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  • Aug 26, 2012, 02:18 AM
    Im getting dumped...
    Allright hi guyz,

    As the title is saying, I'm gettting dumped. First I had like to tell you a bit about me... I'm 19 yrs old, still student, work sometimes at summer to gain some cash (IT-security) and so on. My girlfriend, who I met through a social site like "facebook", it wasn't Facebook, but it was really alike, is 19 too. I believe that the truth always can be found in the details so, I'm going to give you a short overview how we met. Like mentioned before, I met her on a site, and we have been chattin for some weeks... I really fall in love with her and asked all the time if there was a way to met her. She, who was enjoying her summer with her parents at a different country, said that there might be a way to meet here. So we have been discussing it for a kind of long time, it was kind of much a "no sry u cant, oh wait there might be smt", but it was kind of one sided... I was always the one who tried to make things happen and she just said her "oppinion" to that. Anyhow, the not really imaginable thing happened, I actually had a chance to meet her, and sleep at her place. (Dont get me wrong, no sex, however ofc I tried ;) ). I had the pleasure to stay there for 2-3 days and I BELIEVE that we really had a great time. I really do. Then I had to go bk to my country (dont get me wrong not a long distance, about 150km top) desperate I tried to convince her to let me stay longer. Then we ofc used online sites to keep in contanct, however it seemed quite strange for me, that it was always me or lets say 99,99% who started a conversation. I really tried my best to be funny, friendly, gentle, etc. After long string of desperate tries, she actually agreed to met again. So I could visit her again for 2 days, more like 1.5 (ther was sexual action too), but lets say 2. We again, I believe had a really great time. Ofc, I can mostly speak only for myself, but she smiled to and so on. Now that happened, I'm all alone again, she went for vacation with "parents". And now after like 2 weeks she said that she doesn't know what she wants, or if that's the right thing for her... Leave her time and so on... I know it is probably the end, but I still have hope... so what shall I do? What can I do? Please no trollin this time, I'm already destroyed.
  • Aug 26, 2012, 02:57 AM
    Just leave her be. If she's interested she'll seek active contact. Otherwise it's over and done with. Stop pursuing her.
  • Aug 26, 2012, 04:51 AM
    2 problems I see here.

    You are trying and thinking way too much. A relationship should be as natural and as easy as breathing to start. This sounded like a 1 sided begathon.
    And 2 don't come on so strong you hardly know this women.

    I'm sorry kid but lesson to be learnt here.
    Next time relax. And just enjoy yourself and let things come at there own time.
  • Aug 26, 2012, 05:26 AM
    Dude I tell u, if I don't write to her at the beginning nothing happens. Nothing. So either I fail or I get nothing. Either way I will end up bad, but I don't like to go down without trying. I don't like to do nothing I don't like waiting and I hate giving up. But you are right, I don't know her very well, and that's a reason to break up when we didn't even start for real? However you guyz might be right, sometimes you need to take a step bk to keep moving forwards... but I don't have a good feeling about this.

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