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  • Dec 4, 2011, 05:17 PM
    Cats paws smell bad
    I had my cat declawed about 6 days ago. He seems to be doing fine. But his paws smell. Really bad. Like, he lays in our laps and stuff all the time and I don't want home to lay on me because his paws smell so bad. He is my baby and it makes me cry everyday thinking about the fact that I had to declassified him to stay in my home because I rent. I hope he is not in any pain. I still let him lay on me but I have to keep him from flirting because of the smell. Is this a sign that his paws might be infected? Could the smell be dried blood? He has been licking his paws but not a whole lot. I am just scared that he has an infection or is in pain. I've never declawed a cat before and I am not sure what to expect out of him. He still has his playful attitudes and I think he's going to be OK but I would just like to know if I should take him back to the vet. Please help. I am one scared mama.
  • Dec 4, 2011, 06:34 PM
    Yes - take him to the Vet. It "could" be an infection. Maybe not - but if it IS you will never, ever forgive yourself.

    (Good to see your name on AMHD again.)
  • Dec 5, 2011, 03:49 PM
    First off, sorry for my grammar and spelling. I was typing through a cell phone and that damn auto correct will get you every time! Second, thanks for the welcome back. I know it's been quite some time. But life has been slightly hectic over the last year or so. Third, thanks for the advice Judy. I called my husband and made him leave work early to take my cat (Frasier) to the vet before they closed. His right paw (as I suspected) was infected. They gave him a shot (which we had to pay $40 for) which will last for 10 days so he won't be in any more pain and it will ride out the life of the infection. I feel so bad because all together it's been about $200 and we really don't have the money. But, if we expect to get our rental deposit back and if we ever want to have nice furniture it had to be done. This cat is crazy ALL THE TIME!! I love his spunk and his energy! But, I also love my furniture. Lol. I have never declawed a cat before and I wasn't sure what to expect. It seems to be an OK process but I still feel guilty about spending that much money. He's my baby and I want him to get taken care of though. Man, this is a horrible feeling. I'm happy with the outcome and I'm happy that my cat will be happy and healthy and less destructive. But, I feel guilty too because there are other things we needed that money for. Oh well, I guess it will work itself out right? My cat is happy and so are we! Thank again Judy for the warm welcome back.
  • Dec 5, 2011, 03:59 PM
    I'll second Judy's welcome. Glad to have you back! You're going to stick around now?

    P.S. I have five cats, four of them rescued.
  • Dec 5, 2011, 04:02 PM
    Mine was from the Humane society so the way I see it I rescued him. He's a great cat and I love him lots! He's my little man! Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

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