea of religion, but he will make his own decision as to what is right from that aspect... No one not even you can tell someone that the laws in the bible are absolute truth. You can believe that it is, but you can not force it...

    As for the youth/adult thing - I was speaking on average... the adults out there without good jobs and homes have a reason why.. either they are too ill or have been injured, or are not smart enough to get off their butts and find a job. Youth simply don't have the ability... am I wrong here?
  • Jul 20, 2007, 07:51 AM
    Well I respect your beliefs mario

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