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  • Sep 26, 2007, 09:06 AM
    How to get tall?
    Hii.I don't know... I'm 15 and still my height is about 5 foot 5 inches... I need to know how can I get my body to grow... evrybody thinks that I'm 12 but I'm not... it makes me embaressed... help me... how do I get tall...
  • Sep 26, 2007, 09:08 AM
    Hunny your still young I bet you will have a growth spirt soon. Just relax. If you are that concerened then have your mom or dad call your doctor. But 5'5 for your age is not a bad thing.
  • Oct 6, 2007, 01:25 PM
    5'5 is perfectly fine for your age. You haven't even begun to grow yet. If it makes you feel any better I was 5'5 in Jr. High, but now I'm going on 6'4 (I'm in college now). If you eat enough good food and get plenty of sleep, that helps too. Don't worry about it.
  • Oct 6, 2007, 01:30 PM
    How tall is/was your father? How tall are/were your two grandfathers?
  • Oct 7, 2007, 09:00 PM
    At 15, I was the shortest guy in my class. I graduated at 17, standing 6'3.

    Rather than worrying about your height, concentrate on eating smart, exercising, and staying fit. Believe me, that'll be much more important than your height as you age.
  • Oct 7, 2007, 09:44 PM
    Yep... 5'5 is not bad for a 15 yr old. Besides don't let people make you feel negative of yourself
  • Oct 7, 2007, 09:56 PM
    How tall are your parents. You may not have the choice to be tall. I had no choices, I was slamed with 6 feet 4 inches of tall. If I could give some out, I'd share.
  • Aug 10, 2008, 03:20 AM
    Dude trust me its more of a hassle to be tall I'm 13 and 6'2 and I kind of hate it
  • Sep 3, 2008, 11:20 AM
    Lol think yourself lucky. I'm 20 and only 5ft.
  • Sep 25, 2008, 01:15 PM

    Err. I'm 18 I'm 5' 1/2'' and I'm not getting any taller obviously. People think that I'm about 13 too. I've been told I look like a miniature 18 year old- my appearance is 18, but as far as height and weight goes, I'm extremely small. It was always only annoying when someone thought I was much younger- now it's annoying because I can't do stuff at my job that other people can because of my height. I feel better when I work out though, I'm strong for my size, which makes me feel better =)
  • Sep 28, 2008, 07:35 PM

    Your not small... people is strangely tall!!

    Honestly, I won't make a big deal your just 15...
    I had a friend with 5ft with your age, now he's about 6ft... its pretty normal.

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