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  • Jul 30, 2009, 09:09 PM
    Loss of appetite
    My cat is about 10 months old and for the past 2 weeks (give or take a day or 2) her appetite has gone done but I'm not seeing any change in her weight. She still eats and drinks but not near what she use to. I have always gave her a cup of food a day and it was just enough but now that same cup last about 2 whole days. Should I be concerned or is this normal?
  • Jul 30, 2009, 09:33 PM

    Is it hotter than normal? Has there been a big weather change? My cats don't eat near as much when it is hot. Some times if there is a big weather change they change their eating habits or just stress can cause it. I feed early in the morning that way it is cool enough for them during the summer. In the winter I feed later in the day. Try putting some ice cubes(just a couple) in her water. My cats like to play with the ice cubes plus it cools down the water. Hope this helps. If her weight changes at all, take her to the vet.

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