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  • Jan 20, 2024, 07:00 AM
    Senator Schiffhead
    Adam Schiffhead is leading the polls to be the next Senator from California.

    2024 California Senate Open Primary Polls | RealClearPolling

    What does he promise to do as Senator ? (besides get Trump which is a personal obsession of his )

    He of course couches his agenda as the rest of the Dems this season as "saving" or "defending " democracy or some other rhetorical pablum. He says he wants to eliminate the electoral college ;do away with the filibuster abolish the 60 vote rule ;a national right to abortion ; strict gun controls ;tilt work rules to favor unions ;increase corporate taxes ; universal basic income for all Americans ; forgive up to $50,000 in student loan debts ;increased federal child allowances ,increase the number of SCOTUS justices so the Dems can pack the court ;federalize elections that includes ballot harvesting and counting mail in ballots well past the deadlines.

    The Schiff agenda is the Dem agenda .Make no mistake about it . He feels safe to speak it because he is in the most radical state in the Union and there will be no consequences for stating their true agenda.

    Repubs should keep this in mind as they go to the circular firing squad and sabotage their prospects with internal squabbles .
  • Jan 23, 2024, 08:11 AM
    One of the more interesting challengers for the seat is former LA Dodger star Steve Garvey . In the California primary system ;all candidates regardless of party are on the same ballot. The top 2 vote getters face off in the general election. Schiffhead will probably be the 1st . But Garvey is making his case to be on the November ballot over loonie lefties Barbara Lee and Katie Porter .

    There was a debate yesterday The lib press panned Garvey of course. But he did get some good shots in

    Greg Price on X: "Adam Schiff gets called out during the CA Senate debate by Republican Steve Garvey for lying about Russian collusion: Garvey: "I believe you were censured for lying." Schiff: "I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president" Garvey: "Sir, you lied to 300 million people…" / X (
  • Feb 11, 2024, 03:18 PM
  • Feb 11, 2024, 07:24 PM
    They should also get the nomination for best work of fiction.
  • Mar 1, 2024, 02:07 PM
    Schiffhead is quietly promoting the Garvey candidacy . Why ? Because in the wacky California primary process ,the top 2 candidates regardless of party have a November run off. Schiffhead knows it is a given that a Dem will become Senator But if he has a runoff against one there is a chance he could lose. So he wants to make sure Repub Garvey is his general election opponent .

    And it is working . He and Garvey are in a statistical tie to move past the primary.

    The other alternative libtard Katie Porter (Rep) gives a clear choice for the Dem dominated state to choose from with Schiffhead actually being the more moderate of the 2. Porter is in turn being dragged down by fellow libtard Barbara Lee. They are splitting the moonbat vote.

    By default it will be Schiffhead against the weakest candidate in the field who has no path to victory.
  • Mar 6, 2024, 03:45 AM
    Well done Schiffhead . You got the general election candidate you wanted . It's Schiffhead v Garvey . It would be a miracle for Garvey to win.
  • Mar 7, 2024, 04:23 AM
    Are they throwing Schiffhead under the bus ? Slate's headline says the Dems are in trouble in California.
    They say he had great success in his strategery of getting his opponent to be Garvey instead of the other libtard Dems in the primary .

    He got the Repubs off their Lazyboy chair to come out to vote. Now he has the weakest candidate in the Senate primary as his opponent.
    But when they went to the polls ;they also voted straight line Repub which impacted some Congressional contests .


    California Republicans put on performances that, if reproduced, would augur catastrophe. One Democratic campaign staffer in a swing district put it to me succinctly: “terrible Dem turnout … people ready to blame Schiff.”
    Democrats Are in Deep Trouble in California (

    That of course will not stop them for voting for him.

    We know that from the 2022 mid-terms ;the best way to prevent a "red wave" is to cry chicken little about an impending red wave.
  • Mar 7, 2024, 05:55 AM
    Big problem. "Garvey began his campaign in October, but has raised only $2.1 million as of mid-February. Schiff had raised $31.4 million."
  • Mar 7, 2024, 06:10 AM
    He could defeat Garvey without spending a dime. Although he did spend $12 million up front to make sure Garvy would be on the November ballot. Money well spent .

    Schiffhead is a perfect example of my premise that in the swamp you stumble up the ladder. He is the lying fraud who ran with the Russia hoax . His only purpose in Congress was to get Trump.
    So even though he was proven to be a liar who did nothing to serve his district ;he will be rewarded with a Senate seat.
  • Mar 7, 2024, 09:14 AM
    It often amazes me to see people who want to loudly criticize Trump for lying, and yet those same people will blissfully vote for a serial liar in Schiff. TDS explains a lot of things.
  • Mar 18, 2024, 07:26 AM
    According to a letter in a local paper in Schiffhead's district


    According to the United States Attorney’s office for the Southern District of California in San Diego, more deadly Fentanyl is being seized by border officials in San Diego and Imperial counties than at any of the nation’s 300 plus ports of entry, making this federal district an epicenter for Fentanyl trafficking into the United States,

    The city of Glendale is about a two-hour drive from our southern border and California Rep. Adam Schiff’s district since 2013. Not surprisingly, on Dec. 31, 2022, we received another piece of mail from the Congressman’s office with no reference to the Fentanyl crisis. Congressman Schiff often writes in the local newspapers without reference to the Fentanyl problem in his district.
    Fentanyl Crisis Is Out of Control - Glendale News-Press (

    Normally Schiffhead speaks loudly on public health issues .

    Monkeypox: Schiff demands to know why US does not have more vaccines | Mpox | The Guardian

    There have been about 32,000 cases of monkey pox in the US that resulted in 58 deaths .

    2022 U.S. Map & Case Count | Mpox | Poxvirus | CDC

    By contrast


    In 2020, there were 32 drug overdose deaths in Glendale, and in 2021 there was a total of 29 deaths. The Glendale Police Department told the News-Press that it is difficult to identify if overdoses are solely related to fentanyl as most of reports reveal a combination of drugs in victims’ bodies.
    Experts at the CDPH estimate that 83% of all opioid-related deaths in the state can be attributed to fentanyl, and it is a leading killer nationally, taking the lives of more young Americans than COVID-19, car accidents or gun fatalities.
    When One Pill Can Kill: Fentanyl Crisis Hits Home - Glendale News-Press (

    The silence of Schiffhead on this issue is deafening .

    Could it be a question of who greases his palms ?

    His campaigns Pac that was co-founded with Senator Barbara Boxer ;'PAC for Change' got a $95,000 donation from a credit card processing company called Allied Wallet .
    The company settled charges of wire fraud and money laundering .

    Operators of Payment Processing Firm Settle Charges for Assisting Fraudulent
    Schemes that Took More than $110 Million from Consumers | Federal Trade Commission (

    In full disclosure ;the company has also contributed to many powerful politicians ;including Trump and Bubba and Evita .

    That is not the 1st time the company got caught with it's pants down .


    But thousands of internal company documents obtained by The Associated Press reveal that Khawaja’s company, Allied Wallet Inc., has profited from guiding dubious businesses past the gates of the banking system. The records, which include email conversations as well as business and financial documents, show Allied Wallet executives helped deploy sham websites and dummy companies to hide these businesses’ tracks, even in cases where Allied Wallet’s own staff deemed the underlying business activities to be “very, very illegal.”
    The Los Angeles-based company’s actions in these cases flout bank policies, credit card network rules and potentially U.S. laws designed to prevent money-laundering. In one instance, a company official complained to Khawaja that a colleague had provided “specific instructions on how to set up and operate an illegal gaming operation online.”
    Andy Khawaja donations: Payment processor gave millions to Hillary, Trump (

    They also partner with the Chinese.

    Allied Wallet Acquires One of the Largest Chinese Payment Processors - 2014-01-21 | MarketScreener


    UnionPay is Chinese state backed .

    Allied Wallet and UnionPay International Make History with UnionPay Branded Prepaid Debit Card - Credit Card Processing & Merchant Services - Allied Wallet

    Special Report: How China's official bank card is used to smuggle money | Reuters

    Given the sleezy and corrupt ;and probably illegal nature of one of Schiffhead's top donors ;with ties to China ;does it surprise that he stays muted on an issue like fentanyl overdoes in his district ?
  • Apr 27, 2024, 04:16 AM
    Busy week in California

    Adam Schiffhead left his luggage in San Francisco.


    California Senate candidate Rep. Adam Schiff was given a rude welcome to San Francisco on Thursday as he was reportedly a victim of a theft just hours before a ritzy campaign dinner.
    According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.
    Rep. Schiff reportedly robbed in San Francisco, forced to attend ritzy campaign dinner with no suit to wear | Fox News

    In LA ;the mayor had her home broken into

    Intruder makes way into L.A. Mayor Bass' home: What we know - Los Angeles Times (

    and San Jose mayor's security guard was assaulted .

    San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan's Bodyguard Attacked During TV Interview | San Jose Inside
  • Apr 27, 2024, 05:07 AM
    I almost laughed reading the article about the San Jose mayor. They are just clueless.


    “The actions of the officer tonight were heroic and a testament to the de-escalation training that makes our officers effective, compassionate and stewards of community trust,” Dean said.
    Yeah, that's really what you need when a violent person tries to attack the mayor, some good ole compassion from a "steward of community trust". What was needed was good ole bxtt kicking for the lawbreaker.


    “His thoughts are with the officer and he hopes for a speedy recovery,” Dean continued. “The mayor understands how privileged he is to have an armed officer protecting him at all times and is resolved in his commitment to create a safer city for everyone.”
    It's always comforting to know that the mayor's "thoughts" are with you. We certainly wouldn't want a mayor who might actually pray for a person. It's just so much liberal fluff about privilege and resolve.

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