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  • Aug 15, 2007, 08:22 AM
    How do I make my pores smaller?
    Hi I have had this problems since I can remember and thought I would see if anyone had some advice :)

    I have clear skin, of course the occasional pimple here and there, but otherwise fine. But I have always had HUGE pores! On my nose, cheek area around nose, and chin my pores are huge! When I am close to a mirror my skin never looks completely smooth because all I see are pores. Even when I use the pore strips, it cleans out the pores, but still leaves them big, so it's a neverending problem.

    I have tried things over the counter... like face washes to clear and minimize pores but I never find any that work, and I want to stop wasting my money.

    Does anyone know of any products that actually work to make my pores smaller?? :confused:
  • Aug 15, 2007, 07:10 PM
    After washing your face, try using a toner or pore refining lotion to minimize the pores.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 05:58 AM
    It depends on the size of the pore but I have some what big size pores and I usually do this to make them go down or away!

    1.Morning-Night~Wash your face with SOAP and Warm Water, then rinse with cold water, after use a pore cleanser (No need to be expensive, even though you no it doesn't work good) to clean out the pores a little more, if you do this for about 1 week day and night the pores should go down :) I hope this helps!!

    Btw: lets say you miss the morning of something just use it in the afternoon missing the night won't do much but that doesn't mean don't do it!!

    Sorry this is kind of late I mean its 2012 now ahhahaha

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