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  • Oct 9, 2009, 01:16 AM
    How do you get a girl who has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend is your friend
    Im those type of guys who does what makes them happy irrespective of who/what gets hurt in the process. My happiness is always first when it comes to me. So I'm sleeping with this girl and she is dating my friend. I've suddenly developed feelings for her and I want her to be with me:cool:I think I love her :confused:
  • Oct 9, 2009, 04:40 AM

    You've slept with her and your only now developing feelings?
    Right, something wrong there...
  • Oct 9, 2009, 06:07 AM
    I wish
    How do you think your friend would feel if he found out about the two of you?

    She's cheating on her boyfriend, so who's to say that she won't cheat on you if she was your girlfriend?

    Stop being the guy she cheats with and stay away. Have some morals and values.
  • Oct 9, 2009, 06:11 AM

    Wow, does this whole post not seem weird? Who would come and post something like this. Who has such a cold heart to post something saying what he just said. So you have feelings for this girl who's boyfriend who just so happens to be your friend who you just took a huge crap on. You have no respect for anybody, and since you don't care about anyone else why do you all of a sudden have feelings for this girl?
  • Oct 11, 2009, 03:01 PM

    Originally Posted by adam_89 View Post
    Wow, does this whole post not seem wierd? Who would come and post something like this. Who has such a cold heart to post something saying what he just said. So you have feelings for this girl who's boyfriend who just so happens to be your friend who you just took a huge crap on. You have no respect for anybody, and since you don't care about anyone else why do you all of a sudden have feelings for this girl?


    Karma's going to kick your A$$

    Tell your friend you slept with his girlfriend and you both were okay with it. Then never talk to both of them again.

    He'll hopefully break up with her, never talk to either you again, and find true friends. If he knows what's good for him.
  • Oct 11, 2009, 03:06 PM

    So, this must not be that great of a friend. Or perhaps he's a great friend, and you just don't care. I'm sorry but this is a very heartless and selfish post. Grow some balls and respect your friendship. Own up to what you have done. And once a cheater, always a cheater. Dump that broad, she's a waste of time.
  • Oct 12, 2009, 08:22 PM

    Yea... you're that kind of guy all right. You own action will bring you down hard, that's all.
  • Oct 13, 2009, 05:28 AM

    Originally Posted by Crank View Post
    Im those type of guys who does what makes them happy irrespective of who/what gets hurt in the process. My happiness is always first when it comes to me. So im sleeping with this girl and she is dating my friend. I've suddenly developed feelings for her and I want her to be with me:cool:I think I love her :confused:

    Stay classy man! You sound like the prototypical jerk who gives the rest of the male race a bad name. I am not sure who your friend is, but I am sure glad I am not him.

    Here is an idea: be a man, have some responsibility, come clean with your so called friend and quit acting like an idiot. The only good thing I can say about you is that at least you realize the extent of your selfishness; yet I don't think you have the brains to overcome it.
  • Oct 14, 2009, 12:35 PM
    I thought guys like you do not exist! How can you do that to your friend and call him a friend? Backstabbing him by sleeping with his girlfriend? You and the girl definitely deserve each other, you are both without any moral or values or respect for anyone. If she cheats with you, she is going to cheat on you! Once a cheater always a cheater! You better tell your friend the truth, and I expect him to never forgive you or talk to you ever again! You are a very selfish person, you think only about what you want and not how your actions affect other people. Clearly you noted this in your post, but it doesn't make you half decent. Guys like you make the rest of the male population look really bad!
  • Oct 14, 2009, 12:48 PM

    Want to learn a hard lesson some day? Well you will, even if its not the loss of these two people, it will happen. If you continue this additude of yours, you will never find happiness. You will find yourself alone for sure.
  • Oct 14, 2009, 02:03 PM

    Dating her while she is dating someone else makes her a cheater. And this situation makes her, and makes you someone who isn't trustworthy at all. You come off as selfish, and when it comes to this situation, I'm sure you wouldn't like it if your friend stole your woman from you- and you probably wouldn't want your woman just going along with it. Not only are you in the wrong, but she is too. If you start to date her, what makes you think that she won't cheat on you? She already cheated on your friend WITH you. And how does she know that you won't cheat on her? Clearly you have no problem sleeping with other people's girlfriends... You really need to get some things straight before you even think about dating.
  • Oct 14, 2009, 11:30 PM

    I'm going to be honest, based on the fact that this person only has one post (this one), the name (Crank), and the blatantly butt-hole post... Seems like someone came here to cause a scene and then watch what happens. I refuse to participate any longer until the OP comes back and verifies that this is an authentic situation.
  • Oct 15, 2009, 12:45 PM
    Gosh, Momma!

    You mean that you actually might be suspecting a troll? ;)

  • Oct 26, 2009, 11:46 PM

    You are confused with physical love with real love. As soon as the sexual attraction cools, your love for her will be gone, too. You are so immature.

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