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  • Dec 7, 2007, 12:54 PM
    How can I get rid of a keloid/scar tissue from a piercing?
    I had my belly button pierced and it rejected and now there is what the piercer says is scar tissue but it may be a keloid. How can I get rid of it? I want to pierce it again and don't want these lumps there. I had it pierced 3 times already lol. The first time had it for 3 years and had to take it out due to pregnancy. 2nd time I had it pierced for 4 months but my baby kept kicking it and caused it to reject. 3rd time I had it pierced but it rejected because my belly ring kept getting caught and tugging. So this time I will be sure none of that happens lol... but I need to know how to get rid of the scar tissue/keloid any help is appreciated!
  • Dec 7, 2007, 03:34 PM
    Wow, it sounds like you have had terrible luck with that piercing. :p

    A keloid and scar tissue are the same thing. A keloid is just very overgrown scar tissue.

    I can't see it so I don't know how bad it is, but if it is severely overgrown you can talk to your doctor about getting steroid injections. These injections will take away some or most of the bump, and in some cases will get rid of it completely. It takes about 3 months of injections before you start seeing some results, so if you decide to do this, just keep at it! Unfortunately, there is no home remedy to take away this scarring. :)

    Unless this piercing is a high priority, I really wouldn't recommend getting it done again. With the high rejection rate, it is very very possible that it could happen again. If you do get it again, here are some things you can do to maybe reduce your chances of rejection:

    -get it pierced with a hoop, not a barbell. Hoops tend to not get caught on things like barbells do.

    -I don't know if you used salt solutions on your previous piercings, but if you did, don't use them with the next one. Salt is very drying and your bellybutton is a very sensitive area and the slightest thing can cause irritation, infection, and/or rejection.

    -Wear long shirts. If you do this, the bottom of your shirts cannot get caught on the piercing.

    -Keep it clean! Don't overdo it, but make sure it is clean. Your bellybutton is a haven for bacteria and you want to make sure those nasty little things don't get in your piercing. Clean it twice a day with antibacterial soap for the first two weeks, then after two weeks reduce to once a day. You really shouldn't skip a day of cleaning with your bellybutton.

    Good luck and I hope it all goes well for you! :)
  • Dec 8, 2007, 06:58 PM
    I have scar tissue in my belly piercing too. I took it out almost a month ago because I went to the piercing place and they told me it was rejecting. The lady told me to come back to get it re-pierced 5 weeks later when it isn't hard anymore. But its still kind of hard so I'm guessing that's the scar tissue. Can they pierce through that or do I have to wait until it goes away?
  • Dec 8, 2007, 10:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Shac0a
    i have scar tissue in my belly piercing too. i took it out almost a month ago because i went to the piercing place and they told me it was rejecting. the lady told me to come back to get it re-pierced 5 weeks later when it isnt hard anymore. but its still kind of hard so im guessing thats the scar tissue. can they pierce through that or do i have to wait until it goes away?

    It is all up to the piercer whether they pierce through scar tissue. Most piercers I have been to will, but there are a few that will not. Like your piercer told you, the scar tissue is very hard and tough. Some piercers find that a challenge and would rather just not mess with it.

    The best way to find out if a piercer will do it for you is to just call around and ask. It couldn't hurt and they are usually always happy to help, plus it saves you a trip from driving around town trying to find someone that will do it for you. Good luck! :)
  • Sep 17, 2009, 09:05 AM

    I also have the same problem with you guys,I had my belly pierce twice and I don't know what seems to be theb problem.. the skin peels off after 3 weeks I mean the skin shrinks to the point that the ring detaches by itself and I had kelloids already it sucks.. my pierced belly doesn't even last for a month until it rejects it heals fast and dries fast.. im planning to have it pierce again for the 3rd time.. any advise?
  • Dec 23, 2009, 02:29 PM
    I've pierced my belly button about 12 times. One can imagine how bad the scarring is. XD
    But I suggest for people that have had rejection or have bad scars, just get it pierced at the bottom of your belly button instead of the top. :3
    That's what I have now and it's doing very well. That and, I pierced through my cousin's scar tissue once, and the tissue was so tough that the needle actually got stuck... which I'm sure was quite painful for her. XD
    As for getting rid of the keloid,
    I have three on my chest right now from sternum piercings, and my dermatologist is giving me a series of shots in them to make them go away. So just ask a doctor to help you with them. :]
  • Jan 29, 2010, 11:40 AM
    At the place where I got my tragus and rook done he said to use tea tree oil or their keloid treatment oil
  • Feb 8, 2010, 11:27 AM
    Yeah I've had a keliod on my tragus and when I started using the tea tree oil it started going down quite rapidly so it may do the same for you dudes XD
  • Feb 8, 2010, 07:50 PM

    I got my industrial about a month ago... I just noticed that Im starting to get a keloid? I want to keep my industrial in sooooooo bad but my moms trying to tell me that its just going to get worse so I should take it out.. Im definitley not going to waste 40$$

    Any advice? :/
  • Mar 5, 2010, 04:02 PM
    I got a keloid after my belly piercing went all funny "/
    I found out that tree tea oil really helps, I saw results in like the first 2 weeks.
    You should apply about 2-3 drops too see fast results
    So I recommend you buy tree tea oil you can buy it anywhere.
  • Aug 12, 2010, 09:44 AM
    I had my belly done like about in January and it was fine in about April and may I noticed this red bump appearing on the side of my peircing in course of time it got bigger, I went to the doctors they told me it wos a keloid, the gave me sum ointment, its like vaseline to put on it twice a day but that didn't work, it didn't get smaller either, so I stopped using it for a while and noticed it went a little smaller then back big again, and it keeps doing this gets smaller and then big again and then decides to pop and there's blood everywhere, it hurts as well so I can't lye down flat on my stomach, so I don't know what this is, because its like a watery substance as well as blood and that but I fort a keloid was solid piece of skin, which this bump sometimes is!. I don't know what to do, atm the other day it burst and its really scabby and red! Please help!
  • Aug 19, 2010, 08:50 AM
    If you apply a paste made of a crushed aspirin tablet and water to the keloid once a day for 15 to 20 minuts it will literally disolve the keloid. This is not a gentle way of doing it but it works, if your skin reacts badly to this treatment you should use a more gentle method such as applying tea tree oil. Hope this helps.
  • Aug 19, 2010, 08:54 AM

    If you apply a paste made of a crushed aspirin tablet and water to the keloid once a day for 15 to 20 minuts it will literally dissolve the keloid. This is not a gentle method, but it works! If your skin reacts badly to this treatment you should try an alternative method such as applying tea tree oil to the keloid. Hope this helps :)
  • May 9, 2011, 02:49 PM
    The same thing happened me to lads! My bellybutton rejected the piercing and all the skin started coming away from the piercing until it was hanging on by literally a tread. I took it out and now I have a scar the size of a one cent coin! I'll definitely try some of those tings up here ^^
  • Jun 3, 2011, 04:29 PM
    Where can you buy the tree tea oil?
  • Jun 17, 2011, 08:08 PM
    I have the same thing but mine is very sever I cnt wear a bathin sutis because a big red dot is on my belly button I want to get rid of it I just don't no how andim only 13 so I cnt get sergery
  • Jun 25, 2011, 01:09 PM
    The way you get rid of a keyloid is by applying ice to the infected area or you can smash them or you can apply scar cream to the area and when you put the scar cream on the area rub it in with your finger tips and make sure it is absorbed into the skin
  • Jun 29, 2011, 06:58 AM
    Comment on kimformyst's post
    Geez 12 timesthen I guess you no a lot about peirccings... maybe you can help me... I peiced my cartilage and there's scar tissue around it, the thing is, I don't like were the peircing is and I want to peirce it somewere els. But I want to get rid of th scar tissue so bad!! But I don't know how :S I've had it for a little over 4 months now and I'm not sure what to do... I keep hearing about tea tree oil, but I hear that they get rid of keloids... but what about scar tissue?. I've also heard that H2Ocean helps but I don't want to waste my money if it doesn't. And I also heard about vidamine e oil, that gets rid of scars, but I don't think it will work :/. And I wouldn't want to take steroids or any thing like that. Can you help me :S?!
  • Jul 20, 2011, 01:36 PM
    I'm having the same problem. I had to take it out recently, because it had got ripped out at a fair I had just gone too. So, I tried to re-pierce it, and it just didn't look the same. It seemed thinner! I talked to the lady that would re pierce it for me, but I have to wait a month... But I feel scar tissue.. HOW DO I GET RID OF IT ?
  • Aug 12, 2011, 03:23 PM
    OK this sounds so dumb, but it works... buy h2ocean from any tattoo place, get Qtips take off the cotton parts of the Qtip and soak them in the H2Ocean. Put it on the keloid and put a band-aid on top and sleep with that on every night for 2 weeks and they go away. You will see results the next day(:

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