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  • Oct 11, 2006, 03:51 PM
    My infant is always constipated
    My 13 month old girl is always having difficulty passing stool. I have continuously asked the doctor who suggests prune and apple juice, avoiding bananas and rice, and eating oatmeal regularly. This is all great advice but doesn't help. She is against Karo syrup and any suppository.

    Today my child was in such discomfort and straining so badly so I gave her both Karo syrup and a Fleet glycerin suppository. It worked in minutes. Two big poops! She was much happier after that.

    I have tried lots from warm bath, tummy massage, prunes. I think I will try and take her completely off the nextstep formula.

    What info does anyone have on Karo syrup, mineral oil, suppositories?I am interested to see if anyone has any other info or help I could use.

    Does anyone deal with similar with an infant or child or chronic constipation? Could her formula and whole milk constipate her? This all started when I slowly stopped breastfeeding and started infamil nextstep. Would soymilk help at all?

    Thanks to any help. Hate to see and hear her suffer.

  • Oct 12, 2006, 05:47 AM
    The formula you are using may have too much iron which can cause constipation.

    I agree with your doctor in giving her apple juice and avoiding bananas and rice. Give her fruits, lots of fruit. Apricots are a good natural laxative.

    The Fleet suppositories are great, but try to keep her diet better balanced through fruit and fiber. Maybe take her off the formula. She is old enough now to go on whole milk. If your doc insists on her staying on formula make sure it is low in iron.
  • Oct 26, 2006, 10:24 AM
    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) iron does not cause constipation. I agree, though that getting off the formula is necessary as long as your infant is getting a balance of all the food groups. Milk should be no more than 16-20 oz per day. I would push more water (again as long as she is eating well and in recommended amounts), especially if you are trying to get more fiber in her diet since fiber can cause constipation if not balanced with enough fluids. I would also try to stay away from unnatural things like suppositories. Remember, true constipation is having hard, pellot-like stools, it is not defined by going infrequently. Hope this helps!
  • Oct 26, 2006, 03:24 PM

    Maybe the AAP states that iron does not cause constipation, but this is an average. Every child is individual.

    Every child I have ever had, or dealt with, that became constipated the formula was changed to low iron or no iron formula.

    But yes, stay away from suppositories unless directed by your physician.
  • Oct 26, 2006, 03:29 PM
    A child at 13 months old should be drinking regular milk but I know that it can be hard to wean them off it, and careful with the Karo syrup, has a lot of sugar and can do more harm than good. I agree with J_9 on the low/no iron, it helps a lot. Poor baby, hope she begins to feel better!!
  • Jun 19, 2007, 02:27 PM
    Miralax,it is odorless and tastless,and you mix it with juice so you child has no idea they are drinking it.It's a miracle drug,and my child suffered a long time before we found a new pediatrician,which turned us on to this medicine.It is now available without prescription.
  • Jun 19, 2007, 03:05 PM

    Originally Posted by pompano
    Miralax,it is odorless and tastless,and you mix it with juice so you child has no idea they are drinking it.It's a miracle drug,and my child suffered a long time before we found a new pediatrician,which turned us on to this medicine.It is now available without prescription.

    I am hoping that since this was posted in October that the OP has found a "cure"

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