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  • Apr 14, 2012, 04:52 PM
    Would you let me get a cartilage piercing after you read this?
    Why you should let me get my cartilage pierced

    I am turning 13 years old this year and I am almost in 7th grad. I am trying my hardest in school. I feel like I don't have my won personality. I want to be my own prison don't want it pieced because a lot of people have it pierced at my school because they don't they either have nose or lip piercing. I don't care what it takes to convince you to let me to have a cartilage piercing. I will do any chores you need me to do I will spend as many Saturdays at your work helping with you. Will do any extra credit as I can, I will try to get all B in every class. I won't ask for anything else, I won't ask for any other piercing , I won't ask for a face book, I won't ask to die my hair another color, or any thing else . I will eat any thing you give me to eat. We both can do some research on getting my cartilage pieced . I just say please, let me get my cartilage pierced. Also it is just something I wanted over night I have wanted this for a wile .I am not going to stop wanting a cartilage piecing.

    Healing time:
    It takes a little over a 1 year to it to fully heal, but you can change the piercing 12 weeks

    What to clean it with:
    Clean it with saline solution, you can buy it at drug stores, Claire's

    How to clean it:
    Pour some of the saline solution on a cotton ball and drench it in the saline solution and apply it on your piercing or do the same thing with Q tip make sure you clean it 2-3 times a day, and if you touch it make sure your hands are clean

    Please give feedback
  • Apr 14, 2012, 05:22 PM
    If I were your mother the answer would still be no.
    You gain your own personality by simply being the best person you can be, treating people with respect, developing healthy common interest with other people, and being honorable in your words and actions.
    You should already be making good grades and eating what I put on the table because I am your mother and I provide these things for you, a home, good food, clothes, and the supplies that you need in order to properly do your schoolwork
    When you turn 18 or however old you need to be in your area then you can your piercing, but you will pay for it.
    You'll be grown soon enough, don't try to rush it. Just enjoy being a kid a little longer.

    I'm guessing your parents said no, right?
    Bottom line you have to abide by what say, it's their home and their rules.
  • Apr 14, 2012, 05:27 PM
    If I were your mom, I wouldn't even begin to think about this until you had corrected all the spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes in this letter.
  • Apr 22, 2012, 06:57 AM
    Your only 13 years old that looks trashy on a kid your age, wait until your 16 see if you still like it and ask then if you can get it done if you still like it... I remember when I was 13 I begged and cried for my mom to let me get my cartilage pierced and when I think of it now I'm glad she said no because seeing it on a kid so young makes you look like a trouble kid and that your parents don't care about you, I'm going to be 16 now where its legal for me to get it done on my own and as a birthday present my mom gave me her approval but said I need to pay for it and take full responsibility in case anything were to happen... so just wait until your 16 and your mom may change her mind, I know it feels like forever to wait that long but really you'll look back and realize it's the best thing! :)... Hope I helped
  • Apr 22, 2012, 07:32 AM
    Handing out negatives to people simply because they didn't give the answer you wanted doesn't show that you're very mature. You wanted feedback, you got it. You didn't say "only agree with me or else". I also agree with the others... the answer would still be no. And really, your spelling and grammar are horrid... reading that would not in any way convince me that a 13 year old is old enough to have that done.

    ... oh and I look forward to receiving my negative that will further show your immaturity level.
  • Jul 1, 2012, 12:58 PM
    Wow. You guys are being absolutely ludicrous. Her grammar isn't correct; big deal. We're talking about an EAR piercing, it's just the top of the ear. And for those who say it has nothing to do with personality are wrong. It is a way to express yourself. Just like you do with clothes or jewellery. The potential for any risks is low at best. Just because you have your cartilage pierced doesn't make you a "troubled" kid, that's absurd. You should know better then to judge a book by it's cover. I'm 22 and I have 3 cartilage piercings. Even though I was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was 15 I still managed to graduate high school, though I unfortunately had to do it at home. I'm in law school now. I don't drink, I don't even smoke. (not that it matters if you do) My point here is it doesn't matter what you look like. You can have absolutely no piercings and be a total dirtbag. I say the mother just lets her daughter get it pierced. I mean really, who's it hurting? And if in time she decides she doesn't like it she can just take it out, no problem. It's not a tattoo. Give the kid a break.
  • Jul 1, 2012, 02:58 PM

    Originally Posted by creativename View Post
    Wow. You guys are being absolutely ludicrous. Her grammar isn't correct; big deal. We're talking about an EAR piercing, it's just the top of the ear. And for those who say it has nothing to do with personality are wrong. It is a way to express yourself. Just like you do with clothes or jewelery. The potential for any risks is low at best. Just because you have your cartilage pierced doesn't make you a "troubled" kid, that's absurd. You should know better then to judge a book by it's cover. I'm 22 and I have 3 cartilage piercings. Even though I was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was 15 I still managed to graduate high school, though I unfortunately had to do it at home. I'm in law school now. I don't drink, I don't even smoke. (not that it matters if you do) My point here is it doesn't matter what you look like. You can have absolutely no piercings and be a total dirtbag. I say the mother just lets her daughter get it pierced. I mean really, who's it hurting? And if in time she decides she doesn't like it she can just take it out, no problem. It's not a tattoo. Give the kid a break.

    Can't resist - if you are in law school I'd like to know where because your answer that a stepmother is responsible for child support in Kansas is totally incorrect ( What year of law school? Could a law school graduate get a GOOD job as an Attorney with 3 visible piercings? Not in my area.

    For that matter what this 13-year old is proposing is also illegal without parental permission.

    I have no idea what your brain cancer has to do with anything. Interesting but, again, what does that have to do with anything?

    Before you come down on people who actually are raising 13-year olds maybe you should take a look around AMHD and see the manner in which other people respond. I find your answer to be that of a student; I find the other answers to be based on law, common sense and raising children.
  • Jul 2, 2012, 09:28 PM
    I don't know why you mention that it's illegal without parental consent. I never told her to do it without her Mom's permission. Also, you are aware that we're talking about an ear piercing, right? What's the harm in that?
  • Jul 3, 2012, 06:14 AM
    You didn't answer any of my questions.

    We're talking about cartilage piercing, not ear piercing, right?

    I already explained my position. Rather than re-post, why don't you re-read and if you still don't get it, then I'll repeat myself.
  • Jul 3, 2012, 02:52 PM
    I was 13 when I got my cartilage peircing which is on your ear. If your mom says NO you should lisen to them you can beg them but its very unlikely there answer will change. So just grow up and be a kid. Being a kid doesn't mean you should have peircing or tattoos even if your friends parents said they could. My point is don't beg because your parents know what's best for you weather there answers yes or no. my mom told me no not until I could get a job and pay for it myself well I some how got money and got my peicing with my moms permission. So don't try to grow up to fast you have lots of time to grow up. With or with out a cartilage piercing
  • Jul 3, 2012, 03:11 PM

    Originally Posted by 18188181 View Post
    i was 13 when i got my cartilage peircing which is on your ear. if your mom says NO you should lisen to them u can beg them but its very unlikely there answer will change. so just grow up and be a kid. being a kid doesn't mean you should have peircing or tattoos even if your friends parents said they could. my point is don't beg becuase your parents know whats best for you weather there answers yes or no. my mom told me no not until i could get a job and pay for it my self well i some how got money and got my peicing with my moms permission. so don't try to grow up to fast you have lots of time to grow up. with or with out a cartilage piercing

    I agree with your advice BUT - small point - cartilage piercing is NOT the same as an ear piercing. Cartilage piercing can also be a nose piercing. Therefore, it's cartilage ear piercing OR ear piercing. Cartilage piercing and ear piercing are not interchangeable terms.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 10:40 AM
    What's so wrong with a cartilage piercing? I have one in my right ear and I am 13 just turned 13 my mom would have let me do it at 12 but it wasn't allowed by the piercer.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 10:58 AM

    Originally Posted by Magic12 View Post
    What's so wrong with a cartilage piercing? I have one in my right ear and I am 13 just turned 13 my mom would have let me do it at 12 but it wasn't allowed by the piercer.

    What's wrong? Her parents won't allow it for starters.
  • Oct 13, 2012, 02:40 PM
    Thank you! I'm trying to say with the answer NO!! It's hard when my 13 year old keeps trying to change my mind. She's beautiful and doesn't need it. When she's 18 she can decide for herself.

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