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  • Apr 27, 2008, 05:12 PM
    A muslim's view on Catholicism?
    I am a 14 year old Catholic and in school at this moment in time we're learning about the Islamic faith. I have my views on the religion and I must say, I do highly respect Muslims - even if that does sound like a slight generalisation. Sadly enough though, I live in quite a tight community and go to a Catholic school so I do not know any Muslims personally, but I would love to know what a Muslim's view on my own religion would be, if they could some it up in a few sentences or so.
    Please do not be put off by my age, I'd really like to hear your honest opinion, plus I'm told I have intelligence beyond my fourteen years, lol.
    Thanks for taking your time to read this and I look forward to reading any replies =] x
  • Apr 29, 2008, 12:47 PM
    Thank you for asking.
    In short,
    Muslims believe in Jesus(alihi salaam) being born of a miracle birth,and that he ascended to Heaven and that he will descend during the end times to establish the truth and abolish falsehood.
    Muslims do not believe in the trinity nor the cruxifiction of Jesus(alaihi salaam) and we do not worship Mary(May Allah be pleased with her),or Jesus(alaihi salaam) or any other humans.

    I know you asked for a few sentences as an answer,but as there is a whole chapter in the Quran named after Mary (May Allah be pleased with her)and Jesus(alaihi salaam) is mentioned in the Quran many times,it takes longer than a few sentences to answer your question in full.
    Here is some reading material for you.
    Mary in the Quran

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