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  • Jun 17, 2007, 01:48 AM
    Craft ideas for babies
    I work in a Nursery Room in a child care and I am looking for craft ideas to do with babies (1 year old) Please give me your ideas or websites with ideas
  • Jun 17, 2007, 05:38 AM
    I don't know if a one year old could grasp a craft type project. They really aren't co-ordinated enough in mind or body yet, low attention span. The best for one year olds is moving objects around to develop hand eye coordination.
  • Jun 17, 2007, 07:18 AM
    Something messy always was fun for me lol, painting or having colouring books was wicked.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 11:13 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle
    I dont know if a one year old could grasp a craft type project. They really arent co-ordinated enough in mind or body yet, low attention span. The best for one year olds is moving objects around to develop hand eye coordination.

    I agree with tickle, 1 year olds can't do much craft, but large block building or other activities which involve use of large items will keep them going for sometime.

    Putting items into boxes/bags and taking them out is fun for them too.
    Finger painting maybe fun too as long as it is well supervised!

    Skill-building Activities: 1 year old
    Toys and Activities for 0-2 year olds

  • Aug 12, 2007, 03:24 PM
    There is no need in all that. Don't forget this ? Is about a 1 yr old. Im a lead teacher for a 1year olds and they can do a lot more then you think. Here are some sites to go to

    Sesame Workshop - Home Page
    Disney - Answers to everyday family life including entertainment, parenting, coupons, travel & more
  • Sep 7, 2007, 01:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Phoenix25
    I work in a Nursery Room in a child care and I am looking for craft ideas to do with babies (1 year old) Please give me your ideas or websites with ideas

    These are a list of things I do with the babies at the Nursery I work for. These are sensory, but they will eat the majority of it.

    Spaghetti play,
    Jelly play,
    Squirty cream play
    Slippery silk- this is cornflour and water (also known as gloop)
    Play dough,
    Sand play
    Water play
    Treasure basket. This is a basket containing everyday touchy feely objects. E.g, brush, fur, bark, sea shells, crinkly paper, sponges, scourers, etc.
    Hand/feet painting,
    Finger painting,

    Hope you have as much fun as I do when I do these activities. Good luck and don't get too messy!
  • Sep 7, 2007, 03:45 PM
    Have you checked out the Zero to Three website?
    Zero to Three: Zero to Three Home Page

    Also check your library out. There is usually a section for infants and toddlers.

    Other sites that might interest you are:
    Growth and Development, Ages Zero to Three
    Early Head Start National Resource Center - Welcome
    frontline: inside the teenage brain: science: the zero-to-three debate | PBS
    BabyCenter -- Zero to Three

    The emphasis at this age is developmentally appropriate play and growth. Good luck and have fun!
  • Apr 22, 2008, 06:30 PM
    I am a church nursery director and I teach the 1 yr olds Sunday school and I find out as long as you have things cut out and ready they love pasting paper, foam and noodles:)
  • Apr 25, 2008, 02:46 AM
    I will agree that simple is the best way to go...
  • May 14, 2008, 07:24 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle
    I dont know if a one year old could grasp a craft type project. They really arent co-ordinated enough in mind or body yet, low attention span. The best for one year olds is moving objects around to develop hand eye coordination.

    Its very disappointing to see that people are putting limitations on what babies should or should not experience.

    I work in long day care in a 0-1 year room, and all my babies do craft no matter what their age, They all enjoy it even the ones who are only a few months old, yes some will require help, but as adults it is our job to guide children's learning...

    The craft our children enjoy most is the messy ones especially finger painting, they also enjoy brush painting, sponge paintng, print painting just to name a few...

  • Sep 3, 2008, 02:58 AM
    :) hi, I am a nursery teacher also looking for original ideas. I believe that babies need art as part of their development.
    Some ideas I have used that were successful:

    Loofa painting (this is easy for the children to grab.)
    Have the children decorate the art table, then cover it with contact.
    Create a group flag, this can be your room flag.
  • Sep 16, 2008, 06:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Kirst
    Its very disapointing to see that people are putting limitations on what babies should or should not experience.

    I work in long day care in a 0-1 year room, and all my babies do craft no matter what their age, They all enjoy it even the ones who are only a few months old, yes some will require help, but as adults it is our job to guide childrens learning...

    The craft our children enjoy most is the messy ones especially finger painting, they also enjoy brush painting, sponge paintng, print painting just to name a few...


    I completely and whole heartedly agree! Also every baby is different in developmental stages too, until later on but most importantly they all enjoy that bonding with an adult (or even slightly older children) who is willing to spend time with them in trying different things. My 13month old boy is extremely explorative in any envoirnment he is in and I let him go for it (within reason of course! ) which brings me to here in looking for new ideas (especially crafty keepsakes) that I can participate in with him. It's so important to open them up to new things even if they can't quite achieve it yet because it gives them something to look forward to accomplishing and the look on their faces when they get it is just priceless! Giving them things that they can already do ALL the time doesn't leave much room for growth and they get bored really quickly and that's when the trouble will really start! I do like everyone's suggestions in crafty stuff for one year olds and will be having just as much fun trying them with my boy as he will too thanks heaps! :D :D
  • Jun 15, 2009, 10:09 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    I dont know if a one year old could grasp a craft type project. They really arent co-ordinated enough in mind or body yet, low attention span. The best for one year olds is moving objects around to develop hand eye coordination.

    It is very developmentally appropriate for a young child to explore with different medias. Exploration through touch is one of the major ways a child learns. If a child doesn't experience different textures and have active creative play, that will be the child that will be at risk for sensory integration problems and developmental delay. I hope you don't teach this age group.
  • Jun 29, 2009, 04:14 PM
    Just Dahlia

    Originally Posted by schowhaus View Post
    It is very developmentally appropriate for a young child to explore with different medias. Exploration through touch is one of the major ways a child learns. If a child doesn't experience different textures and have active creative play, that will be the child that will be at risk for sensory integration problems and developmental delay. I hope you don't teach this age group.

    Wow we didn't have all that stuff when I was a one year old, and I'm pretty sure I was never at risk for sensory integration problems and developmental delay.

    I actually grew up to be a normal person with more than average skills in many areas.:)

    I think my training was napping, eating a cracker and not dropping the crumbs on myself and playing with dolls. I have been told I'm really good with the cracker thing. :D
  • Jun 29, 2009, 04:20 PM
    Just Dahlia
    Crap! Sorry old thread:(
  • Jun 29, 2009, 08:18 PM

    Yes, it is old! Too bad that it's now been archived and not showing up with any of the new stuff! There could have been many possibilities with it!

  • Aug 4, 2009, 08:21 PM

    Cut up vegetables and dip in paint , let them see the different shapes they make.. Maybe make place mats with the stamps. Or napkins. Hop about paint leaves and press on napkins for thanksgiving.
  • Nov 27, 2009, 04:51 PM
    I also agree with sejar a couple of other is pudding and mashed potato painting
  • Dec 25, 2009, 03:18 AM
    Old and now archived thread that has had sufficient enough answers.

    Thread is now CLOSED.

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