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  • Apr 28, 2007, 12:49 AM
    How to get rid of my grey hair?
    I am 31 years old. I have grey hair. I don't want to colour my hair as it contains chemicals. I want to know if they are any ways to get rid of the grey hair.
  • Apr 28, 2007, 01:38 AM
    Having and developing grey hair is just a natural part of the aging process. There is no way to get rid of it other than by cutting it off and wearing a wig. In order to make it not look grey, you have to color it somehow.

    Coloring your hair on your head is not going to damage it. If it were to damage it, then all of the coloring agents that have been around for decades would not have survived.

    Having grey hair can be an attribute, as some people might view it as a sign of you having been around awhile and thus having wisdom and experience.

    Some people's hair when it turns grey, can turn into a very beautiful white or silver throughout. When my mother was alive, some people commented how it would have been nice that she just let her hair turn the natural color that it was turning. And, that would have been grey, rather than trying to color it all of the time. The natural color of the grey also went with the skin tone and complexion that she developed as she aged.
  • Apr 29, 2007, 09:14 AM
    If you want to cover your gray hair, then would need to use some kind of hair coloring product. Try using temporary colors such as tinted mousses or rinses to hide the gray hair. Temporary colors are great for gray or chemically treated hair. You will find them at your local beauty supply store.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:14 PM
    Before you learn how to eliminate grey hair, you need to know what causes grey hair in the first place. As a rule, our hair contains a protein called melanin which is black. This melanin is responsible for the black color of our hair. If you thought that people with blonde hair don't have any melanin, you cannot be further from the truth. In fact, people with dark as well as blonde hair have melanin present in hair. It is the amount of melanin present that makes all the difference in the color of the hair. As a person ages, the amount of melanin decreases and his hair slowly turns grey. When there is no more melanin left in his hair, his hair becomes completely white. In this article I will give you 3 tips to eliminate grey hair fast.

    The best way to slow down the graying of the hair is to nourish it regularly. The more nourishment your hair receives, the longer it will remain black. You can even cure baldness by adequately nourishing your hair. For starters, you can take multivitamins such as bee pollen, along with proteins and multiminerals.

    1. How to darken your grey hair: Take ½ liter of water in a bowl and boil it hot. Then add two teaspoonfuls of sage (chia) to it. It is better if you also add a little rosemary in the mixture. After boiling the mixture, allow it to get cooled. Then use a colander to drain out the water. Apply the mixture to your hair. You will notice that slowly your hair is turning from grey to black. This is one of the easiest ways to eliminate grey hair.

    2. How to make your hair shiny: If you also want to add a little shine to your hair, here is one little tip that I am sure you will like very much. You need to create a mixture similar as above. Just make sure you use petals of chamomile flowers instead of sage. You can apply that mixture to your hair to add shine to it.

    3. To permanently get rid of grey hair: You need to provide it with adequate nourishment. If you are in the habit of shampooing your hair regularly, make sure that you message your hair with either natural coconut oil or aloe vera after shampooing. Both are really good in providing the necessary nutrients to your hair.
  • Aug 15, 2009, 03:57 PM
    I did a Google search a few years ago about what turns hair gray, and came across this site. I tried the product and it works great. It will not work on beards and stuff though. Go to this site:
    The product is called youthhair or get the new one, super youth hair.
  • Aug 31, 2009, 01:12 AM

    Permanent hair color is the only way to cover gray! All color lines require you use theyr permanent line w a 20volume developer or greater! Sorry! If your worried about chemicals there's no way around it however you may be interested in aveda hair color Wich is 98percent naturally derived! This color can only be found at your nearest aveda concept salon!

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