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  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:18 AM
    Why does it hurt every time I insert a tampon?
    I started my periods when I was 14. I started using pads, but wanted to progress to Tampons. I tried a few times and it really hurt. I finally got one in, it hurt at first, but after it was in place, I was fine.
    I though, after inserting the first one, it wouldn't hurt after that. But I was wrong.
    Every single period that I have now, I insert a tampon, I get such a sharp pain in my lower stomach as I am pushing the applicator, but once it is in, its fine!

    I don't understand.
    I thought it was because I haven't had sex yet.
    But I've put tampons in before, so I thought that the more times I did it, the less it would hurt.
    I always relax when I am doing it, but it doesn't seem to help.

    Any suggestions?
    Please send some advice, I don't know what to do. Could there be a problem?!
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:42 AM

    How old are you? What type of tampons are you using? How long does your period last, do you use a tampon throughout your entire period, same size?

    It could be that the tampons you are using are too big for you. They actually manufacture tampons that are smaller for teenage girls.

    It could be the brand of tampon. I use the plastic applicator ones, the cardboard is uncomfortable to insert, it doesn't glide in as easily as plastic.

    How do you position yourself when you insert the tampons, which direction are you pushing in?

    There are so many possibilities.

    Please answer my questions and I'll see if I can come up with an answer. :)
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:43 AM

    You need to relax, if your not relaxed you will tighten up and go nowhere. If it is properly placed it should not hurt after you remove applicator.

    You may want to try using the brand OB
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:49 AM

    It will hurt if you're tense. It may sound weird but there's usually directions inside the box. I know it doesn't seem like you would need to read them but when I first got my period, I did because otherwise I had no one to ask. The directions were helpful.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 08:03 PM

    I didn't start using tampons until after I no longer had a hymen, simply because, like you, it hurt a ton to put one in. I tried smaller sized one's and it still hurt. If you're still a virgin or still have a hymen, it's going to hurt because of the hymen. And by pushing in the tampon with a hymen still intact, you're only pushing through skin, so it's going to hurt... a lot. You should probably use a smaller sized tampon with a plastic applicator. If it still hurts, stick with pads until you think you're ready to make the switch. Tampons are great - but I think pads are more trustworthy.

    Hope my answer helped you.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 07:42 PM

    How old are you? Tampons are not for everyone and by the way I would think the main reason why you are getting such sharp pains is because you are still a virgin and your body is still trying to adjust to the tampons being inserted since your Wall is still intact...

    If I were you I would leave the tampons for when I am more mature and old enough but for now use the pads they are so much better they cause you no pain at all... l
  • Oct 10, 2008, 08:11 PM

    I used tampons when my hymen was still intact and never had a problem.

    It could very well be that you're inserting them wrong or that the brand you are using isn't right for you.

    Ask your doctor, or better yet, your mom. Go shopping, pick up small packs of different tampons and find the right one for you.

    It could be that tampons are not for you, but until you've tried a few different brands, don't give up so quickly.
  • Oct 11, 2008, 05:24 AM

    This is why I suggested ob since you insert with a finger it may be easier for her
  • Oct 15, 2008, 06:52 PM

    Just make sure your relaxed. But what a lot of girls don't realise is how easy it is to put them in akwardly. Try to keep your wrist as straight as possible. S well it is easier to loosen the muscles depending on the position you put them in. Try standing up with one leg o the toilet, it help adjust the angle. As well if for any reason it keeps hurting, take it out straight away. Tss (Toxic Shock Syndrome) can be causd be tampons. As well, try unscented applicators, as you may have an allergy. If you get a burning or itching, take it out and head to a doctor straight away. Its not normal for them to hurt. Please take care. And feel free to ask anything else anytime.
  • Oct 19, 2008, 11:30 AM

    I am 15. I've used a variety of different types of tampons, big and small. I dont like the ones that you put in with your finger, i'm not very comfortable with putting my finger in there! Haha. But, when i use small tampons, they dont seem to stay in as well as larger ones do. I use cardbord applicators more, but I use plastic ones aswell.

    I just want to know any possibilities of what the pain could be? As the pain isnt in my vagina, its my stomach.
  • Oct 19, 2008, 11:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    How old are you? What type of tampons are you using? How long does your period last, do you use a tampon throughout your entire period, same size?

    It could be that the tampons you are using are too big for you. They actually manufacture tampons that are smaller for teenage girls.

    It could be the brand of tampon. I use the plastic applicator ones, the cardboard is uncomfortable to insert, it doesn't glide in as easily as plastic.

    How do you position yourself when you insert the tampons, which direction are you pushing in?

    There are so many possibilities.

    Please answer my questions and I'll see if I can come up with an answer. :)

    I am 15. I've used a variety of different types of tampons, big and small. I don't like the ones that you put in with your finger, I'm not very comfortable with putting my finger in there! Haha. But, when I use small tampons, they don't seem to stay in as well as larger ones do. I use cardbord applicators more, but I use plastic ones as well.

    I just want to know any possibilities of what the pain could be? As the pain isn't in my vagina, its my stomach.
  • Oct 19, 2008, 12:30 PM

    You are having the pain and other issues because you are not inderting them high enough. Once you correct the placement, it will no longer cramp or fall out.

    Perhaps sticking to a pad, until you are able to use a tapon correcctly.
  • Oct 20, 2008, 11:17 PM
    I had the same problem for a while and started using tampons I think my sophomore year. It is painfull sometimes and you just need to try get use to it, because the benefits of them far out weigh the negitives of pads. My problem was I wasn't sticking the aplicator up far enough. Also I insert the tampon in standing straight up which no doubt has helped a lot. Plastic aplicators are your best bet, also the tampax pearl can cause weird stomach feelings because of how it expands differently. And remember if you stomach is really hurting every single time (you never get a lucky day or a pain free tampon 1 out of 15) then you may be some sort of allergic to that specifc brand, try organic ones (you can special order them onile. Research this a little online as well.
  • Oct 21, 2008, 01:49 AM

    Originally Posted by mora1234 View Post
    I had the same problem for a while and started using tampons i think my sophmore year. It is painfull sometimes and you just need to try get use to it, becuase the benifits of them far out wiegh the negitives of pads. My problem was i wasn't sticking the aplicator up far enough. Also i insert the tampon in standing straight up which no doubt has helped alot. Plastic aplicators are your best bet, also the tampax pearl can cause weird stomach feelings because of how it expands differently. And remember if you stomach is really hurting every single time (you never get a lucky day or a pain free tampon 1 out of 15) then you may be some sort of allergic to that specifc brand, try organic ones (you can special order them onile. Reasearch this alittle online as well.

    You are not inserting high enough too. The vagina is very elastic (can deliver a baby which is bigger thana tampon) and can tolerate expansion of a tampon. Try slim or sport type tampon. They are geared for the young.
  • Jul 24, 2011, 10:12 AM
    I am 13 years old... I am starting to use tampons... It hurts really bad... I ask my mom and we have tried everything...
  • Apr 7, 2012, 09:09 AM
    Don't worry when I first used a tampon it hert then I kept using them and I was fine so really don't worry and just keep using them
  • Apr 15, 2012, 11:28 PM
    If you have a low cirvex the tampon could be pushing on the cirvex causing pain in the abdomen... or it could be the angle that you're your putting it in... :p
  • May 17, 2012, 01:01 PM
    You have to be relaxed as many others said above. You could be putting it in wrong or if you're a virgin and still have a hymen , that could be why too. See your doctor
  • Sep 13, 2012, 09:52 PM
    Samething happened to me. What I did was watch tutorials on how to do it. Also use a mirror, that helped me out a lot. And you may be putting it in the wrong hole. The reason why mine hurt was because I put mine in the wrong hole.
    Hope this helps..
  • Oct 31, 2012, 11:48 AM
    I'm 13 and have been using tampons for about 4 or 5 months. It didn't hurt atall for me the first time or any other and some people say ," It's going to hurt the first time no matter what you do." that's a lie or they just didn't know how to use a tampon the first time and put you middle finger and thumb on the grip "correctly"! Then you angle the tampon to the front a little bit,if it hurts then you have angled it too much just go back a little bit. You push your tampon in but no like a jerk you just glide it in. the plastic ones are the best and stay away from the big ones... and if you have had sex then the big ones are probably better for you so they don't fall out. And don't put it in the wrong hurt that's the reason why it hurts so bad for some of you. Bye!

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