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  • Sep 4, 2007, 05:52 AM
    If he doesn't release, can a woman still get pregnant?
    I am in a sticky situation,
    Me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost 2 months now.. he doesn't come inside me instead he takes it out quickly and comes outside-i got my period last month on the 16- but 2 weeks ago we were together and he almost came inside me-he said that he felt something come out like a squirt or something but that he didn't feel no orgasm... my question is- can a woman still get pregnant if the man doesn't come inside.. iam not sure if that squirt that he felt was sperm but doesn't sperm come out when the guy gets his orgasm..
    Iam kind of scared-dont know if I am now pregnant for this.. I have been having a lot of discharges and tummy aches lately but don't know if that's just my nerves or the diet that I am in.. please help
  • Sep 4, 2007, 05:58 AM

    Penis + Vagina - Protection = Pregnancy.

    If you have unprotected sex then you always run a high risk of pregnancy, whether he orgasmed inside you or not.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 05:58 AM
    Anytime you have sex, protected or not you can get pregnant. There is sperm in pre- and therefore, you can become pregnant regardless of orgasm. In fact, neither you nor your partner would ever be able to feel the pre- it is meant for lubrication. Now as for the situation you described, where he thought he felt something... It is quite possible he felt ejaculation. You don't have to have a full blown orgasm to release sperm.

    While it is kind of early to show signs of pregnancy from that particular session, it isn't unheard of, and seeing as you have been having unprotected sex continuously, is even more possible to be pregnant. I would suggest running out and buying a HPT if you are due for your period and it hasn't come. Use first morning urine as the levels of hormones will be higher. I suggest waiting at least a week past due to help avoid false negatives. . If you are not pregnant, I suggest making an appointment with your doctor and getting some hormonal Birth control... also start wearing condoms as well. Unprotected sex is foolish if you do not want a child or STD.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 06:05 AM
    You can and will eventually get pregnant from letting him do this, even if he pulls out he is still leaving sperm in you. Better to stop having sex until you know how the body functions. I do not know how old you are but you really need to make a doctors appointment and get a check up, while you are at it let the doctor know that you are not aware of how the body works. If you are underage, maybe you should speak to your parents about this. I am sure they will not be happy, but they will be even more upset if you end up pregnant. Your belly aches are probably from stress. Being scared is hard on the body and mind.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 06:06 AM
    Yes you can get pregnant using the "pull out method." Even if he doesn't ejaculate inside you he does release precum, which is a sort of lubrication method for men. Pre contains more than enough sperm to get you pregnant. The pull out method is not a form of birth control. It is merely like playing Russian rulet. You will eventually get pregnant this way. My advice... start using condoms every time you have sex. Get on some other form of birth control as well. You may or may not be pregnant right now, but you won't know until you have completely missed your period (7 days late). Don't stress about it right now, as that can delay your period. Also, don't fool yourself into thinking you are showing signs of pregnancy. Majority of women will NOT get any type of pregnancy symptom until 6 weeks along. That being said, you would have missed a period before getting any of those symptoms. If you are going to continue to have sex, and don't want to get pregnant please get on some birth control. The only guaruntee of not getting pregnant is to not have sex!
  • Sep 4, 2007, 06:23 AM

    Originally Posted by MimiGirl
    I am in a sticky situation,
    me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost 2 months now.. he doesnt come inside me instead he takes it out quickly and comes outside-i got my period last month on the 16- but 2 weeks ago we were together and he almost came inside me-he said that he felt something come out like a squirt or something but that he didnt feel no orgasm... my question is- can a woman still get pregnant if the man doesnt come inside..iam not sure if that squirt that he felt was sperm but doesnt sperm come out when the guy gets his orgasm..
    Iam kinda scared-dont know if iam now pregnant for this.. I have been having alot of discharges and tummy aches lately but dont know if thats just my nerves or the diet that iam in..please help

    I am 22 years old soon to be 23..
    I've noticed that instead of gaining weight (if I am pregnant) and having urges to eat Iam losing weight.. I don't know if that is a sign that I am pregnant or not.. but believe me Ive learned my lesson-Iam totally freaked out by this and if I isn't pregnant I am going to for sure be using more protection.. I also been having these sort of cramps-dont know if that's my period soon to come or another sign of pregnancy- I am suppose to get my period on the 16 or 14 of September so still waiting... but its true what all of you replied- I will be more smart and next time Ill be using protection.. thank you all for you advices on this
  • Sep 4, 2007, 06:27 AM

    Originally Posted by MimiGirl
    I am in a sticky situation,
    me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost 2 months now.. he doesnt come inside me instead he takes it out quickly and comes outside-i got my period last month on the 16- but 2 weeks ago we were together and he almost came inside me-he said that he felt something come out like a squirt or something but that he didnt feel no orgasm... my question is- can a woman still get pregnant if the man doesnt come inside..iam not sure if that squirt that he felt was sperm but doesnt sperm come out when the guy gets his orgasm..
    Iam kinda scared-dont know if iam now pregnant for this.. I have been having alot of discharges and tummy aches lately but dont know if thats just my nerves or the diet that iam in..please help

    I'm sorry to tell you pet but even that little squrit could of had enough tiny sperm to leave you pregnant... my advice would be go to the doctor.. an if you are lucky enough this time not to be... go on the pill or get the bar in your arm... all the luck in the world to u.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 06:32 AM

    Originally Posted by misscurious
    im sorry to tell u pet but even that little squrit could of had enough tiny sperm to leave u advice would be go to the if u r lucky enough this time not to be...go on the pill or get the bar in ur arm......all the luck in the world to u.

    Good advice, but the norplant is not used in the US.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 07:00 AM

    Originally Posted by alkalineangel
    good advice, but the norplant is not used in the US.

    The US do use Implanon though don't they? :confused:
  • Sep 4, 2007, 07:05 AM
    They used to but not anymore... unless I was misinformed by my doc a long while ago. They were discontinued after a series of lawsuits.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 07:07 AM
    I know that Norplant was banned because of loads of lawsuits, but I hadn't seen anything about Implanon going the same way!

    (I've a vested interest... a friend of mine had them put in a while back! Man they feel strange! Lol!)
  • Sep 4, 2007, 07:28 AM

    Love all the advice but I thought pre- was meant to clense the urethra from urine etc. so the sperm have safe passage?
  • Sep 4, 2007, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy
    Love all the advice but i thought pre- was ment to clense the urethra from urine etc. so the sperm have safe passage?

    Yep, that's what it's for... unfortunately no-one has studied it in enough depth... some studies say it CAN contain sperm as well as a whole host of nasties like STDs if the man has them.

    Better safe than sorry though! :D
  • Sep 4, 2007, 08:50 AM
    danielnoahsmommy, that's kind of a moot point, since people can and have gotten pregnant from precum, that's all that really matters, it doesn't matter what it's "officially for". (whatever that means in the context of the human body)
  • Sep 4, 2007, 02:59 PM

    Originally Posted by Capuchin
    danielnoahsmommy, that's kind of a moot point, since people can and have gotten pregnant from precum, that's all that really matters, it doesn't matter what it's "officially for". (whatever that means in the context of the human body)

    I was not argue the sperm part, I was trying to state that the purpose of the pre- is not for lubrication but for clensing
  • Sep 4, 2007, 04:57 PM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy

    Love all the advice but i thought pre- was ment to clense the urethra from urine etc. so the sperm have safe passage?

    Actually we are both correct, Precum’s main purpose is cleaning the urethra from any bacteria or the leftovers of urine, also precum is a lubricant that is used for lubrication of the glans and foreskin during the intercourse.
  • Sep 4, 2007, 04:59 PM

    Originally Posted by iAMfromHuntersBar
    I know that Norplant was banned because of loads of lawsuits, but I hadn't seen anything about Implanon going the same way!

    (I've a vested interest ... a friend of mine had them put in a while back! Man they feel strange! Lol!)

    I didn't know about implanon, if it is still used, I stand corrected...
  • Sep 4, 2007, 05:21 PM
    Well, yes, you could become pregnant from the pre---. This is used to cleanse and lubricate, and can contain sperm. And remember it only takes one microscopic sperm to find one egg to do the job. If he thinks he may have ejackulated inside you a "little" you could very well become pregnant. Sounds like you need birth control NOW, and remember that you shouldn't be partaking in premartial sex to begin with.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 07:25 AM

    Originally Posted by MOWERMAN2468
    well, yes, you could become pregnant from the pre---. this is used to cleanse and lubricate, and can contain sperm. and remember it only takes one microscopic sperm to find one egg to do the job. if he thinks he may have ejackulated inside you a "little" you could very well become pregnant. sounds like you need birth control NOW, and remember that you shouldn't be partaking in premartial sex to begin with.

    There is no law against premarital sex... it is wrong to tell someone they should not do this. She is a grown adult, and can make her own choices.
  • Sep 5, 2007, 07:58 AM

    Originally Posted by MimiGirl
    I am in a sticky situation,
    me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost 2 months now.. he doesnt come inside me instead he takes it out quickly and comes outside-i got my period last month on the 16- but 2 weeks ago we were together and he almost came inside me-he said that he felt something come out like a squirt or something but that he didnt feel no orgasm... my question is- can a woman still get pregnant if the man doesnt come inside..iam not sure if that squirt that he felt was sperm but doesnt sperm come out when the guy gets his orgasm..
    Iam kinda scared-dont know if iam now pregnant for this.. I have been having alot of discharges and tummy aches lately but dont know if thats just my nerves or the diet that iam in..please help

    Well I read on you tube you can if you go on you tube and type in pregnant and go on the pregnant happens it's a video and it says in there that you you can get pregnant by the clear stuff that's come when they main bit of the penis comes out

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