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  • Nov 25, 2005, 08:18 AM
    I'm 12 and I'm a 34 C and they say that your boobs are fully developed and I've had them since about 3rd grd and they have grown 2 cups since I got them in 3rd grd and now, I'm a C and I don't look like it at all I look like a B and it really weird and I don't like Wire bras or even padded ones I like regular ones where there's nothing that pushed them up or adds to them I like my own size and my aunt's looks smaller than mine way... smaller and my aunt Tiny has an F and my nanas DD my grandmas is an A and my mom D from pregnancy but I'm a C and its weird but I try to hide my boobs by wearing baggy shirts and big shirts and in gym they just got everywhere even if I wear a bra.. and its weird.. I feel like they are big for my age I'm only 12... and my best guy friend I talk to him about everything and he's 13 but I tell him everything and we were talking about this and he said "U DONT LOOK LIKE UR A C IS THERE KID SIZES THAT MAKES URS A C" and I got mad because I am a C... n my aunt gave me ona her bras and she said well you thought your a C... you are a B and I thought that bras are made different to have different sizes but I didn't know.. I'm confused.. Are mine going to grow any bigger and I'm skinny so... do you think I'm taking after my aunt tiny and my nana with the DD and F... but I read that boobs are mainly of fat and I'm skinny... so... it has to be muscle but I'm sure.. am I going to get any bigger or.. stay same.. is this normal... but I've always wants a D but I don't know if ill get that... but is this normal... n why am I a C and I don't look it... and why am I so.. big at this age??
  • Nov 25, 2005, 08:20 AM
    Sorry... mistake.. on typing...
    They say that your boobs aren't maturely developed until your like 16 or 18 and I'm only 12
  • Nov 29, 2005, 06:02 AM
    I think it something in the milk or the water supply. Kids every generation develop faster than they did the generation before. I got the same thing you do with the being a c and looking like a b thing. Nothing wrong with it. If you have a certain body style and you looked like a c cup then it could look weird and like ugh.
  • Jan 2, 2006, 06:03 PM
    I used to do that when I started developing. I hid them by big shirts, or even crossed my arms at time. There's just some special people who's are.. bigger. Don't hide them. They're part of your body. And every persons body is unique and beautiful.:)
  • Jan 2, 2006, 09:23 PM
    I was early too... started developing when I was 9... I remember getting these little hard lumps in my breasts and that they were tender. My foster mother took me to the doctor, who said he thought it was harmless and would go away... LOL! Was he ever wrong! By age 12 I was a 36 C, and by age 18 I was a 38 double D. I'm also only 5'2", 104 lbs, so they look pretty huge on my skinny little body! :p However I have learned to accept them. As you get older, lots of girls will envy you. And guys love them. ;)
  • Jan 3, 2006, 06:36 AM
    Is bright green with envy.
  • Jan 3, 2006, 08:10 AM
    Oh well don't feel TOO envious... there's also the awful backaches to contend with, and the industrial size white grandma bras... although I recently found a sexy bra in my size... woohoo! :p
  • Jun 26, 2008, 12:34 PM
    The cup size is directly proportional to the band size (I've read). Like a person with 32C cup has smaller boobs than one with 38C, but the proportion is the same. Get a god sports bra for gym. There are different "strengths," so make sure you get on for hard exercise as they will provide the best support. And boobs are made of fat... kinda... it's breast tissue, and it's different for different people. In some people, it's the first place they lose weight, so their boobs are really small and they are bigger, and in others it's the first place they gain weight, so they are big while the person is skinny. Give it a couple of years. You might like sports bras so much you wear them all the time as regular bras until you get a little older and grow into them. And as a side note, I don't know how well your best guy friend is at distinguishing between b and c cups at 12 years old. Just throwing that out there. He probably doesn't really know what he's talking about. Good luck.
  • Oct 16, 2008, 05:16 PM

    LOL Beenkie, your funny. Don't worry about how big your boobs are, mine were tiny at twelve and now I'm an adult they're a lot bigger. So just wait and let them grow and try not to worry about it. You will be fine honestly.
  • Oct 20, 2008, 05:57 PM

    You're 12, you shouldn't be worrying about the size of your breasts. You have plenty of time to think about them later on in life if you want. Especially because you know you're not fully grown.

    I think you and society have forgotten the purpose of your breasts to begin with. To breastfeed your baby! Do you think he/she will care what your bra label says? Your mum and grandmas and aunties have probably all had babies - their breasts have probably gotten bigger with pregnancy.

    Just so you know, depending on the shape and structure of your breast you might look bigger/smaller than what you think it should look like. If you have a wide chest then they might tend to be hidden under your baggy clothes, but if they are smaller in width but stick out more then when your wearing your baggy clothes they might still stick out. Think of a water bomb / balloon. When it's full of water it seems round and full, but if you flatten it with your hand then it will spread out more and not look as full BUT it still has the same amount of water. Does that make sense?

    Don't stress too much, they're just blobs of fat and tissue.

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