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  • Feb 18, 2007, 04:32 PM
    painfully gee
    Left waist pain.
    I am 26 year old man, I have been recently getting pains in my waist area periodically throughout the day for about the past 6mo. The ache is mostly on the left side.. the organs in the area are colon and kidneys -yet I don't have any abnormal stool or urine deposits...
    At first I thought I pulled a muscle during work (I am a truck driver and boom operator) thinking maybe I lifted or turned the wrong way... but the pain doesn't seem to go away. It is a constant miscomfort and ache...
    It happens mostly at work when I bend down and also after I eat a meal...
    This has me concerned... if it is a pulled muscle then why do I have pain after eating... I make normal BMs and am never nausious.
    Unfortuanatley I don't not have insurance and am trying to do some research before I start going doctor jumping.
    Any advice or opinons will be appreciated...
  • Feb 19, 2007, 06:02 PM

    Originally Posted by painfully gee
    i am 26 year old man, i have been recently getting pains in my waist area periodically throughout the day for about the past 6mo. the ache is mostly on the left side..the organs in the area are colon and kidneys -yet i don't have any abnormal stool or urine deposits....
    at first i thought i pulled a muscle during work (i am a truck driver and boom operator) thinking maybe i lifted or turned the wrong way..... but the pain doesn't seem to go away. It is a constant miscomfort and ache...
    it happens mostly at work when i bend down and also after i eat a meal...
    this has me concerned.... if it is a pulled muscle then why do i have pain after eating.... i make normal BMs and am never nausious.
    unfortuanatley i don't not have insurance and am trying to do some research before i start going doctor jumping.
    any advice or opinons will be appreciated.....

    I have the same thing. I am a 27 year old woman. The same symtptoms as you, but I can also feel a ball or lump when I lay down. I passed numerous tests, such as hernia and ovaries, but nothing came back. I still have the pain and if it is too bad, I take advil and ice packs. I don't want to discourage you, but wanted to share my experiences. Good luck!
  • Jan 17, 2008, 08:20 PM
    I've had left and right waist pain which also goes into my hips for the last 13 months I've had ct scans, ultrasounds, x-rays and I'm about to have a barium test and a colonoscopy I'm willing to have any test to find out what is causing this agonising pain. The pain is taking over my life and my gp has practically given up on me as all previous tests are negative.
  • Mar 3, 2008, 07:10 PM
    Its funny (not really), I've been trying to figure this out since I was 23 (now 28). I have my bad days and my good days. I've spent a ton of money even with insurance and am back to square one... Here's what I can share. I'm 6'1 195 lbs. I stay in decent shape. I work out at least 3 times a week. My diet is up and down. I had lipo suction recently to get ride of gyno and he cut me a deal to do my gut as well. I always had a gut and man boobs no matter how lean I was. I've thought that maybe the pain was from my gut but guess I was wrong. This is very frustrating but I deal with it. I'm constantly adjusting my belt and get the most comfortable dress pants for work that I can find and boxers and jeans have to fit baggy. Gym cloths seem to be the best... I've had two colonoscopys, the barium ultrasound and NOTHING!
  • Mar 27, 2008, 06:32 PM
  • Dec 7, 2009, 03:17 PM
    I have also been getting pain on my left side of my waist for a long time. The only way I can get it to go is to lie down on the settee and if I have to go out I take a hot water bottle and hold it on my waist and then go to bed when I get home and the pain goes very quickly until the next time. I don't take medication for it but lying down does get rid of it (usually). It seems that all these tests are a waste of time. As a hot water bottle helps it might be an idea if those of you that have to work get some heat patches and see how that helps. I am 61 years old so I can deal with it as best I can. Wishing you the best of luck.
  • Jan 2, 2010, 08:31 AM
    I have had pain on my left side for a while and of recent a burning sensation in the lower region.I went to several doctors and did test but got negative results.
  • Jun 5, 2010, 09:18 AM

    Originally Posted by chikodi View Post
    i have had pain on my left side for a while and of recent a burning sensation in the lower region.i went to several doctors and did test but got negative results.

    I have not answer to this either. I have had pain in my left side for years now. I can not wear any jeans or shorts that are in way tight, or with out a loose fitting waist band. My doctors can't seem to find any thing wrong. It will put me down for days at a time.
  • Aug 28, 2010, 03:50 AM
    I have been having pain in my back lower left waist it comes and goes sometime in intervals of days at other times at weeks even months. I have noticed that after drinking cran juice the pain goes away. From my research I have found that it could be Diverticulosis... the symptoms seem to fit the closest. Pannadol gives very limited relief and not eating on time also aggravates/triggers the pain.
  • Nov 17, 2010, 04:35 AM
    I am 23 yrs old and I pulled a muslce in my thigh had pain in the right side was told its sciatica but then it got better then told it was an adductor muscle then last week I started feeling pain in my left thigh, upper back shoulder blades, right thigh, there is also pain in my left waist area,plus right knee and ankle I also feel a burning sensation down both my thigh at times, my doc said it my be an aggravated disc or slipped disc(hope its not) going for a scan soon
  • Jul 22, 2011, 01:35 PM
    I suggest you have an MRI. Cat scans aren't really good for anyone, especially at your young age. MRI's can pick up soft tissue abnormalities. In the meantime, try taking Niacinamide, 3X500mg/day. It may take a week to notice a difference but it works for pain. It takes 3mos to fully work. Tumeric also works. I buy these at various websites but is my favorite. Iherb and vitacost are also good. I review a lot as it is very helpful on dosage. Good luck!
  • Jul 22, 2011, 01:40 PM
    Comment on Deyani's post
    Your description sounds like either neuropathy or bursitis. Your dr can check your sugar level and krill oil works great for bursitis. Check out for all your ailments.. it has been a wonderful answer for my health issues.
  • Jul 22, 2011, 01:43 PM
    Comment on Monstrosity's post
    You might want to get checked for a stomach aneurysm. I had lipo many years ago and aneurysms are sometimes a side effect for that. Check out for all your ailments. It has helped me.
  • Jul 22, 2011, 01:45 PM
    Comment on sueymin's post
    I don't know how old you are but it could be chronic inflammation. I take niacinamide, 3X500mg/day and a lot of tumeric. It has helped about 90%. I haven't gotten rid of it all yet but these things take time.. trial and error.
  • Mar 7, 2012, 01:09 PM
    I'm no expert but I've been reading up on this. You have to rule out a kidney infection or other kind of infection or blockage (through diverticulitis in the colon or a kidney stone, etc.) through having urine and blood tests and possibly ultrasound too. You can treat diverticulitis (unless it's severe) with dietary changes and liquid fasts. Other things can happen too in that part of the body, so you need to get yourself tested, especially if you experience nausea and vomiting, which can indicate a kidney infection, which, left untreated, can cause life-threatening problems as somehow the bacteria can work their way into the bloodstream, which can lead to death. Doctors need to make sure you don't have diabetes, peritonitis and other things. You can't really find out the cause of that sort of thing all by yourself but I understand that you should take it seriously if you vomit or suffer nausea. Check out the Mayo Clinic website.
  • Mar 8, 2012, 12:12 PM
    I have had left high up waist pain for three days,my GP seems to think it could either be kidny related or constipation,which makes sense.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 02:01 AM
    They say that diverticulitis shows up on the left side of the body - sometimes construed as lower left back region. Frequent gas problems often indicate diverticulitis or IBS. Try not eating processed and junk foods - avoid wheat and gluten products, dairy products and white sugars (honey is better, but make sure it's really honey and not made partly or wholly from sugar, as the Chinese often pass off as honey; Manuka honey from New Zealand is best and has antibiotic properties, being from the tea tree - the higher grades of it indicate higher antibiotic properties). Grapes and olives are supposed to be good for diverticulitis sufferers. You can look up dietary suggestions for diverticulitis on the internet. Try a liquid fast of fresh organic vegetables and fruits and see if that helps. Avoid tiny seeds, ensuring they are ground up or well chewed. Some people have suggested turmeric. That is a food spice and can be cheaper in that form than buying it as a pill. Some people say it fights cancers.
  • Aug 6, 2012, 07:35 AM
    I have a ache in my left side around the waist area and it gets worse when I am stressed. It comes and goes. My doctor examined me last week and said I have twisted and pulled a muscle in my left side and he said he could feel it swollen. I actually am a carer to my 21 year old disabled son whose built like a rugby player and I'm actually very petite myself so I could have done this without realising it. What helps me is rest and a hot water bottle.

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