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  • Nov 19, 2008, 03:19 AM
    I'm struggling.
    I've always been quite good at school. In junior high I excelled in just about every subject. When I got to ninth grade, I noticed a drop in a few grades (science and math, mostly.) and as far as my sophomore year, I started failing more and more classes. This year (my junior year.) I'm not passing a single class. I don't understand, I used to be so good at school. My mom says it's probably because of the friends I choose to hangout with. But I haven't talked to most of my friends in awhile. At least not the ones I'd get into trouble with. I made a few new friends, got a boyfriend, and EVEN tried in school. It's not that I don't get it. I understand what I'm supposed to be learning. But I get lazy and I tend to skip out on homework, and never participate in class. I've tried staying after school (at my school, we have an intervention for students who are having trouble with school work.) and I've tried having a one on one with all my teachers. But nothing seems to be working. Any advice?
  • Nov 19, 2008, 03:36 AM

    Yes. Stop skipping out on homework, review what you are learning often and participate in class - all the things you already know you aren't doing. Just knowing what you should be learning isn't enough. Example - "I know I should be learning about osmosis, but I can't be bothered finding out what it is i'll just skip the homework tonight" doesn't get you good grades. You need to actually have knowledge on the subject - which is gained through study.
  • Nov 19, 2008, 03:41 AM

    Believe me, I've studied. I still do. But I get lazy with it. It's not that I don't try, because I do. And I really care about my education. I plan on going to college, and successing in a career. But I can't bring myself to ACTUALLY doing anything.
    -i'm not blaming my lack of studies on this, but this could be a theory to why I'm having such a hard time.
    My step dad passed away on the 5th of this month. I don't know my real dad, so he was basically it for me. I loved him as my own father. My family is having a very difficult time with getting by, and accepting the fact that he's gone. Including myself. I know I can't use that as an excuse to my problem, for which I've had this problem for almost three years. But is HAS gottn harder to focus since the passing of my dad. Thank you for the advice you've given me though.
  • Nov 19, 2008, 03:59 AM

    Perhaps speak to the school counsellor? They can help with this stuff and you may even qualify for derived marks if they have dropped dramatically since this incident. If not its still important to tell someone at the school so they can offer assistance to you during this. It must be hard for you I hope things get better.
  • Nov 19, 2008, 04:14 AM

    I've talked to the school counselor. I've talked to all my teachers. Nothing seems to be helping. They were talking about putting me in a class to help me. But that was about a week ago, and nothing's come of it.
  • Nov 19, 2008, 04:21 AM

    Don't give up! I do know how you feel; I just finished up some college classes that I was taking and going to work. I got up at 630am, school at 730am, and classes until 2pm, (except for 1hour lunch) work 3pm to 11pm 5 days a week worked Saturdays 3pm to 11pm. Church on Sunday. I thought I was going to die… no time for nothing… I was skipping out on the homework because I wanted me time… and I almost failed and give up… but I thought I am almost done, I don't want to have done all this for nothing!! YOU DON'T EITHER!! You're at the end; get your diploma you worked hard all these years don't make it all for nothing. Look I am no expert but I know you can do it you've said it in your post your just tired and want to have some fun. Try to manage your time better don't waste a lot of time on TV or Computers hang out with good friends instead but DO THAT HOMEWORK!! I believe in you good luck.
  • Nov 19, 2008, 04:25 AM

    Thank you very much :)
    It's good to hear that someone believes in me, haven't heard that in awhile. I really am trying, though. Things have been rough at home, but I can't use that as an excuse for everything. I would never drop out, and I definitely want to get my diploma. I plan on going to college, even. I sometimes have my doubts, though. Like. If I can't even make it through high school without struggling, how am I supposed to survive college?
  • Nov 19, 2008, 04:35 AM
    I guess I am a bit slow at answering I am sorry about your dad. But you can't give up on school it will mean a lot to you latter in life. Surround yourself with good friends and family and try talking threw some of the problems with a counselor.
  • Nov 22, 2008, 07:58 AM

    Originally Posted by myaddiction_ View Post
    thank you very much :)
    it's good to hear that someone believes in me, haven't heard that in awhile. i really am trying, though. things have been rough at home, but i can't use that as an excuse for everything. i would never drop out, and i definitely want to get my diploma. i plan on going to college, even. i sometimes have my doubts, though. like. if i can't even make it through high school without struggling, how am i supposed to survive college?

    I was never 'great' in school. Mostly Cs and Ds. I failed a number of classes. I went to college anyway and dropped out before I failed out. I had trouble focusing on studying and didn't apply myself. I simply wasn't ready.

    13 years later I got my degree with a 4.0 GPA. I was ready. I focused and applied myself and studied my backside off.

    Its all about focus. You state that you give up. Don't give up. You can do most anything you set your mind to. Certainly high school.

    I know its not a popular opinion, but if its what it takes for you to succeed, take a year or two to 'find yourself' after high school. It helped me.
  • Dec 8, 2008, 08:24 PM

    My mom tried putting me on meds because I used to have the same problem. It turns out I just had no reason to do well in school. Then I got into college, "something happened" and I realized why school is important.

    I think you aren't doing homework because you don't see how it is relevant to your life yet.
    You probably know "good grades, good job, good family" but you don't see how that fits you yet.
  • Dec 8, 2008, 08:25 PM
    Comment on stevetcg's post
    I agree with you. Can you explain what exactly happened during your time off from school?
  • Jan 1, 2009, 03:43 PM

    Actually, you need to stop worrying too, I know its hard. Worrying is just another way of making things seem bigger than it really is. Start going to the library and read, yes, read ANYTHING you like. It's a way of getting yourself back on track. Just don't read bad things. Get a hobby. Think about what is making you fail. Talk to the counselor, talk to parents, talk to friends. Good luck. You can do it.

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