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  • May 31, 2005, 10:38 AM
    Flax Oil Advice
    Does anyone know if it is possible to take too much Flax Oil? I take 8 1,000mg capsules per day, and have never seen anything on whether you can overdose on this stuff, or if too much does damage. Thanks in advance for your advice!
  • Jun 2, 2005, 08:48 PM
    Flax Seed
    Flax Seed Is Food And There Is No Rda -recommecded Daily Dosage-
    For Food Origin Supllements..
    Anyway Do It In Moderation And Follow The Instructions On The Bottel.

    Thanks ;)
  • Jun 3, 2005, 06:06 AM
    Flax Seed Questions
    The bottle says to take 3 softgels daily, but I've found I need at least 6 to get the results I seek. I've heard that it can thin the blood, and that's what I'm most concerned about. However, when folks take the actual flax oil by tablespoon, they usually are advised to take 2 T daily. I can't imagine that 6 capsules would equal more than that, yet the recommended dosage on the bottle is 3 per day. :p
  • Jun 3, 2005, 03:13 PM
    Go with what they say on the bottle..
    Before anything..
    I'm niether a dietition nor nutritionist.. im just interisted in food and food supplements .cause I think we always need something extra.

    Well.. the bottle say take 3 tablets daily.. then goes with what they say on the bottle.. they always recommemd what's good for you. And remmember that you are eating other health giving oils such oliv oil..
    3 flax seed oil tabs..
    2 spoons of oliv oil. :rolleyes:

    remmember im niether a nutritionist nor a dietition.

    So its better to get a nutritionist advise . :)
  • Nov 16, 2005, 05:57 PM
    I think their can be a problem with too much of an imbalance if you don't have enough omega 6 Gamma-linolenic acid
  • Jan 11, 2006, 12:26 PM
    Flax Oil - can't take too much; all EFAs will thin the blood
    I found the following on...

    Is it possible to get too many EFAs?
    NO! It is not possible to "overdose" on EFAs. In thousands of studies worldwide, no serious side effects of EFA supplementation have ever been reported. Minor side effects may include: bloating, nausea, upset stomach, burping, and loose stools (diarrhea). To avoid these minor side effects, take EFA supplements with meals, start with lower doses and increase gradually, and/or divide the daily dose into smaller portions. Dividing the dose helps absorption and minimizes side effects.

    How many calories are in an EFA supplement?
    The calorie count of a 1000 mg softgel is approximately 10.6 calories: 9 calories from fat, 1 calorie from protein, and 0.6 calories from carbohydrate. Both the protein and carbohydrate component are derived from the soft gelatin capsule ingredients.

    Is EFA supplementation safe?
    Yes. Clinical studies have shown there are no serious side effects to EFA supplementation...

    Dosages as high as 15 grams of EFA oils daily have been used in clinical research without any signs of complication. Patients occasionally report slight upset stomach, burping, and/or minor bowel disturbance such as loose stools. To decrease the chance of minor side effects, take your EFA supplements with meals, and divide the dose throughout the day. For example, if you take 4 capsules per day, take 2 with breakfast and 2 with your evening meal.

    All EFAs contain properties that may thin the blood, which can increase bleeding times. Consult your physician before starting any treatment.
  • Mar 9, 2008, 03:41 AM
    What does flax oil tablets do for you
  • Mar 9, 2008, 11:08 AM
    The general dosage for Flax seed oil is 1,000 mg. per 100 lbs (of your weight). ( Max, I think would be 3,000 mg. twice daily.) I know in some cases it may take up to 15 caps to equal 1 tbsp. oil. Check the bottle. Too much and it's going to give you a laxative effect. Remember you don't need to go overboard, you get some normally if your diets good, in omega 3 foods, like olive oil. As far as the tablets it's just a matter of your preference, if you don't like the taste of the oil, or flax seed ground version then do the caplets, same benefits.
  • Mar 9, 2008, 11:27 AM

    Originally Posted by paralyticpossum
    The bottle says to take 3 softgels daily, but I've found I need at least 6 to get the results I seek. I've heard that it can thin the blood, and that's what I'm most concerned about. However, when folks take the actual flax oil by tablespoon, they usually are advised to take 2 T daily. I can't imagine that 6 capsules would equal more than that, yet the recommended dosage on the bottle is 3 per day. :p

    1 tbsp. = 1,000 mg.

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