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  • Sep 19, 2005, 02:19 PM
    Newborn Puppies with Fleas, PLEASE help
    My Jack Russell Terrier just had her first set of 3 healthy male puppies. They are only 2 weeks old, and their eyes have just now began to open. They have a MAJOR flea problem. I know all puppies have fleas but I mean its so bad I end up flea combing 20 off at a time and many more, and I flea comb them 5+ times a day. They are too young to give baths with dog shampoo. So someone PLEASE help me. I need a remedy.

  • Sep 19, 2005, 03:03 PM
    If you don't have the adults on a modern, effective remedy such as Advantage, Revolution, etc. do so at once. Go to a pet supply and check the labels on the flea spray. Sometimes they say to spray a towel, and then rub the puppies with it. Then remove the puppies, adults, you and any other people, pets, etc. and set off a flea or insect bomb. Follow instruction exactly on when it is safe to go back in. You will need to treat the yard to keep the adult dogs from carrying in new fleas. A good pet supply may have all you need for the complete course.

    Flea infestations are very hard to fix even with one adult dog in the house. That much worse for your case.
  • Sep 19, 2005, 03:08 PM
    Thank you very much, I will try my best. :)
  • Sep 23, 2007, 06:34 AM

    Originally Posted by Hippie_Girl77
    My Jack Russell Terrier just had her first set of 3 healthy male puppies. They are only 2 weeks old, and their eyes have just now began to open. They have a MAJOR flea problem. I know all puppies have fleas but I mean its so bad i end up flea combing 20 off at a time and many more, and I flea comb them 5+ times a day. They are too young to give baths with dog shampoo. So someone PLEASE help me. I need a remedy.


    First bath them with Dawn. Then go to store buy Sage ground fine rub into there backs. It will keeps fleas at bay until they are old enough for something like Revolution.
    Good Luck. JR's are great little dogs.
  • Sep 23, 2007, 11:14 AM
    There was a recent post here about a puppy with bumps all over it from being bathed in Dawn. I would never use it on a puppy.
  • Sep 23, 2007, 12:30 PM
    This post is two years old. I assume the problem has been resolved by now. If not, heaven help those, now fully grown, dogs. And labman is right. Someone's dog had an allergic reaction to Dawn soap. So, I wouldn't suggest it unless the vet specifically recommends it.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 05:58 PM
    You might try bathing them in dawn dish soap, letting it sit for just a bit, rinsing them off, and then combing them with the lice comb. Dawn is gentle enough it won't hurt them and I've even used it baby kittens with the same problem. Dogs are easier though as you can use Vinegar on them after you rinse them. I know it reeks but it kills the eggs and any fleas that the dawn didn't smother. Some people I know leave it on so they won't have to repeat the process, but I've never been able to tolerate the smell that long, so I always end up leaving it on for 10 to 15min (make sure your bathroom is nice and warm though) and rinsing it off. They'll still smell but at least it's bareable.

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