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  • Aug 2, 2015, 01:51 PM
    I Thought he really liked me but now I don't know?
    I met this boy at a party and I thought he was really nice. He walked me home and we kissed and we could both talk to each other for ages. The next day he added me on Facebook and gave me his snapchat name. He started texting me and we talked everyday. We both had mutual friends so we ended up meeting up at concerts and nights out. He asked me out for a walk and everything went really well. I went on holidays with my friends and he was texting me while I was away but I was so busy I wasn't really replying. When I got back he was interested to know if I was with any other boys on the holiday and I told him I wasn't which was true I didn't sleep with anyone but I kissed someone. There was no rules because we were not in a relationship so I was free to do what I want. When I told him about the kiss he was fine about it because he knew we weren't together. We kept texting everyday and he surprised me and came out on one of my nights out with my college friends. I had a great night with him. My friends talked to him and told him how I liked him which I didn't know about but afterwards he sat with me and we talked about going out again. It ended well and we kissed goodbye. The next day I was expecting messages like always but he hasn't texted me all week. I texted him after the week and he replied but he is being really distant. He hasn't texted in ages. Did I do something wrong? Did he ever even like me?
  • Aug 2, 2015, 01:55 PM
    We both have each others contact information we have met up four times now so I thought we both knew each other reasonably well that's why Im concerned with the sudden lack of texting and chance of moving forward?
  • Aug 3, 2015, 05:53 AM
    I doubt it was you, but likely just him. For sure only he knows and maybe its time to talk (phone) not that text stuff.
  • Aug 15, 2015, 10:58 AM
    From your post you have done nothing wrong. The great thing about dating is the freedom you have getting to know someone BEFORE the relationship.
    So, move on!
    If he calls, and your free and interested, that's great, if he does not call you have had a good time , and you have great story to tell.
    Put on some lipstick and call your girlfriends!
  • Aug 15, 2015, 05:23 PM
    Maybe it started hot and heavy but fizzled out. I doubt it was anything you did but more just him being NOT ready. It happens but you should not take losing a text buddy you only went out with four times so personally, but I realize for a while it will hurt and that does suck.

    Easy to fall hard and fast on what looks like a good thing. Takes time to recover though, and that's when family and good friends can help you along.
  • Aug 16, 2015, 03:12 PM
    Best of luck Sophie.. Hope all of your dreams come true but mine first:-)

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