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  • Sep 15, 2013, 06:28 AM
    My girlfriend is lying to me AGAIN
    Hi guys, I'm with my girlfriend for about 1 year and a half now, to give you a little background I'm 23 and she's 20 she is still finishing school while I'm working. Just two months ago I caught her cheating with a foreigner. She lied at first but eventually admitted and promised not to cheat on me again and she said it was just a 3 day flirting stuff and she was with her best friend who I really hate now. I forgave her and trying to move on trying to trust her again, but just yesterday after an event at school she texted me she has to go home and can't come here to the office because she was so tired. So I agreed, but this morning I found out she was out on the club because I found a stamp on her wrist (its where the club puts for entrance fee).

    She said that she was home but went out with her cousin. I told her why she did not informed me she said she ran out of load and can't inform me on the wee hours. I also asked her why she did not informed me this morning she said she forgot about it. I don't really know what to do. I really love her and maybe its my fault cause I do overtime just to get extra money for us. She argued at me and said that is she not allowed to go out? Or is it when she go out it means she is cheating again. She said I don't understand her. Is it my fault? I haven't texted her until this evening.

    I don't know what to do. Thanks guys for helping me out on this.. GOD BLESS for answers...
  • Sep 15, 2013, 06:36 AM
    Going out with a cousin technically isn't cheating. It may have been totally innocent. Either trust her or get better communication going with her.
  • Sep 15, 2013, 10:16 AM
    Homegirl 50
    You said you forgave her, now does this mean she has to clear everything she does with you now? That is not going to work. You either trust her or you don't.
  • Sep 15, 2013, 07:16 PM
    If she feels she has to lie then you must be a real up tight controlling fellow so lighten up guy. I mean 20 year olds like to party and enjoying themselves. I mean what's she supposed to do while you are working all that overtime?

    Maybe you got the wrong type of girl, and are discovering things you don't like now. But you can't control her, so control yourself.
  • Sep 16, 2013, 01:28 PM
    I wish
    If she's lying again, why are you forgiving her again? So that she can cheat again?

    It's clear that if she's willing to repeatedly cheat on you, she doesn't value you anymore. You're both just hanging on for the sake of hanging on.

    Why waste your time?

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