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  • Feb 4, 2007, 03:04 AM
    Methane Smell in Shower
    My bathroom smells like methane almost all the time now and I finally realized it is coming from the shower, not the toilet where I originally thought it was coming from. Our downstairs shower smells the same methane smell just a little from time to time, but our apartment next door (that we rent) also has this methane smell also emanating only from the shower. The smell seems to stop or essen when the we turn the shower on and the water runs.
  • Feb 4, 2007, 06:59 AM
    : Try this. Remove the two screws holding the strainer. (TIP; put the screws in the soap dish before they get lost down the drain.) Shine a light down there and with a bent coathanger fish out any hair that may be hiding down there. Then pour a 1/2 gal. of bleach down into the trap and let it set over night. Next morning flush the mess down with 2 latge pans of boiling water, (this is important). The bleach will desolve the hair and make it slippery and the boiling water will melt the grease and get the mess out of your drain. Smell better now? Cheers TOM

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