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  • Jun 12, 2007, 07:09 AM
    Does she like me?
    Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me independent advice over a situation I am currently in with a girl. I have been told by several mutual friends that there is something between us and that I have been missing the "green light" so to speak for the past 3-4 weeks.

    She came to my campus about 2 weeks into the start of term and ended up missing her bus back so crashed round. We watched a film until about 3am and then fell asleep on the floor where I later put a duvet over her. She said that I could share it with her and I declined.

    The following day I invited her to the ball and she accepted and added me on msn where we chatted for several hours a day. When her exams finished she came to my campus for a night out and we got on really well with her throwing her arms round me several times. We went a bit distant in the actual club but chatted on msn when she got home and the following morning. She then started ignoring me for about 4-5 days before chatting to me again but things didn't quite seem the same since then.

    She came to the ball and we had a great time. I missed some obvious signs at this stage apparently such as the continuously putting her arm round me and when she actually held my hands a couple of times. Apparently a mutual female mate has said is that if I had kissed her she would have responded.

    She is coming to my campus again tomorrow (Wednesday) and I asked if she wanted to go for a bite to eat after the training. She has said "Yeah sure". Is there anything there or does she just want to be friends?
  • Jun 12, 2007, 07:39 AM
    Rina _4
    ALL THAT: putting her arms around, holding your hand, wanting to share the duvet with you is not enough for you to see? HELLO, the phone is ringing, so to speak.

    She is definitely interested in more than just a friendship with you. Tonight take it to the next level. I am sure she is waiting for you to make a move.

    Enjoy your evening!
  • Jun 12, 2007, 08:04 AM
    YES, she does like you!

    Obviosuly, she's very much into you and YES, you've missed all those clues. But nothing is lost yet...

    I think she ignored you those 4-5 days because she was disappointed in you.

    Now, if you're interested in her, you have to show her that before it's too late! So, what are you waiting for??
  • Jun 12, 2007, 10:17 PM
    Short of grabbing your balls and claiming them as her property, she's done about all she can do to give you the hint.

    MY advice: don't hesitate. Go for it. Now.

    Girls give you a window of time to act and if you don't take the shot you lose it--pretty much forever. The window is relatively short, so just pull the trigger now. Otherwise, some other guy'll be the one with the duvet (whatever the hell THAT is... I assume it's some kind of furred animal?).
  • Jun 13, 2007, 03:47 AM
    love is blind

    Originally Posted by truemountaineer
    Hi I was wondering if anyone could give me independent advice over a situation I am currently in with a girl. I have been told by several mutual friends that there is something between us and that I have been missing the "green light" so to speak for the past 3-4 weeks.

    She came to my campus about 2 weeks into the start of term and ended up missing her bus back so crashed round. We watched a film until about 3am and then fell asleep on the floor where I later put a duvet over her. She said that I could share it with her and I declined.

    The following day i invited her to the ball and she accepted and added me on msn where we chatted for several hours a day. When her exams finished she came to my campus for a night out and we got on really well with her throwing her arms round me several times. We went a bit distant in the actual club but chatted on msn when she got home and the following morning. She then started ignoring me for about 4-5 days before chatting to me again but things didn't quite seem the same since then.

    She came to the ball and we had a great time. I missed some obvious signs at this stage apparently such as the continuously putting her arm round me and when she actually held my hands a couple of times. Apparently a mutual female mate has said is that if I had kissed her she would have responded.

    She is coming to my campus again tomorrow (Wednesday) and I asked if she wanted to go for a bite to eat after the training. She has said "Yeah sure". Is there anything there or does she just want to be friends?

    She likes you I can tell by reading the 1st three lines she wanted to spend more time with you and get to no you so go ask her out
  • Jun 13, 2007, 06:36 AM
    Hi truemountaineer,

    There is a saying that I've found very true... Faint heart never won fair lady. Now girls tend to give off signals that us guys just DO NOT NOTICE AT ALL, they do this very consciously and the fact that you've failed to respond to a variety of these green lights and she is still trying must mean she's really into you.

    Now being a guy who is pretty oblivious to subtle signals myself I've found that a little humour about my predicament injected into a sincere conversation with the girl I'm interested in tends to being things out in the open, that is, to a place that I can see a signal for a signal.

    Seize the day!

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