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  • Jul 25, 2009, 11:56 AM
    Visions and More.
    When I was younger I saw the figure of a man and a dog but they were all white, unnaturally so. I have seen this a couple of times in my life. I was awake twice and asleep once (dreaming). I have tried to ask others about this and they think that I am crazy. I'm not I assure you. My heritage is Scot/Irish, American Indian, African American, and Turkish Roma. I live in the southern US. When I have seen this "vision" it is not associated with any change or death in my life or my family. I saw this up until I was an adult and then the sightings stopped.
    There is one other thing, I was raised in a spiritually active house. There was numerous incidences where we would find copious amounts of dirt in the home as well as things moved around a lot. I would have very uneasy feelings in the home regardless of who was there. There were pictures that would move and my school books would be in the floor all of the time or hidden so that I would have to search for them. Just harmless things but unsettling.
    Oh and I might have some kind of "insight", I'm not sure. When my uncle died, at the moment of his death I thought that I saw him in a restaurant. When I got home my other uncle was there to tell us the news of his passing. There is something else, before I knew that my mother was sick, I had a dream so vivid that I cannot explain, but I was pushing her in a wheel chair over the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC and some one passed us and said to look at her breast. 2 weeks later they found out that she had breast cancer during a normal screening.
    Is there something wrong with me?
  • Jul 25, 2009, 12:37 PM

    No there is nothing wrong with you. Since you grew up in a house of spirit things they most likely attached to you in a sense.
    Many people nowadays wish they had this ability and are always asking how to make it work for them.

    Where did you see the man and dog was it always in the same area or different locations?

    Your knowing somebody is going to die before they do is a death premonition I don't know if there is another term for it or not.

    When you get these premonitions try to figure out what they could mean. Like your mother you had the premonition of breast and then she found out she had breast cancer.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 01:56 PM

    I saw the man the first time at a friends house when I had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I looked out the window. I was not asleep nor did I go back to sleep that night. Then the other time me and some friends were heading to the coast and I was looking out the window and I saw the man and the dog on the side of the road. No one else saw him. Both times it was a wooded area, not in the city.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 02:19 PM

    That was you as a Spiritual Being perceiving this other Spiritual Being. The difference being, you were operating a physical body and this other Being was not. So you can use the physical body to see with or use your own perceptions as a Spiritual Being outside the body. As far as things moving, we each have the ability to do this as Beings but forgot. Sometimes a Being uses an ability like moving things and either knows what happened or has no clue what or why it happened. Sometimes a natural ability will show itself and go away again as quickly. We each are very powerful Beings with natural abilities that cannot even be imagined fully. Over time we forgot this fact and therefore knowing about and how to use these abilities. There are many documented cases like, a small woman lifting a heavy car because her child was trapped under it.
    The Materialists or people who believe these idiots would probably say you were crazy or being delusional, because these type of people like passing around false information to keep you and I in the dark. Now you know better...
  • Jul 25, 2009, 02:43 PM

    I was thinking the man and dog are more a guide or guardian.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 06:30 PM

    I have never felt fear from the sighting of the man and the dog, but the things that happened in the house that was another story.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 07:06 PM

    Hope you are away from that house.

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