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  • Jun 15, 2010, 05:34 PM
    Could I end up pregnant if I have sex one day before my period?
    My name is Ashley and me and my boyfriend had sex 3 times in one night without anything to keep us safe but I thought it would be OK cause I knew my period was coming in 4 to 5 days so I thought we wouldn't get pregnant. Then I started my period the next day it was early but only by 3 to 4 days, 21 days from my last period, so I didn't think nothing of it until I was talking to my sister and she said it was still a chance I could get pregnant and I said no way cause the egg was already dead and my period is the same I guess. I didn't know if I was all the way right so I thought to ask someone who would know more then me. So am I safe or should I be buying a test in some days??
  • Jun 16, 2010, 05:38 AM

    You are probably safe, your period was pretty much normal, and the sex was right before you were due to start, but there is no 100% safe time to avoid pregnancy... just some that are safer than others.

    Generally you will likely ovulate midway through a cycle... about 12-16 days before a period is due, but not everyone follows this average. Remember, to have an average you will have some who naturally ovulate sooner and some later. Though not common, you can also ovulate at an off time from your norm once in awhile and just a few days can make all the difference.

    Best to use some type of protection every time to decrease the odds even more. Why take the chance regarding one of the biggest decisions of your life?
  • Oct 21, 2011, 10:27 AM
    Hi m jane... Can there b chances of pregnancy if one takes contraceptive pil immediately after contraception?
  • Oct 21, 2011, 05:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Ashley1912 View Post
    Hi m jane... Can there b chances of pregnancy if one takes contraceptive pil imediately after contraception?

    If it is a pill meant for emergency birth control, yes, it may help. If it is a regular birth control pill, not really. The types, and amount, of hormone is usually different in each. Emergency birth control, such as Plan b, is at a higher dose than a regular pill.
  • Oct 28, 2011, 08:28 PM
    I had sex on the 23rd and I don't have a regular menstrual cycle. Right now I have my period. Is it possible I'm pregnant?
  • Oct 29, 2011, 04:58 AM

    Originally Posted by filipina View Post
    i had sex on the 23rd and i don't have a regular menstrual cycle. Right now i have my period. is it possible im pregnant?

    If you have sex, pregnancy will be possible, but if what you are having is like your normal period, it's not likely that you are pregnant. You can't have an actual period and be pregnant at the same time.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 04:15 AM
    I had sex with my boyfriend in an attempt to get pregnant but I'm worried that since I started bleeding a few hours later that I got my period, can I still become pregnant since the bleeding stopped the next day?
  • Jul 28, 2013, 10:19 PM
    Hi I had sex with my partner before ten days but sperm not entered into me but I feel right side outer layer of vagina pain and swollen also I got some urine discharge frequents is this a sign of pregnancy

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