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  • Mar 18, 2007, 08:31 PM
    I can't get over him.
    I dated a guy for 7 months, I got pregnant with his child at 4 months in the relationship, and then he left me three months pregnant. I have had three other relationships with three other guys since he left. It has been 16 months since he left now, and I can't move on because I can't let go. He has asked me to marry him since I have had the baby. He says he is just scared, but what he did is not forgivable that easy. I told him no and now I am rethinking my words, and I feel like he hates me now. But I cannot let him go, my heart just breaks worse. Please tell me what you think I should do? I am so sad that I am sick.
  • Mar 18, 2007, 08:38 PM
    Date him and see how it goes. Don't hang on to the past, because it can pervent you from having a happy future! Don't forget what he has done, but you must forgive. If you haven't forgave him for leaving then don't think about being with him until you have.

    Be careful!

    Good Luck and God Loves You!
  • Mar 18, 2007, 08:39 PM
    Well why don't you talk to him just sit down as mature adults, my goodness you have his child tell him how you feel now... If you know for sure this is the person you want to be with for life then hun get off the computer, and call him. If he is not busy ask him if he would like to come over and talk.. It's the best advice I have for you.. now you must decide.
  • Mar 19, 2007, 12:35 PM
    You are tied to him by a child and you both need to talk about what's best for the child. Maybe you couldn't work as a couple, but you must learn to be parents.

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