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  • Mar 8, 2010, 03:28 PM
    I kissed a girl and I'm a girl and I like her and I think she likes me what do we do?
    I'm 14. The first time my best friend(Lawri**) and I kissed was on holiday with another friend(Caroline**). It was valentines day, all three of us were quite tipsy and soon enough there was dirty dancing, hiccys and kissing. Three turned out to be an awkward number because Caroline was not involved in the kissing, so I'm sure she was just watching :/...
    When Lawri and I kissed, it was easy. And it felt good.. and right. We made out for a long time after Caroline had fallen asleep, I remember it was valentines day because between kissing.. Lawri whispered to me, 'Happy Valentines Day... ' after that, I smiled and we carried on kissing.
    For the next two nights we seemed to somehow end up getting quite drunk... these turned out to be a repeat of the first night, even on the third night the 'spark' of it all had not gone. On the third night we ended up going to hospital because we'd had a bit too much to drink. After that night, I was'nt sure how far was too far... I remember Lawri saying things such as.. 'it's different when we touch now.' Before.. we could use the alcohol as an excuse, but now... I was'nt sure if I'd just scare her. However, a couple of nights later.. we talked about it, I mentioned that I wasn't sure what was 'off limits' and if it was just a drunken thing. It was'nt. We spent another 2 or 3 nights making out for hours while Caroline was fast asleep. Sometimes Caroline would wake up and we'd have to pretend to be asleep... like I said, we had no excuse, we were sober.
    On the last night of the holiday, we both realised that once we were back home.. things would be different. In school, we're different people, I had a boyfriend, and Lawri had plenty of offers back at school. Neither of us wanted it to be the last time, neither of us were sure it would be. She said she's now confused and since we've got back to school she seems to be less.. flirtatious with the guys. We're not gay, I like her, I think there's something there for her towards me. We don't want to get caught by anyone who knows us in school, but we both feel it'd be a shame to waste something that special. That's our dilemma.. it's been almost 2 weeks since we've got back from our holiday. Nothing major has happened. Only the small things that we can manage to get away with like the discrete touch of the hand or whatever.. but what do we do? I don't think its impossible to work something out. I hate to sound keen but I really like her. And.. when it comes to the kissing... we're good together :P... any advice? :)..
  • Mar 9, 2010, 03:39 AM

    Lol it sounds like you are getting yourself into a world of difficult choices. If you are a lesbain or bisexual you are I think in denial. You need to accept that you like girls and open your eyes to it. Matter of fact you like this girl more than you like your boyfriend (you never mention him but to say that you have a boyfriend.) I would say there is a fair chance that you really do like girls and you should explore your options while still young and make sure you know who you are. I also have to say that you need to talk to your parents about this. They can be your guides and if you are gay then they will have to know some day. Last thing, you are far too young to be getting into all this and you really can't decide what you're going to do by yourself until you are old enough (17-18.)
    People at school might be mean about it at first but in time they will accept you. School is a place where moods can change in an instant.

    (to anyone this offends I am sorry but my advice is not law and I am not a professional. I cannot be held accountable for anything that is done by the person in question. I can only give my advice of what I would do in the situation.) each person should make his or her own choices.
  • Mar 9, 2010, 03:58 AM

    I don't think that you should be drinking for a start! You and your friend are young, and quite frankly out of control. Being admitted to hospital for excess of alcohol/alcohol poisoning?!

    Stop trying to make a decision about this you are far too young to be making a life decision about your sexuality.

    A lot of people, both male and female, experiment with their sexuality that does not make them gay or bisexual that makes them curious.

    At the moment that is what you are: curious!

    That is not to say that you or your friend are or are not gay, you may be but it is not a decision you need to, or can make now! Take it easy.
  • Mar 9, 2010, 04:04 AM

    First of all ,you should not be drinking as it it known to lower peoples inhibitions and often people will do things when under the influence they would never do sober.

    There are a number of reasons you should stop drinking and doing things one regrets is only one of them.

    It is also not unusual for girls your age to experiment with same sex relationships.

    You have many years to decide what your orientation is and a few same sex encounters does not make you gay.

    Your bigger concern should be why you feel impelled to drink to excess or why you feel the need to escape reality!
  • Mar 9, 2010, 02:52 PM

    Hey, appreciate the advice. I'm not trying to figure out if I'm gay or not. I'm trying to figure out what we should do. Do we just leave it even if we both feel that it's a waste?
    I didn't mention that I don't have feelings like this for other girls, just her.
  • Mar 12, 2010, 02:21 PM

    I think what you need to do is part ways with this person and anyone else that's leading you down a path of destruction. Drinking at your age is not only illegal but very dangerous. And "friends" that allow that are no good. Straighten your life out first.

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