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  • Mar 16, 2007, 05:02 PM
    The girl of my dreams turn into the girl of my nightmare
    We where going out for 5 years and it was great the first 2 years. We seen each other everyday and we love every minute of it. Then her mom found we were going out and try to make it bad for both of us. Then her mom put her in jail for stealing a key chain and running away from home when her mom actually kick her out and the cops done nothing about it. Well she change in the foster home but I didn't see it she called me all the time and wrote to me. She kept in constant conatct. This was going on for 6 or 7 moths intill she got out of the foster home. She move in with me and my family then became to clingy and was hurting herself. We fought a lot and for about 8 months I had her move back in with her father(her mom and dad are divorced) and he couldn't handle her so she move in with her mom again. Well she been thrown around a lot. Then evrything starting crashing down when when she couldn't see me and people convine her I was no good. One day a kid from my college put lies in her head and said things that where not true then she went on a adate with him well going out with me. I found out and things were bad for few months but always in contact. Towards the end she kick her self out of my house 3 times when I convince my parents to let erh stay she would fight complain and swear at everyone. All I'm saying she now thinks she can string me on and do what she wants then come back to me. Now she move down th street to my sister boyfriend autn house. Then had her mom tell me she move to Florida and before that she was in a homeless shelter. Well all I know is I wish it could have been a clean break and not this cat and mouse thing where she leaves doesn't say anything and come back to me and tries to love me again. Put you thoughts on this and ask me question and ill be happy to answer them. She left me and didn't tell me she left me a week ago.
  • Mar 16, 2007, 05:18 PM
    Good Riddance.
  • Jun 1, 2007, 12:07 PM
    Um she's tripping. She might have suffered some type of mental trauma in the foster home she was at. But that not your problem leave that to the psychologist.
  • Dec 8, 2007, 07:43 PM
    I know this is a late post. I just read it. Boy, does that girl have some serious issues!! I'm sorry... but her out "running" around and then coming back to you, can lead you into some serious trouble. You didn't mention if you two are having "relations" or not, but man, if you are... There's things out there in this world that Ajax won't wipe off. Get my meaning??

    In shorter form... GET RID OF HER!!
  • Dec 8, 2007, 07:57 PM
    The next time she comes back, get together and tell you don't need her anymore. She's a pest to you and you don't want to have anything to do with her. Finish it clean
  • Dec 9, 2007, 01:46 AM
    Man, I feel bad for the crap she's put you through man. The thing is, it seems like she doesn't care about YOU but the fact that you offer her a place to live. It feels like she hops around a lot from place to place which makes sense coming from the lifestyle she's grown up with (from what little you've told us)

    The thing is though, if she isn't going to make this easy on you. You need to take control and decide for yourself what's best. If she was good for you... you wouldn't be here posting a complaint about her. I suggest that the next time she talks to you, be upfront with her and tell her she needs to leave you alone. She's clingy and bringing you down!

    However, doing such does not mean you have to be a jerk about it. You should be humble and back out of this situation quietly so to speak. Just tell her how she's made you feel and that you do not deserve such treatment and would prefer it if you did not speak to one another for a while. You could add if you truly feel this way that maybe in the future you two could talk again. (I however hate saying this because I have a hard time believing in getting back together after a break up. The problems have to be completely resolved beforehand.)


  • Oct 26, 2009, 11:19 PM

    Although I am a woman, I agree with most of the posting.

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