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  • Aug 4, 2009, 11:47 AM
    My ex boyfriend broke up with me, I want him back.
    My boyfriend and I were dating for 11 months before he dumped me. He was everything to me, he was my life. In the beginning of our relationship, everything was perfect and after a few months I lost my virginity to him because I felt like he was deeply in love with me. Even though I'm only seventeen, he went on vacation with me and my mom. And I went on vacation with his parents 2 weeks before he broke up with me. He at many times, was an a**hole to me, but I didn't care I forgave everything. The day he broke up with me I was at the beach, he called me every 30 minutes making sure I was with no guys. He had always been very over protective and jealous and controlling. I found it to be a sense of love he had for me, afraid to lose me.Later on that day when we met up he was being shady. Not paying attention to me at all. He kissed me all of a sudden like crazy, and 5 seconds later, in front of all his friends he told me he wanted to be single. I ran after him begging for him to take me back but he said to go home and leave him alone pushing me away. He left me crying alone in the middle of the street while he went home with his friends. The next morning he told me he wanted to be friends because I was his best friend. I ignored him the whole day he tried calling, emailing etc. I was too furious to answer him. 3 days later we hadn't talked at all, and I decided I needed to go to his house to know how he really felt. He told me that his decision was set and stone, he told me he didn't love me anymore, didn't miss me or need me. He asked me why I came there and that I shouldn't have. Then, he told me I would once thank him for it. Since that day we have not spoken and its been more than 2 weeks. I know he's with another girl already because I've seen pictures of them at his house. I understand people lose feelings but don't they show some kind of signs. He still wanted to see me everyday the last few days and weeks of the relationship. I honestly am dying inside and don't have any clue what to do. I NEED him back.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 12:03 PM
    I wish

    Every break up is tough. What you are feeling is very normal. Give yourself some time to recover from this break up.

    One day you will realize that he has been a horrible boyfriend. He has no respect for you whatsoever. Sounds like he's going to become a very abusive and controlling boyfriend in the future. Too many red flags.

    Have more confidence in yourself. You don't deserve this kind of treatment. You deserve better than this.

    Keep your distance from him so that you can recover from the breakup.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 12:10 PM

    Thank you, it's been more than 2 weeks but I feel like it hasn't gotten better. I don't want to forget him because he's been such a big part of my life. I know I sound like every other girl right now but it's true. We talked to each other everyday. I just don't understand how someone can love you one day and show it and the next it's completely over.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 12:25 PM

    Usually from what I have found is when one person thinks this just happened over night it really didn't happen overnight.

    The person who does the dumping has had this in their mind for a while. You even said he was being an A-hole while on vacation with him. He was probably thinking about it more and more. You two spent a few weeks with each other for 24/7. That probably pushed him further along into his decision. Of course I don't know what was going on in his mind but these things are very common.

    But like I wish said you have to start to work on your recovery. Start hanging out with your friends. Do things to keep your mind off him. You can make it through this.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 12:28 PM

    I hang out with my friends everyday to help get my mind off him. And I understand it was probably running through his head, but why were there absolutely no signs at all? He called me all the time. Wanted to see me all the time, everything was normal. It came as a big shock. It's just terrible, I'm miserable and he's not.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 12:35 PM

    Originally Posted by strength0502 View Post
    but why were there absolutely no signs at all?

    You even said he at MANY times was being an A-hole there were your signs. But you said you didn't care you just forgave him for it. That is understandable but I bet your next BF (and yes there will be PLENTY of others) starts to be an A-hole you will care and talk to him about it. Communication is key.

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