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  • Aug 29, 2008, 10:07 AM
    Sarah Palin R Alaska for Vice President!

    John McCain has truly lost his mind!
  • Aug 29, 2008, 10:08 AM
    Quiet now, let the publicity stunt/appeal to Clinton voters run its course. They NEED this!
  • Aug 29, 2008, 10:31 AM
    You two are just too funny!!
  • Aug 29, 2008, 10:46 AM
    She has more experience as a VEEP selection than the Presidential pick of the Dems has.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 10:57 AM
    Well tom, that should seal the deal for you guys then. Congrats.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 11:51 AM
    De Maria

    Originally Posted by Choux

    John McCain has truly lost his mind!

    I suppose most people vote for the candidate they think will win. I'll continue voting according to what my conscience dictates however and I can't vote for a candidate who is 100% in favor of abortion. So much so that he has even voted in favor of killing babies who are born alive after an abortion attempt. That is Obama, in case some people didn't realize it.

    By the same token, John McCain is neither conservative enough nor strong enough on pro-life for me.

    So I'll vote for Alan Keyes again:


    De Maria
  • Aug 29, 2008, 11:57 AM

    From a hick town in Alaska... a soccer/hockey mom, and looks it and acts it. The squeeky voice has to go!! The reason she is governor is because the other republican who wasn't a criminal fleecing taxpayers said, "Go ahead, take your turn at governor....." LOL!

    McCain turned *72* today and with reoccurring cancer, look who he put one heartbeat away from Commander in Chief. How reckless!!

    McCain just TOTALLY threw away the election on Nov 4th.

    See you guys on Nov 5th. :D
  • Aug 29, 2008, 12:02 PM

    Lots of you one issue voters out there in the red states hoping against hope that *reality* will disappear... but, it's always there with all the problems of a *real world* for government to deal with.

    Bumblers like Bush(and McSame Palin) just make a more dangerous world.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 12:14 PM
    De Maria

    Originally Posted by Choux

    Lots of you one issue voters out there in the red states hoping against hope that *reality* will disappear......but, it's always there with all the problems of a *real world* for government to deal with.

    Interpretation please.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 01:01 PM
    I can not wait for the debates to start Biden is going to eat her alive! I never thought I would hear someone who is running for VP use the PTA as a source of experience! This is to funny!
  • Aug 29, 2008, 01:36 PM
    Sarah who?
  • Aug 29, 2008, 01:53 PM
    I think you Dems are underestimating this lady. She is pro life, a social conservative, a fiscal conservative, from the middle working class, she speaks well, and is not afraid to attack what she opposes. I am starting to feel better about Nov. already, and you guys just may wind up with egg on your faces.

    Then there is one thing that you will HAVE to agree on. She is the best looking vp candidate EVER.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 02:10 PM
    Hello Gal:

    Boy, you guys almost had me with the "experience" issue. Then you went and did this... I agree with Choux.

    Bwa, ha ha ha.

  • Aug 29, 2008, 02:11 PM
    What I don't understand...

    McCain's age has to be a little bit of a concern. This VP choice puts a vurtually unknown and completely inexperienced person one bad bean burrito from the Presidency.

    I thought that experience (especially in foreign affairs) was supposed to be a big issue.

    Apparently not.

    I can see why this choice might appeal to social conservatives. But they wouldn't be voting for Obama anyway, would they?

    Oh well.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 02:20 PM
    His pick will go down in history as a Grand Slam.

    With all the upset Hillary women out there, now they can really shove their dismay down the dems throats by REALLY voting for McCain, as many had already said they would do.

    Not only that, she is a REAL conservative, a card carrying member of the NRA, hell, any woman that knows how to handle a gun is a winner in my books.

    Obama should really stay away from anything that relates to experience.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 05:09 PM

    Originally Posted by Choux

    John McCain has truly lost his mind!

    All the educated Republicans should be jumping ship about right now. John McCain is the Republican version of Walter Mondale, as is Sarah Palin is now their Geraldine Ferraro. I saw on CNN that the reaction is not favorable for his pick. It's already having a backlash among the far majority of the once ardent Hillary Democrats and even some moderate Republican women. Apparently John McCain has insulted all women across America with his last minute desperate measure to expose his skirt VP selection. John McCain is not fit to serve burgers at the local Sonic, with or without skates.

    Prior to becoming Governor of Alaska, Palin was the mayor of a town of less than nine thousand people. People need to realize the total population of the State of Alaska is about the size of one mid size city, for example Austin (Texas). Meaning Palin actually has no experience or understanding of the complexity of large inner city issues, such as hard drugs trafficking and gang crime. John McCain has only met Palin once before. Once! This is the single most important decision a presidential candidate can make and the seventy-two year old John McCain blew it on a salmon fishing caribou herder that was chairman down at the local Moose lodge.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 09:50 PM
    She is the anti Obama

    NRA member - "clings to guns"

    Pro -life [ 5 kids, last with Down's ] vs for killing fetuses.

    Has executive and management experience. Although that may be mayor of a small town and govenor of a small [population] state, have McCain, Obama, Biden [ all senators ] any such "experience?"

    She is for drilling in ANWR - doing something to help all of us paying > $3.50 / gallon of gas.

    She has taken on the state's corrupt Republican establishment.
    And not followed her party's line [ ahem, Obama ]

    She was the point guard and captain of her small school state championship, Obama was the seventh man on his team. :)

    YouTube - Barack and Basketball - REAL Sports with Bryant Gumbel

    I think she will energize the [socially] conservative base, and obviously will have appeal to women. This may be crucial in a tight race.

    I question her foreign policy experience and was actually hoping McCain would have picked Romney, but the more I read about her, the more pleased I am with his choice.
  • Aug 30, 2008, 02:20 AM

    I never thought I would hear someone who is running for VP use the PTA as a source of experience!

    And I've never heard "community organizer " ever touted as a qualifier for President... oh yeah... Sharpton and Jackson had similar experiences but were better at it.
  • Aug 30, 2008, 09:08 AM
    Where have Obama's buddies been to vouch for his accomplishments? Oh that's right, he has none. I'll take this 'hockey mom' who looks quite comfortable with an automatic weapon and had the character and courage to bring her Down's baby into this world over the empty suit that is Obama any day. Bring it on people, the fight has just begun and I think a lot of you are going to be surprised at how well she takes on her opponents.
  • Aug 30, 2008, 12:54 PM

    Originally Posted by Galveston1
    I think you Dems are underestimating this lady. She is pro life, a social conservative, a fiscal conservative, from the middle working class, she speaks well, and is not afraid to attack what she opposes. I am starting to feel better about Nov. already, and you guys just may wind up with egg on your faces.

    Then there is one thing that you will HAVE to agree on. She is the best looking vp candidate EVER.

    The problem with her and her new "freshness" and her stances are that she is everything that the democrats would love... but opps... she isn't one... damn.:(

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