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  • Mar 17, 2011, 03:29 PM
    From behind?
    I just wanted to ask your guys' opinion. I had a visit with my gyno for the first time in 6 years. We discussed doggie style because I have had discomfort with this position since my husband and I have been trying to do it. Every now and then, when we apparently 'hit the right spot' it feels amazing. But, probably about 90% of the time it is painful and we can't find a 'position' that works.

    My doctor told me that I have a small/short vagina. I guess that means that my cervix is not very far like, inside of me I guess. So, unless we find the right angle that his penis like, bumps it or something. Also, my husband is 6'4" and I'm 5'3" and that the height difference might have something to do with the difficulty. Since your vagina goes in at an angle you have to enter it with the penis at an angle.

    Also, when we were younger there wasn't as much pain as there is now. My husband has lost 150 lbs and so his penis is larger (it goes in farther) and I think this has something to do with it. I just wanted to get your guys' opinion on what the Dr. had to say and what you think we can do to maximize this position because we don't want to give it up completely. Thanks in advance.
  • Mar 18, 2011, 06:56 AM

    Get more turned on. The more turned on you are the longer the vaginal canal gets. Lots and lots of foreplay. That should mitigate some of the problems.

    The pain you talk about, what is it from? Him hitting your cervix? Or is it him hitting other places? Have you tried more/different varieties of lube?

    As you mentioned angles and positioning is important. Have you tried different heights? You're short, he's tall. Trying varying the height by positioning yourselves differently. Ie, you're on your knees on the bed and he is standing on the floor. Replace bed with chair, couch, floor, what not.

    Beyond that... Make sure he doesn't enter too deeply or vigorously.
  • Mar 18, 2011, 11:47 AM

    Thank you. I didn't know about the more turned on you are the longer the vaginal canal is. That helps. We just switched lubes and that seems to be helping as well. I know he hits my g-spot very easily. And I know that if he hits it too much it starts to hurt. So he hasn't been going in as deep. That is something were working on right now. We've tried different positions before and none seem to work. It seems that we have to just get lucky in the positioning.
  • Mar 18, 2011, 10:20 PM
    The simplest answer is that there is no one answer fits all.

    One person can eat a sweet pickle and love it. Right? Another can eat it and want to spit it out immediately. Same sensation, different mental interpretation.

    A man can "rack" himself by bumping into the corner of a table and want to double over and throw up immediately, but the sensation of the "boys" slapping against his lover from behind... well, somehow that pain suddenly becomes pleasure.

    There are women here who have stated that a man hitting their cervix gives extreme pleasure. And other who say that it hurts like hell.

    You don't have to rationalize it. You feel what you feel. Your mind interprets the physiological sensation as pain.


    Generally... my advice is to give the woman what pleasures her first and the man after... as what brings her to orgasm usually only better prepares her for receiving the man and bringing him to orgasm.


    Have you tried the same... from behind, but your laid back, your back on his chest with him laying back to the bed? It can change the angle some, still allow great pressure against his pelvic region, and allow you to potentially self stim while he is inside you.


    Just a thought.
  • Mar 19, 2011, 04:48 AM

    Thank you KP. We will indeed try that. I always love your adivce.
  • Mar 19, 2011, 07:12 AM
    My last boyfriend was rather big, and he damaged my cervix. If you're having ex in the doggy style position, don't rest on your knees, as this allows the man to go deeper, and this is how I got the injury!

    Xx Dani G
  • Mar 19, 2011, 07:16 AM
    Comment on DaniCalifornia's post
    Having *sex. Sorry, laggy comp!
  • Mar 19, 2011, 02:16 PM

    I appreciate the advice Dani. What was the extent of your injury? How does this effect you today during sex?
  • Mar 19, 2011, 02:21 PM
    Comment on hollylovesbrandon's post
    It was only temporary, no hospitalisation.

    I recovered after about a week, and was able to have sex again. I'm sure it'd be more difficult with issues such as you, so I wanted to give you a heads up. X
  • Mar 19, 2011, 06:41 PM

    Thank you!
  • Apr 18, 2011, 04:09 AM
    doggy style is really pleasurable.but I don't do it and my wife like to face each other and enjoys our facial expressions.I am 5.6 and she is 5 we normally donot have problem.normally she bends on her knees on bed and I stand on the floor.we enjoy more in missionary or cowgirl positions.have you tried these? after all its everybody's choice and test.

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