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  • Jul 2, 2007, 03:48 PM
    I really like this girl
    I know I posted a problem on this site before, but the girl I liked had a boyfriend and now they broke up. We talk just about everyday and we are like bestfriends. She tells me things that she hasn't told anyone. When we hang out, There's a point where I look at her and she is looking at me, like right in my eyes. I stare at her back and we stare into each others eyes for a while. I want to tell her that I really like you but I'm afraid it might ruin our friendship. I on the fourth of July, I'm going to the beach with her and I was wondering if I should ask tell her that I like her. I think the reason I haven't is because I'm afraid of the consequences and getting rejected. What should I do?
  • Jul 2, 2007, 06:05 PM
    You should deffinitely tell her how you feel or you will always feel this way. You will always wonder 'what if?' If you are scared of it ruining your friendship, then word it a certain way. Maybe say "hey, I really think you are something special and that you are someone I could really be happy with if we dated. I was wondering if you have ver thought the same thing'. This way you are no directly saying that you really like her and want to be with her... which could possibly ruin a friendship if she doesn't feel the same.
  • Jul 3, 2007, 07:49 AM
    I had a girl as a best friend when I was about 14... we were like bonnie and clyde without the bank robbing... I was her best friend and she was mine. No secrets between us and I never took it further because she was the girl that EVERYONE wanted to have a girlfriend. Well... she and I ended up living together (in a husband and wife way) from when I was 17 and nobody was more surprised than me!

    Despite our long term relationship breaking down a few years ago we still are the best of friends and I thank the maker for the 17 years we had together.

    Moral of the story, be true to yourself and your friends, live without expectation or agenda.
  • Jul 3, 2007, 07:55 AM
    Go for it and let her know. Best friends usually make the best lovers. Why not give it a chanch. Not guarantee it will work out but what do you have to lose? Nothing? Imagine if everything turns out awsome. You will gain so much.

  • Jul 5, 2007, 07:09 AM
    Did you do it?
  • Jul 5, 2007, 09:17 AM
    Lol, there could be somthin to this... :)
  • Jul 5, 2007, 12:07 PM
    Did you do it? And if you did what did she say
  • Jul 7, 2007, 01:45 AM
    Ok I was in the girl situation like this not too long ago. This guy was always there for me and he was what really got me through my horrible break up. Now Im not completely sure how she feels but I know we had MANY similar moments, and honestly if he would have done what you wanted to he wouldn't have gotten rejected. But most importantly if he would have it would have been in a kind way that he could have handled and understood. But see your girl is lucky because you are still there for her like that, see mine moved on because he was too scared to ask me because he thought we could only be just friends. But I wish u all the luck!!

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