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  • Jun 2, 2009, 06:27 AM
    Parental rights
    In another thread I complained of groups like PP imposing their agenda on our children without regard to parental values. Don't worry about it I was told, who's saying the parents can't be the parents? Here we go...


    Calif. District Creates Primary School Gay Curriculum

    Monday, June 1, 2009 3:24 PM

    By: Rick Pedraza

    Elementary school teachers in Alameda, Calif. will introduce lesson plans to their educational curriculum beginning next year that address gay and lesbian issues, KCBS News in San Francisco reports.

    Kindergarten through grade 5 students throughout the county will be exposed to same-sex educational material aimed at promoting tolerance and inclusiveness.

    The curriculum –– which will include lessons to introduce students to “LGBT” (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual) issues –– will be designed to discourage bullying and teasing based on gay and lesbian stereotypes. The plan will be implemented despite objections by parents who complain children are too young to be exposed to the material.

    Many parents are condemning the lesson plan as sex education in disguise and are angered that they will not be allowed to exempt their children from the lessons.
    Opponents decry the curriculum plan as an effort to advance the gay, lesbian and transgendered agenda.

    Those opposed to sexual orientation lessons for children are so upset they are threatening to sue the school board, ABC News reports. Promoting gay, lesbian and sexual orientation should be a parents' rights issue, parents say, and is not an appropriate topic for school children.

    The Alameda school district's legal counsel, however, recommended the plan because the curriculum does not deal with health or sex education, which are topics that do require opt-out provisions.

    “It was the opinion of our legal counsel that this curriculum was not health or sex education curriculum,” school board president Mike McMahon told CNS New.

    “If a student responds that one family in the book is made up of a mother, a father, and two children and a cat, you may acknowledge that some families look like this, but ask students for other examples of what a family can look like.”

    School Board Member Trish Spencer, who voted against the plan, said she worries that its implementation could lead to the harassment of students who have religious objections to homosexuality. She cited that bullying due to religion is a bigger problem for the district than bullying based on homosexuality.

    Also adamantly opposed to the plan is Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families.

    “This will be done whether parents like it or not, and it shows the hostility against parental rights and traditional family values,” Thomasson, told CNS New.

    Last month, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8, the voter-approved initiative to make same-sex marriage illegal that passed in November.

    The Alameda school board said it will review its decision to implement the curriculum at the end of next year’s school session.
    Is it the public school's place to instill their values in our children in spite of parental objections - or at all? Or does the public 'benefit' outweigh parental rights?

    For all of you who think government should get out of the marriage business, should they get out of the parenting business such as this example, too?
  • Jun 2, 2009, 07:15 AM

    I think what needs to be taught is accepting everyone no matter what- skin color, religion, sexual preference. And YES I think this needs to be taught in schools because there are still far too many ignorant people who will not teach this to our children. That is why there are still hate crimes. I don't understand 'Christains' judging everyone. People should be treated the same. I think in the end the only thing this will be doing is lowering hate crime. And parent should tell their children there are non-traditional families.

    If you go against this being taught to our children do you think Sex Education is also wrong? Isn't that a part of parenting?
  • Jun 2, 2009, 07:32 AM

    What is a hate crime ? Criminalizing thoughts ? If someone does a violent crime or other criminal acts those are crimes in themselves regardless of the motivating thought behind it.

    If I had to do it over I would take my daughter out of public government brainwashing schools .
  • Jun 2, 2009, 07:46 AM

    Originally Posted by h_leann_b View Post
    I think what needs to be taught is accepting everyone no matter what- skin color, religion, sexual preference. And YES I think this needs to be taught in schools because there are still far too many ignorant people who will not teach this to our children. That is why there are still hate crimes. I don't understand 'Christains' judging everyone.

    That sounds to me like you're judging Christians. So what's the difference?


    People should be treated the same. I think in the end the only thing this will be doing is lowering hate crime.
    That's not what one board member thinks.

    "School Board Member Trish Spencer, who voted against the plan, said she worries that its implementation could lead to the harassment of students who have religious objections to homosexuality."

    I think she may be right based on the reaction to California's Prop 8 and Referendum 71 in Washington by those seeking "tolerance." This isn't about anything but forcing an agenda on parents. For the moment this is still a free country.


    And parent should tell their children there are non-traditional families.
    Why? Are they your kids?


    If you go against this being taught to our children do you think Sex Education is also wrong? Isn't that a part of parenting?
    Follow the first link I gave and you should be able to discern my opinion of that.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 08:01 AM
    The kids will leave elementary school not knowing how to read ,write ,or do math. But they will know about gay pengiuns
  • Jun 2, 2009, 08:17 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The kids will leave elementary school not knowing how to read ,write ,or do math. But they will know about gay pengiuns

    And Tango Makes Three - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sounds like this is all right in line with Obama's plan to focus on education so our students can compete in the global marketplace.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 08:24 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    For all of you who think government should get out of the marriage business, should they get out of the parenting business such as this example, too?

    Hello Steve:

    You're my friend, but you're not going to like what I have to say...

    The other day, there was a kid who needed chemo therapy in order to live, whose mother took him away so that he COULDN'T get it... The government stopped her. You may not believe the government should have done that. I do. In my view, the government DOES have a legitimate concern over the welfare of children.

    The question now becomes, to what degree.

    You don't believe children should be indoctrinated by liberal values in school. I don't believe children should be indoctrinated by conservative values at home.

    Are conservative values dangerous?? Yup! I just saw a documentary called Jesus Camp. I wanted to rush in and RESCUE those poor little kids.

    Should the government rush in and save 'em?? Nahhh. But, they should keep a close eye on 'em.

  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:31 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Steve:

    You're my friend, but you're not going to like what I have to say...

    The other day, there was a kid who needed chemo therapy in order to live, whose mother took him away so that he COULDN'T get it... The government stopped her. You may not believe the government should have done that. I do. In my view, the government DOES have a legitimate concern over the welfare of children.

    I absolutely believe the government has a legitimate concern over the welfare of children.


    The question now becomes, to what degree.

    You don't believe children should be indoctrinated by liberal values in school. I don't believe children should be indoctrinated by conservative values at home.
    Who are you to say what I teach my kids as a responsible parent? Is that in the constitution somewhere? By what authority do schools have the right to undermine parental values?


    Are conservative values dangerous?? Yup! I just saw a documentary called Jesus Camp. I wanted to rush in and RESCUE those poor little kids.
    Naturally you choose an extreme example that has nothing to do with 99.9 percent of conservatives.


    Should the government rush in and save 'em?? Nahhh. But, they should keep a close eye on 'em.
    Were they doing something illegal? If not, you said freedom was messy didn't you?
  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:42 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Were they doing something illegal? If not, you said freedom was messy didn't you?

    Hello again, Steve:

    I think the government should keep their eye on ALL fringe groups. And, I think they should do it lawfully.


    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Who are you to say what I teach my kids as a responsible parent?

    Who's going to decide who's being responsible?

  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:43 AM
    EC You are too funny for words!


    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Steve:

    You're my friend, but you're not gonna like what I have to say...

    The other day, there was a kid who needed chemo therapy in order to live, whose mother took him away so that he COULDN'T get it... The government stopped her. You may not believe the government should have done that. I do. In my view, the government DOES have a legitimate concern over the welfare of children.
    If and this is a big IF the objections are on religious grounds, then the Government should not have stepped in. Whether I think her religious beliefs are ridiculous or not or whether they are against the teachings of the Bible or not really has no bearing on that argument. It is her and her childs right to make an informed decision based on the best available information at the time.

    The question now becomes, to what degree.

    You don't believe children should be indoctrinated by liberal values in school. I don't believe children should be indoctrinated by conservative values at home. School is intended to teach children to read, write and to math. They are not there to teach what ever value that some idiot teacher has as a way of indoctrinating the children into their stupid belief system. That goes whether it is religion, homosexuality or politics!

    Are conservative values dangerous???? Yup! I just saw a documentary called Jesus Camp. I wanted to rush in and RESCUE those poor little kids. Your opinion and I happen to disagree with that statement. I If this country still held to it's religious values, we would need as many police or prisons as we have today. people would understand right from wrong and make decisions based on those values. Sadly since liberalism has become main steam in this country you can see the results. Explosions in prison populations, and crime are rampant. I will not go down town any longer for fear for my life.

    Should the government rush in and save 'em??? Nahhh. But, they should keep a close eye on 'em. Again, anytime you let the Government do anything it is so badly screwed up, not to mention the cost overruns it is not even funny any longer.


  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:46 AM

    If the parents don't like what the school is teaching them take them out of the school. If parents are that concerned maybe they should home school their children. Then they can teach their kids to hate the same things they hate. Problem solved.

    Tom I agree with the entire "Hate Crime" aren't all violent crimes hate crimes.

    Ex I saw that Jesus Camp. That was disturbing. Those counselors broke the kids down to tears. Such A Shame.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:49 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Who's gonna decide who's being responsible?

    Who's going to decide they're not?
  • Jun 2, 2009, 09:57 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Who's going to decide they're not?

    Hello again, Steve:

    Janet Napolitano.

  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:01 AM

    Originally Posted by spitvenom View Post
    If the parents don't like what the school is teaching them take them out of the school. If parents are that concerned maybe they should home school their children. Then they can teach their kids to hate the same things they hate. Problem solved.

    A lot of people can't just up and move their kids to another school or home school them.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:12 AM


    A lot of people can't just up and move their kids to another school or home school them
    Especially since the party of choice doesn't believe in educational choice.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:23 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, Steve:

    Janet Napolitano.

    She of the right-wing extremist papers? Why not just assign Bill Ayers or the good Rev. Wright as the parenting czar?
  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:28 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    She of the right-wing extremist papers?

    Hello again, Steve:

    No. She the head COP with all the power in the world (that you right wingers gave her, by the way). Yeah, if I was you, I'd be nervous.


    PS> This is the time I usually say to you, that if you don't look after the OTHER GUY'S rights, yours may be next.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:37 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    especially since the party of choice doesn't believe in educational choice.

    Catholic School or public school There is the choice Tom. If a parent was serious about this they would find away to afford to send their kid to catholic school my parents did and we were Broke.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:45 AM
    Maybe you should look at the vote on that act... 90-9 in the Senate and 295-132 in the House.
  • Jun 2, 2009, 10:47 AM

    There are more private school options than Catholic schools. There are private schools that the elites like the Obama's patron.

    But his instinct was to stop the voucher program(in the omnibus spending bill for fiscal year 2009 ) for underprivilaged students to attend these elite schools in DC . He doesn't believe poor people should have educational choices. Nor do the Senate Democrats who voted 50 to 39 to squash an amendment to extend the voucher program.

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