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  • Oct 16, 2006, 10:16 PM
    Help with kitty
    I need some help. My cat has been missing since 8/12. I have posted about 70 LOST signs in the neighborhood, and printed 50 more today that I will put up tomorrow. I have gone to the shelter and looked there. I have searched online on found cat sites. I have posted online lost cat. I put an ad out in the local newspaper. I looked around the neighborhood wooded areas. All with no result of finding my baby meow meow. :( The only thing I haven't done is gone door to door. Which I was considering doing. If there anything else I can do that I'm leaving out to help my efforts in finding her?? I miss her greatly and can't think of anything else but her. Very sad over it. What are the odds of her coming home??
  • Oct 17, 2006, 08:41 PM
    Have you called all the vets in your area? Maybe even those that are a little further away. Sometimes cats hide under a vehicle and get dropped off far away from home. Someone may find your kitty and think she was a stray and take her to the vet for a check-up. Also, is your kitty microchipped? Don't give up hope... it may take weeks to months and your little one may still show up!
  • Oct 18, 2006, 04:52 PM
    I posted signs at the vet clinics near here. There's only 2 in this general area. I posted at the 2 pet stores down the road also. No unfortunately she is not microchipped. I was totally going to chip her when I spayed her but I forgot when she was under to do it. Which now I really regret. I'm really thinking that my roommates have stolen her from me for spite of something that happened. So hopefully I get her safe return. Thank you for your kind words. I was starting to think no one cared about something serious. On a lighter note. I chipped my dogs today just in fear of what has happened to my baby kitty. I really wish they would hurry and come out with the GPS microchip already. They said 1-2 years! I'd definitely would get it no matter the cost and urge others to do the same. Wish me luck everyone in finding my baby Athena, the "cat-bull".:(
  • Oct 18, 2006, 11:51 PM
    Not sure if you've tried this site:

    I read about the website in Reader's Digest.

    Here's some info on what they do that I copied from the website:

    How helpmefindMYPET Works
    Step 1
    Enroll your pet(s). Upload a recent picture of your pet along with a complete description and contact information in case your pet is ever lost. Nobody will have access to your contact information except you and the helpmefindMYPET emergency service. As a member, you will have your own page in which to update information, add pets, and upload pet i.d. pictures.
    Step Two
    In the event that a member's pet is lost, helpmefindMYPET immediately emails a poster to all members, shelter groups, veterinary clinics, trainers, pet supply retailers, and grooming shops within a 50 mile radius of where the pet was last seen. Members are encouraged to make 5 copies of the poster to post in public areas.
    Step Three
    Any report of a lost pet sighting or related information is immediately emailed and/or phoned to the member by the helpmefindMYPET emergency call center. When the pet is recovered helpmefindMYPET is contacted via the emergency hotline or internet and an urgent message is placed in the member's mailbox and/or the member is called directly by helpmefindMYPET. Arrangements are then made to reunite the pet and the family.

    Another option might be a humane trap. I had a kitty once that 'escaped' while being transported in one of those cardboard carriers. She was missing for about 2½ months. I bought a "Havahart" trap ( and managed to capture her (after also capturing a neighbor's cat who was not at all pleased with his captivity and a squirrel that was positively irate about it).

    You could buy them through their website, but also many feed stores, farm supply stores and pet stores now carry them and some will also rent the traps. Call around or search online for availability in your area.
  • Oct 24, 2006, 09:57 AM
    Put food outside, something of yours that she might smell and that might draw her attention.
  • Oct 24, 2006, 04:40 PM
    Well see the thing is weird. She's was totally hooked on me. She was constantly in and out of the house every 20-30 minutes. So I really think someone took her and is keeping her hostage inside. There's no way she could have just disappeared other than someone having her. There arnt any "wild" animals in my neighborhood. She wouldn't go up to just any dog either and she was always near home where she had easy quick access to the back yard and the dog door to inside. So I don't know hopefully one day she escapes and comes back home. I'm still keeping hope alive, I miss her dearly.
  • Oct 24, 2006, 04:55 PM
    Based on what you say it certainly seems your kitty may be with someone else. I suppose the question you have to ask yourself is who it might be. Was there anyone who really liked her? Didn't like her? Did you have any workers at your house whose car or truck she could jump into. My neighbor took five of my cats and dumped them in various parts of the county I live in. I happen to be a lawyer, figured it was him because he's weird, and threatened him. He told me where he put them. I found two alive several months after the fact, one was killed on the road. The remaining two were never found. However, MOST people wouldn't do such a thing. Was there a neighbor who complained about your cat being on their property? In their garden? I really feel for you because I know you go to sleep and wake up wondering if she's hungry, tired, etc. It's pretty torturous. Have other people in your neighborhood lost pets? There may be a pattern. Since you haven't gone door to door, I think that's your last best chance of getting her back. Also, offering a reward would help. You can do it on terms of no questions asked. I do hope you find her. I know how much she was loved if she was hooked on you and wasn't really outdoors for hours and days on end. Finally, I know it's improbable, but could she have been killed and picked up by animal control or your local township? That happens too. I hate to offer that as a possibility but at this point your peace of mind is important, and sometimes knowing even bad news gives us peace.

    If you place an ad on, you might come up with something. There's a lady on there whose cat was gone for three months and he came back. They had to trap him, though, because I guess he got spooked. They have classifieds for lost and found animals. You can post a picture. Give it a shot. I'm pulling for you and your little girl. I will think positive thought and hope they help bring her home. I found my cat after four and a half months in the spot where my neighbor dumped her. I went every night to leave food, rain or shine. Don't give up until you've done everything.

    Good luck and best wishes.
  • Oct 25, 2006, 11:52 AM
    Well like I said in another post I think my roomates did something with her. I asked them but he didn't give me a real answer (about a guy he knew that came over). So I'm still not letting that answer go away. I'm not focusing only on that though. I don't know if anyone could not have a heart enough to have taken her out of my yard and kept her knowing she's not theirs, but there are people out there like that. So I took your advice and printed out a few Lost cat reward if found signs and going to post them. These have her pictures on them also. The same thing happened to us in this neighborhood a while back, our dogs had got out all of them except one came back home and we never found her and come to find out some woman said that someone down the street has our dog. I know who ever has my kitty knows that she isn't a stray she was spayed about a month ago and you can still feel her internal sutures. I really don't think if she was outside that she wouldn't come home if she was spooked. I'm not too sure though. She was a really cool cat and didn't bother anything. She stayed close to the house. Didn't bother anyone. I don't think she couldve been hit by a car and picked up, the same night I noticed her missing I drove around the whole neighborhood and didn't see her, although I don't know how fast those dead animal pick ups work. All I want is some kind of lead to help find her. I've been trying to go door to door but don't know how to go about doing it, and have been very busy. One thing I find is weird, there's one sign that I know everyone in the neighborhood would see that I keep posting in the same spot but it keeps disappearing. I don't understand how that one would keep mysteriously being gone.
  • Oct 25, 2006, 11:57 AM
    Sounds like the roommate situation needs a little probing on your part. Do you think he could have harmed her? And why would they do that? I'd keep asking questions, because frankly, that's the more logical answer. If she didn't wander far, she could have been lifted right from the house. Don't let those guys off the hook. Did the roommate's friend like or dislike cats? How about the roommate? And the missing sign is strange. Maybe the person who has her took it down.
    Good luck. Keep asking questions.
  • Oct 25, 2006, 08:26 PM
    Well see the thing w/ the roommate is kind of long and complicated. I don't know if I was so grief sticken that I was quick to blame them but all the signs just seemed to point to them. Someone had taken 5 packs of my cigarettes and that was the 2nd time in 2 days that it had happened so out of a fit of anger I felt like if my things could be ransacked and taken so could theirs and I went and took a bunch of dvd's. Well the next day after I did that Athena (my cat) came up missing. So I waited a few days and didn't say anything. They didn't say anything which I thought was weird seeing as how 10 dvd's far out costs 5 packs of cigs. So I asked one of the boys that lives here about the cigs and then I led up to the cat being missing and asked him to be honest with me. Well he said that he thought he knew who took the cigs but he didn't know anything about the cat. He pointed out that his brothers friend was a thief and took things all the time. The dvd's belonged to him also. So I'm wondering if he saw that his dvd's were gone and there was nothing else in the house to take (I put a lock on my door) that if he's a clepto that he saw the cat and said why the heck not? I just found it very odd and coincidental that she came up missing a day after. That also the one is question came over and the first thing he said to me was "Have you seen Athena"? Even though at the time he hadn't been here in about 4-5 days, the same days in which she came up missing. So I'm not too sure what to think. Then I got a call from someone that claimed they lived in the same neighborhood and saw Athena walking and he sounded very young (the one I think took her is 16) and so when I asked if I took him a picture he could say if it were her or not he said he was busy and would call me back , which he never did. I really don't think the people living here would do anything with her seeing as how they wouldn't have a place to live if they did, and they are animal lovers themselves. I'm not too sure what to think about the situation. I don't want to resort to violence with this little kid. The missing sign in the neighborhood is very strange. I don't understand it though because there's many of them along the same road. That particular sign is located where majority of the people here have access out of the neighborhood though. I even got desperate enough to ask for psychic advice. Like I said in my other post I printed Reward signs with her pictures on it that I will post in the neighborhood. I just wish she would come back home and this will all be over with so I can kick those people out of the house and stop being so stressed out over my baby. Let me know what you think about the situation. If I'm just crazy and quick to find a simple solution about it or if I should face the fact that she's gone :(
  • Nov 7, 2006, 03:19 PM

    Originally Posted by jennapbt
    I need some help. My cat has been missing since 8/12. I have posted about 70 LOST signs in the neighborhood, and printed 50 more today that I will put up tomorrow. I have gone to the shelter and looked there. I have searched online on found cat sites. I have posted online lost cat. I put an ad out in the local newspaper. I looked around the neighborhood wooded areas. All with no result of finding my baby meow meow. :( The only thing I havnt done is gone door to door. Which I was considering doing. If there anything else I can do that I'm leaving out to help my efforts in finding her???? I miss her greatly and can't think of anything else but her. Very sad over it. What are the odds of her coming home????

    Hey I feel sorry for you and I think that you should try anything you can and I wish you lots of luck

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