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  • Jun 15, 2009, 10:55 PM
    How to get birth control 15
    My girlfriend and I are 15 and looking to get birth control. With me being the guy, she (for some reason) set me up to the task of acquiring it. There is a Planned Parenthood place next to our school, and she told me that one day we should walk up there and see what's up. So uh, I was wondering what I need when I go into that place; and if there are any other suggestions to solve my dilemma

    Thank you
  • Jun 15, 2009, 11:13 PM

    You can't GET birth control for her, she needs an exam before she gets it. And planned parenthood is a great place to go for birth control, condoms, and education for this subject. Personally I don't think 15-year-olds should be having sex. But if you are going to do it, then at least be safe. Tell her that you will not have sex until SHE goes and gets the birth control taken care of. You can go to planned parenthood with her. It's cheap, and sometimes free. And you don't need parent's permission to acquire birth control.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 12:34 AM

    I just want to re-iterate the being safe part. Just because she'll be on hormonal because doesn't mean you don't need to wear a condom. Even with hormonal because and condoms, there's always going to be a slight possibility of pregnancy. And the hormonal because does nothing to protect against stds. If either of you have been sexually active in the past, your visit to planned parenthood would be a good opportunity for you to get tested before the two of you do anything.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 04:46 AM

    Before thinking so much on birth control you need to think first of a unplanned pregnancy. What would happen is she "accidentally" got pregnant. Do NOT have sex without thinking first. You two are 15 years old, sex shouldn't be the only thing on your mind at this age. Can you take care of a baby if birth control fails? Can you afford the many costs of a baby? Where are you going to live? How are you going to pay for it? How is mommy and baby going to get back and forth to and from the many doctor visits?

    You are probably thinking that way I did at 15... why is she talking about all this stuff when I simply asked about birth control. Wrong! If you are thinking sex any at all, you better be prepared to think about what happens if we get pregnant.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 05:35 AM
    NO ONE should be engaging in sexual intercourse unless they are physically, financially and emotionally ready to have a child!

    NO form of birth control is 100%. As noted you cannot get any medical form of birth control for her.

    I strongly suggest you rethink the idea of having sexual intercourse (going "all the way") until you are an adult.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 05:50 AM

    I think before you do anything, you should do a search on this site "am I pregnant?" and just read some of the posts on here already from 15 year old girls
  • Jun 25, 2009, 02:51 PM
    I know that we can preach all day about abstinence.
    Unfortunately, I don't believe that you are going to listen.
    This is a topic to discuss with your parents or if that is too uncomfortable, there is a reason they have a Planned Parenthood right next to your school.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 05:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    I know that we can preach all day about abstinence.
    Unfortunately, I don't believe that you are going to listen.

    I'm not preaching total abstinence. I agree its unrealisitic to expect it. But I don't believe that sexual intercourse is necessary for a loving intimate relationship.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 05:39 PM

    I agree with everyone.

    I don't think a 15 year old should be having sex, sadly it's not my decision to make, it's the OP's.

    At least the OP is going to use birth control, that's more then a lot of people do.

    To the OP. I hope you do realize that no form of birth control is 100% effective. Even if you use two or three different forms of birth control at the same time a pregnancy could still occur, so you have to be prepared for that.

    Are you ready to have a child? Is your girlfriend?

    Think all this through before you decide. The pill and a condom are your best bets, both, not one or the other.

    Is the price worth paying? Why the rush? If you're in love then there's no hurry.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 06:37 PM

    1. A 15 year old boy or girl should only be thinking about masturbation by THEMSELVES! Neither of YOu do not have the brains, money, fortitude and stability of a marriage to be chancing having a BABY!

    2. SHE should not be seeing about birth control... YOU should be responsible enough to use a condom (CHEAPER than the pill anyway.)

    3. when you both become parents-what form of physical/monetary/mental support will you be providing?

    If you think all of this is too hard to answer, and it pi$$es you off hearing an old ba$tard go on about RESPONSIBILITIES, then perhaps you might want to reconsider both of your levels of maturity in making a decision, that could well impact on both of your futures-especially since you are asking us to provide you with an answer to what should always be a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, that of CONTRACEPTION. And what will happen should that contraception fail-as sometimes happens.

    Sorry, but you need the facts-no sugar coating.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 10:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Xrayman View Post
    1. A 15 year old boy or girl should only be thinking about masturbation by THEMSELVES! neither of YOu do not have the brains, money, fortitude and stability of a marriage to be chancing having a BABY!

    2. SHE should not be seeing about birth control... YOU should be responsible enough to use a condom (CHEAPER than the pill anyway.)

    3. when you both become parents-what form of physical/monetary/mental support will you be providing?

    If you think all of this is too hard to answer, and it pi$$es you off hearing an old ba$tard go on about RESPONSIBILITIES, then perhaps you might want to reconsider both of your levels of maturity in making a decision, that could well impact on both of your futures-especially since you are asking us to provide you with an answer to what should always be a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, that of CONTRACEPTION. And what will happen should that contraception fail-as sometimes happens.

    sorry, but you need the facts-no sugar coating.

    I agree for the most part, except for number two. She SHOULD be seeing about birth control. The responsibility is both of theirs, and IF they are going to have sex they both need to be using birth control. And they can get free condoms at Planned Parenthood, and they also have a plan for low-income people to receive free birth control pills, so they may be eligible for that. I know that abstinence is always the best and first choice by people looking onto the situation. But in reality these two TEENAGERS are the ones making the choice, and they have to be prepared to face their actions like ADULTS. If they are going to do it, we might as well equip them in the best way that we can.
  • Jun 25, 2009, 10:42 PM

    I agree that women also need to be responsible about because. Before I was 18 I told planned parenthood that I wasn't able to tell my parents about the because and I never had to pay for any of my visits or prescriptions. I think 15 is too young too, but, people do what they want to do.
  • Jun 26, 2009, 05:58 AM

    Well we seem to have scared Zane off, since he has not responded for several days. So lets wait until he does respond before adding anything more to this.

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