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  • Dec 11, 2009, 02:10 AM
    Meeting my ex to go shopping as friends.
    Okay guys they said to make a new post so ill do that. Ill try to be as unbiased and informative as possible.

    Girl I loved. 3 Yrs 4mth. Love her with all my heart. Lately we been arguing and every time we argued she would lose more feelings for me. Ultimately we ended breaking up... like seriously break up. I was devastated and I brought her flowers and apologized. She told me she needs time and that if we were to get back together we would have to start fresh. Ok I give her time; we wre in NC period for 3 days. I talk to her again and this time she tells me she's been happy and she's able to do things for herself now because she can treat herself. I cannot agree more that she deserves it. But I have changed, no more arguing no more hot headed, I got a job, I been working out, going back to school, I been taking care of myself.

    Now here's the thing... I love her so much. I feel so bad that I put her through so much. She did sooo much for me that she never had a chance to do anything for herself. I never treated her well, I had no job, no money, no education. I was a sleazy bastard. But now I got it all and on top of that I got appreciation and love for her. I want to throw it all at her and make her feel good. I do not want to leave her jaded. I managed to get her to come shopping with me in 3 days, but just as friends. She made it clear to me not to try and hold her hands, or hug her or anything like that. Just go as friends. But I want her to give me another chance because this is a new me. I feel it at the bottom of my heart... Im passed the panic stage and the emotional rollercoaster. What should I do guys? I got 3 days until I see her
  • Dec 11, 2009, 02:18 AM

    How long have you been broke up? The only indication of time is the three days you were not talking.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 02:22 AM

    1 week...
  • Dec 11, 2009, 02:32 AM
    You've managed to turn your life around,getting a job,going back to school and that's good.
    She broke up with you and personally I think trying to push for a friendship right now is too much too soon.
    I'd say when somebody tells you they need space,you give them all the space in the world.
    Meanwhile you continue living your own life,doing things you enjoy, without them.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 02:34 AM

    Im sorry, but do you really think she, or anyone, believes you gave her time, got a job, started working out, stopped being a hot head and returned to school all in a week?
  • Dec 11, 2009, 03:03 AM

    I got a job a month ago but they messed up my pay and its only today that I will be getting a big cheque. When we were together she always wanted these boots for the winter and I planned on getting it for her because I have not gotten anything for her in well over a year and a half. Yeah I got accepted to school yesterday because I went to talk to the dean, I start in Jan. And I stopped being hot headed because I got bad in touch with myself, I started to talk to my parents who I have not talked to for a long long time, and I realized what a jerk I have been. I just want her to be happy. I got a lot of stuff done because I could not sleep and I was so determined to change and I will continue to improve. But you guys are right I didn't give her enough time but I still want to get her the boots so is it still OK to go shopping with her? I want to leave a good last impression before another possible NC period.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 03:18 AM

    The more you want her, the less she is going to want you back, that's my opinion. You sound about my age, so let me give you my 2 cents. "Most" girls our age still have no idea what they want, and they leave a lot of good guys in the dust because of it. Every couple fights, its how you handle the aftermath is what is really important.

    3 days may seem like an eternity with the situation you are in, but trust me brother, you will be OKAY, especially with all the things you seem to be occupying your time with, which is exactly what you need to do. The more you focus on yourself, the more she will take notice. Let her have her space, and do me a favor... DO NOT be the one to break NC. She is expecting this, and when she doesn't get what she expects, she will start to question herself.

    You do you, ler her do her, simple, yet effective

    Good Luck
  • Dec 11, 2009, 03:19 AM

    It is good you have been working on yourself.
    As far as the gift goes, you should ask her if she would except a gift. She might think there are 'strings attached' so if there is, don't bother. If this is just a gift from the heart, you must be able to tell her that.
    Don't expect that Boots = more dates, or that they will make up for all those years you were a worthless jerk.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 03:21 AM
    Just read your latest post... again, I'm assuming you are close to my age(22). DO NOT go shopping with her. Period. I don't know yalls whole situation, but she is clearly not taking this as hard as you are if she is asking you to go shopping with her. Come on now, I hope she didn't already put you in the "ex-Boyfriend friend zone" As hard as I know it will be to not go with her, Don't do it. It will just hurt that much more when nothing gets accomplished, and you are left with more questions than answers.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 03:29 AM
    Me once I'm no longer with someone I don't accept gifts from them,nor do I go shopping with them. As for you buying her a pair of boots,or any gift for that matter-it would only complicate things and possibly leave you hanging on to false hope of a reconcilliation.
    Go NC and stick to it.
    Good luck.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 03:52 AM

    I don't know guys. I really appreciate your help a lot I wouldn't know what to do and great guess on the age aiyerrc! Im 23 she's 22. How did you know? I think she's really over me and NC will not affect her. What makes you so sure she is expecting me to contact her? She sounds like she doesn't even care if I contact her or not. I feel like this is my only chance by going shopping with her. And its not her that asked me to go, I asked her.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 04:05 AM
    Sorry for being harsh,but you're setting yourself up for another rejection. Maybe that's what you need for the truth to really sink in?
  • Dec 11, 2009, 04:06 AM

    Then perfect if she truly doesn't want to talk to you, then do it. Listen man, its amazing how fast you grow up when love starts to enter your life, then leave it. I came to this website almost 2 years ago, and haven't been on in a good while until tonight. I looked back on my posts from 2 years ago, and the vast levels of maturity I have gained through a few failed relationships cannot be replaced by peoples words. You have to experience this for yourself brother.

    It gets better I promise, I promise it does. You have a lot going for you starting in the spring with work and school, and working out, that is the trifecta of perfect things to do to keep you occupied! Work your brain, your body and thicken up that wallet!

    If she doesn't want to talk to you, then throw up deuces and move one. It is some of the hardest things to hear when you are still in love with someone, but you NEED to hear it. Strong medicine. Like I said, things will get better, they always do. You will move on, maybe even quicker than you think. The days after a breakup when you are in limbo with love feel like you are stuck in slow motion... they get faster each day, you will be okay.

    Now a few things to look forward to. I'm not sure where you are from, but hot damn man! You are starting classes again in the spring, and where I go to school, there is never a short supply of ladies willing to "take your mind off things" if you know what I mean. I mean, do you know how many people in here alone that would give anything to relive their youth? We are still young, and with you polishing those abs, making that money, and surrounding yourself with beautiful women, I'm really starting to not feel so bad for you!

    But seriously man, if she doesn't care about you(which I think still does, but maybe not in the way your hoping), then just forget it. Again, Don't do the shopping thing. If she doesn't care if you go or not, then she never really wanted you there in the first place.

    1. Go NC ASAP
    2. Start preparing yourself for school. This is 4 or 5 years for the rest of our lives, don't take it for granted
    3. hit the gym, a sound body means a sound mind(or do I have that backwards?)
    4. The more you work on yourself, the better off you will be. I am talking from experience and We are the same age, so I'm not giving you any kind of look down speech. Man to man, it gets better. Look forward, and never behind you.

    Hope this helps
  • Dec 11, 2009, 04:36 AM

    Wow man you really gave your time and really reached out for me. I really appreciate that. I will consider your advice because I really believe it since you experienced it. It is just really hard for met because I have regrets and that fact that I was a jerk is not fair for her. That is why it is so hard for me to let go because I feel like I owe her so much.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 08:23 AM

    Regrets are a part of life brother, everybody has them, but you have to look forward... remember, relationships were are never one persons fault. You may feel like you owed her or may still owe her, but you are mistaken. You gave her 3 and a half years of your life along with your commitment and emotions. You tie all facits of your life into relationships, especially long term ones. I hear you man, its hard as hell to get over it, and I'm sure you have heard it all ready, but it is no quick simple fix... it takes TIME. I found that coming to this forum as well as talking to close friends and family really helped(although don't ever smother them with your problems) like I've been saying, don't regret a single thing in life, or you will regret regretting! You have pushed through the door and are turning a new leaf this coming spring... and man, ill be honest, I'm not sure when you broke up, a week or two? Its right for you to "sulk", regret, and think that this was all your fault. Again, you don't owe her . I'm sure she was a sweet girl, and the special times were special, but if it didn't work out, it wasn't meant to be, I'm a big believer in that. If you are anything like I was in the past, you are thinking of a 1000 different scenarios of how you could end up back together, and those false hopes will only make the healing process slower. Not am I saying its out of the question? Never, but the more you think it is, the worse it will be. You have no obligation to her now, so move on with your own life. Single life is fun, hang out with your guy friends, glass is always half full, not half empty...

    We know its hard man, but how you deal with it will define you as a person..
  • Dec 11, 2009, 01:00 PM


    I think she's really over me and NC will not affect her.
    Its not supposed to affect her, it supposed to affect you, by giving you time to make better decisions for yourself, based on facts and not just feelings. You get no where thinking NC will get her back.

    what makes you so sure she is expecting me to contact her? She sounds like she doesn't even care if I contact her or not.
    She is expecting it because you keep doing it. Also she knows what your true motives are, and below is a prime example.

    I feel like this is my only chance by going shopping with her. And its not her that asked me to go, I asked her.
    So you had to break NC to invite, so in reality, YOU HAVE NOT DONE NO CONTACT.

    It is just really hard for met because I have regrets and that fact that I was a jerk is not fair for her. That is why it is so hard for me to let go because I feel like I owe her so much.
    So your hanging on out of guilt for past actions?

    I just want her to be happy. I got a lot of stuff done because I could not sleep and I was so determined to change and I will continue to improve. But you guys are right I didn't give her enough time
    Come on, nobody changes in a week, no body. That's not being honest with yourself, and worse an insult to our intelligence, and hers. Of course she will never believe you have changed (in a week!? ), who would?

    I still want to get her the boots so is it still OK to go shopping with her? I want to leave a good last impression before another possible NC period.
    I would be insulted, but I think she will take the boots, and not give you a second thought. You can't buy love and look foolish, and desperate trying.

    Forget taking her shopping, forget the boots, and start NC, right now.

    Any more wallowing in false hope, will keep you in misery and pain, and destroy your dignity, and self respect, and she will see you as a person who she did right by dumping you.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 01:08 PM
    I took your advice and I did it... I called her and we talked for literally 2mins 10sec. I told her Im going to call off the whole meeting cause I know it would only push her away more. She already knows what I want and I already know what she wants. I want her to have her time and I want my own time to heal. I told her all of that and I wished her the best of luck and take care. Is that acceptable? Or should I have been more direct about it being over.

    Either way it was a final talk and I don't plan on calling her anymore I want to heal.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 01:11 PM

    You have done the first part, now start on the strict No Contact.
  • Dec 11, 2009, 01:16 PM

    I will start No Contact. But it just hurts she just agreed and brushed me off like it was nothing, no take care, no good luck, just all right bye. I feel you guys are my friends I never thought I would have a connection with people on forums over the internet but I feel it. Thanks you guys
  • Dec 11, 2009, 01:40 PM
    Well done! You stick to total NC from now on. Yes, it hurts but it gets better,one step at the time. Keep busy,plan your days and trust that you will heal from this.
    Come back and update us whenever you need to.

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